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titleFor evaluation data, what should be entered for students who have transferred to us from another district? Do we leave that blank?

If evaluation was completed elsewhere it could be left blank. Your vendor may require the EV record and use 6/30 as the parental consent date.

Enrollment / Transfers

If a student is enrolled at
titleI'm confused about the set up of Transfer Out and Transfer In students. How should we be coding a student that lives in our district but has been placed at another school district?
titleDo I tie a Special Education Program Association to a school or a corporation?

Special Education Program Association is tied to a SchoolID.

titleIf we are not counting attendance for Students we Service for Special Ed only - can we exclude them from Attendance or do we have to show that no attendance is submitted on them?

Students who are only being reported for services will have an enrollment record and a Special Education program record and possibly a Title I record - no other data needs to be provided.

titleI have a student who qualifies for Special Education and left the district for a time. Now they are coming back. How do I show that in Data Exchange?

When a student that has withdrawn from a corporation and returns, a second Special Education program record would need to be created.

How should we properly document a special ed record for a student that is tested and qualifies, but the parents reject services?

As long as compliance timeline was met, the record is compliant no matter if services are ever provided (except for First Steps student). If parent refuses services just provide exit date and reason code 16.

Enrollment / Transfers


titleDo I tie a Special Education Program Association to a school or a corporation?

Special Education Program Association is tied to a SchoolID.

title Who reports PreK students for SpED: the Servicing school or the Responsible School?

The public school that has transferred the PK students to your school will report the SE program record. The servicing should not be reporting an SE program record for these students.

titleIf we are not counting attendance for Students we Service for Special Ed only - can we exclude them from Attendance or do we have to show that no attendance is submitted on them?

Students who are only being reported for services will have an enrollment record and a Special Education program record and possibly a Title I record - no other data needs to be provided.

titleI have a student who qualifies for Special Education and left the district for a time. Now they are coming back. How do I show that in Data Exchange?

When a student that has withdrawn from a corporation and returns, a second Special Education program record would need to be created.

titleI'm confused about the set up of Transfer Out and Transfer In students. How should we be coding a student that lives in our district but has been placed at another school district?

If a student is enrolled at a school, but if a school determines that better accommodations can be met at another school district, the sending schools keeps the SSA (Student School Association) as the Primary "False", and will give the student Ed Org Association with the ADM Code #2. The receiving school will have the SSA as Primary "True" and there is no transfer-in, so they will reporting the student as attendance, without funding. So, no ADM code. More guidance can be found on the ADM - Transfer Out Membership Student Ed Org Guidance Documentation.


titleI have a special education attending an outside learning center that is not connected to my public school. How should I mark this student in terms of enrollment and membership?

As a public school, you will report enrollment with the primary source as false, and the ed org record with primary responsibility being "funding", and use the ADM code "2". The outside learning center will report enrollment with the primary school as true and submit an ed org record with the primary responsibility being "attendance" with no ADM code. The outside learning center will report all other required student data. You, as the public school, will report membership and special education program association, so that you receive funding and accountability for that student.

that student.
titleWe're the primary school "false" as part of a Special Education Co-Cop, and we send students to other school corporations for
titleWe're the primary school "false" as part of a Special Education Co-Cop, and we send students to other school corporations for services. Why can't we make changes to student data that's incorrect to ensure accurate membership reports?

If you're a primary school False, you are not allowed to make changes to student data. This is a constraint put in place to prevent possible data thrashing. It will be necessary to reach out to other corporations you work with to ensure that student data is accurate.

Non-Public Schools

titleFor schools submitting data manually via templates, who are non-public and not accredited by the State Of Indiana, what items are NOT required to be submitted in DEX?

These schools do not provide the following data points: Student Additional Info, Special Education Termination, Title I, Alt-Ed, and Special Education Evaluation.

titleAs a non-public school, how do we find out and then indicate approved accommodations for testing for students going to a public school to receive services, if we don't have access to IIEP?

You will need to work with the public school to find out the accommodations. The Non-public school will report SSA record with primary school True. Student's accommodations will be found on TIDE.

titleAre we required to report a student in a private school who is on a CSEP, other than the initial evaluation?

No you will not report the private school student with CSEP for Special Education count.

titleDo non-public schools report special ed students if the public school provides services?

