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nameValidation Rules Calendar


Rule #

Rule Type

Rule Logic

Rule Message


Calendar - 1


BeginDate of calendar year must be on OR after July 1st AND EndDate of calendar year must be on OR before June 30th

Calendar dates for current school year must be between July 1st and June 30th.

School calendars must have a begin date on or after July 1st and an end date on or prior to June 30th of the current reporting year. If the begin or end dates are not within these calendar dates this will trigger the error message.

Calendar - 2


IF CalendarType is Student Specific Elementary, THEN total Instructional Minutes must be >= 54,000 AND GradeLevelDescriptors must be between KG through 06

Student Specific Elementary Calendar must be reported for schools with grade levels less than or equal to grade 06 and total Instructional time should be at least 54,000 minutes for the school year.

Schools with grade levels of PK-6 may utilize Student Specific Elementary calendar type and report at least a total of 54,000 instructional minutes. Schools utilizing the Elementary calendar type for schools with higher grade levels or not reporting a minimum of 54,000 instructional minutes will trigger the WARNING message. This does not keep a school from certifying the data.

Calendar - 3


IF CalendarType is Student Specific Secondary, THEN Instructional Minutes must be >= 64,800 for any GradeLevelDescriptors 07 and above

Student Specific Secondary Calendar must be reported for schools with any grade level higher than or equal to grade 07 and total Instructional time should be at least 64,800 minutes for the school year.

Schools with grade levels of 7-12 may utilize Student Specific Secondary calendar type and report at least a total of 64,800 instructional minutes. Schools utilizing the Secondary calendar type for schools with lower grade levels or not reporting a minimum of 64,800 instructional minutes will trigger the WARNING message. This does not keep a school from certifying the data.

Calendar - 4


IF CalendarType is Student Specific Non-Compulsory, THEN Instructional Minutes must be >=100 AND GradeLevelDescriptor must be PK

Student Specific Non-Compulsory Calendar must be reported for schools with grade levels of PK and/or KG only. and Instructional time must be at least 100 minutes.

Schools with grade levels of PK-PK or PK-KG only may utilize Student Specific Non-Compusory calendar type and report at least 100 instructional minutes. Schools utilizing the Non-Compulsory calendar type for schools with grade levels higher grade levels will trigger this WARNING message. This does not keep a school from certifying the data but may cause School Accountability office to send a notice of incorrect data being provided.

Calendar - 5


IF ScheduleDescriptor is blank, THEN error

School schedule is missing.

Schools must provide and identify the type of schedule is associated to the school calendar (traditional, block 4, trimester, etc.) Schedule description not provided will trigger the error message.

Calendar - 6


IF BeginTime is blank, THEN error

Instructional begin time is missing or invalid.

Schools must provide the begin time of their school day. Begin time not provided will trigger the error message.

Calendar - 7


IF EndTime is blank, THEN error

Instructional end time is missing or invalid.

Schools must provide the end time of their school day. End time not provided will trigger the error message.

Calendar - 8


IF Non-Instructional Minutes is blank, THEN error

Non-Instructional Minutes is missing or invalid.

Schools must provide the number of Non-Instructional minutes (lunch, recess) of a typical school day. Non-Instructional minutes not provided will trigger the error message.

Calendar - 9


IF InstructionalTimeInMinutesIndicator is blank, THEN error

Instructional time in minutes indicator is missing or invalid.

Schools must identify if they are considered a Performance-Qualified School District or High School by providing 'true' or 'false' date in the Instructional Time in Minutes Indicator field. Instructional Time in Minutes Indicator not provided will trigger this error message.

Calendar - 10


IF TotalWaiverDays is blank, THEN error

Total waiver days are missing or invalid.

Waiver days should be reported as zero (0) unless the school has received an approved waiver day from IDOE Accountability department. This may remain at zero (0) throughout the year or until an approved waiver day is granted from IDOE Accountability department. An error will trigger if no data is provided.

Calendar - 11


IF certifying Calendar for a Public school, THEN at least 180 CalendarEvent(s) must consist of "Student Calendar", "Delay/Early Dismissal - Weather", "Delay/Early Dismissal - Other", and "Waiver Day"

Calendar dates is less than the minimum requirement of 180 days. In order to avoid financial penalty, school(s) must have approved waiver days(s) on file with School Accountability.

Schools should provide a minimum of 180 days with one of the Calendar Event descriptors identified as a student instructional day (Student Calendar, E-Learning, Delay/Early Dismissal-Weather, etc.). Schools not providing 180 student instructional days will trigger this WARNING message. This will not keep a school from certifying the data.

nameValidation Rules Homebound


Rule #

Rule Type

Rule Logic

Rule Message


HomeBound - 1


Beginning May 1st of the current collection year: IF studentProgramAssociation is Homebound AND Program EndDate is NULL or blank, THEN throw error

Student must be exited from Homebound/Hospitalized program when services end or no later than June 30th of the current school year.

Students identified as receiving Homebound or Hospitalized services and reported with a program association must have an exit date when the services are no longer being provided or provide June 30th (last date of the school year) if they receive services until the end of the year. The message will show as Informational until May 1st of each school year and will then show as an error until an end date is provided.

HomeBound - 2


IF the aggregate DayCount for that student/reportingcorp is less than the total of 20 days, THEN EXCLUSION

Homebound student not counted. Days of services received is below the required threshold of 20 days.

Students identified as receiving Homebound or Hospitalized services and reported with a program association record or records that do not add up to 20 days of services will throw the exclusion message. The student data will be received but the student will not be counted for certification or funding purposes.

Note: There are no validations against Program Associations for High Ability, 504, Foster, Parent in Military, Homeless, and Unaccompanied Youth