School ID: Public vs. Non-Public Schools | |
Public | Non-Public |
School ID is a ten digit number comprised from current Corporation and State assigned ID ALL School ID’s start with 10 Next current state assigned Corporation ID - example 1234 Last ends with state assigned School ID 6789 Example School ID: 1012346789 | School ID is a ten digit number comprised from current Corporation and State assigned ID ALL School ID’s start with 10 Next Corporation ID is always four zeros - example 0000 Last ends with state assigned School ID A456 with Alpha converted to number
Example: School ID: 1000001456 |
3. Enter the SessionName.
This IS freeform (up to 60 characters) and IDOE suggests providingthe calendar year, with a season + semester.
“For example, 2019-2020 Fall Semester”.
4. Enter the Term. The allowable Term Descriptors are listed below on the green chart.