The public school will report the SE program record.

titleDo Non-Public Schools need to Certify Special Education, or is that done by the Public School in our District that provides services?

Public schools are reporting SE data for the non-public students they are providing SE services for. If the non-public school is providing SE services to a choice voucher student, the non-public school reports SE program data for those students and will need to certify the data.


Please use this documentation found here
titleHow do I determine if a student is eligible for a "Good Cause Exemption"?
services. Why can't we make changes to student data that's incorrect to ensure accurate membership reports?

If you're a primary school False, you are not allowed to make changes to student data. This is a constraint put in place to prevent possible data thrashing. It will be necessary to reach out to other corporations you work with to ensure that student data is accurate.

Non-Public Schools


titleFor schools submitting data manually via templates, who are non-public and not accredited by the State Of Indiana, what items are NOT required to be submitted in DEX?

These schools do not provide the following data points: Student Additional Info, Special Education Termination, Title I, Alt-Ed, and Special Education Evaluation.

titleAs a non-public school, how do we find out and then indicate approved accommodations for testing for students going to a public school to receive services, if we don't have access to IIEP?

You will need to work with the public school to find out the accommodations. The Non-public school will report SSA record with primary school True. Student's accommodations will be found on TIDE.

titleAre we required to report a student in a private school who is on a CSEP, other than the initial evaluation?

No you will not report the private school student with CSEP for Special Education count.

titleDo non-public schools report special ed students if the public school provides services?

The public school will report the SE program record.

titleDo Non-Public Schools need to Certify Special Education, or is that done by the Public School in our District that provides services?

Public schools are reporting SE data for the non-public students they are providing SE services for. If the non-public school is providing SE services to a choice voucher student, the non-public school reports SE program data for those students and will need to certify the data.



titleHow do I determine if a student is eligible for a "Good Cause Exemption"?

Please use this documentation found here.

titleDoes the disability service programs being submitted to DEX need to match the same order that they are listed in the student's IIEP? We have found a few students the the order doesn't match with our SIS and IIEP.

Legal framework indicates placing exceptionality most adversly affecting the childs education to progress in the primary location in the IEP as well as any secondary exceptionalities in the proper order. Exceptionality placement in IEP must be documented via evaluation and services described in IEP.

titleFor students for whom we have a signed rejection of services for both the IEP and Service Plan, should we remove them from SIS or make them "undefined" for special education program name?

Leave program Undefined, change IDEA Eligibility to True; this will identify the student as eligible for initial evaluation but will not count for December 1 count. You may add end date or leave blankadd end date or leave blank.

titleI have numerous PK speech students whose Primary Funding Level is PK not 3. Please advise.

PK students will be funded at the PK level no matter the primary exceptionality reported.

titleWhat date is expected to report with "First Steps"?

For a First Steps transition conference, student service dates must be the day services begin whether it is the day of the case conference or at a delayed date. Services must be started by the date student turns 3 yrs old to be compliant unless a valid reason is given. The Initial Case Conference Date is what is used to monitor the timeliness of the initial evaluation process. The date the parent signs the IEP is irrelevant to these dates.

This is the date that services begin. It may be after the case conference. It must be by the time the student reaches their 3rd birthday.


titleI have special education data to report, but our SIS vendor is not ready to do so. How do I get this data this data to Data Exchange?

If your SIS does not currently support sending SE data then you must submit via template. Please see the Template Hub for more details.

titleOur SIS vendor is not properly sending across Special Education records. Should we send this to Data Exchange via template?

If your SIS does not currently support sending SE data then you must submit via template. Please see the Template Hub for more detailsNo, do not submit this data via template. Doing so would like cause duplication of SE data when the vendor issue is resolved. Continue reaching out to your vendor support for assistance. If no resolution is found, please create an IDOE Support Team Ticket here.



titleFor Special Education students who are being awarded a certificate at the end of this year, however, they plan to return again next school year. Are we to report their graduate data this year for the certificate? Will we be able to report them as students next year with the graduate record?

Schools should report the graduate (academic record) in their cohort year and then the student is still enrolled and may continue their education until they either age out or decide to quit. The Special Education Termination data is provided when the student ends their special education services NOT when the certificate is reported during the cohort year.
