Rule Id | Message Type | Rule Logic | Rule Message | Notes |
CourseCompletion - 1 | Error | IF certifying school personnel AND is assigned to an IB AcademicSubjectDescriptor, THEN School must be IB accredited | School has not been identified as providing IB courses for the current school year. | IDOE has a separate table where schools that have identified themselves as providing IB courses is listed. If a school is not on the table the error message will trigger. Schools should submit a help ticket after confirming they are listed on the IB site as an IB school and IDOE staff will work to have the school added to the list. |
CourseCompletion - 3 | Error | IF Course Result (courseAttemptResultType) is "No grade awarded", THEN finalNumericGradeEarned must remain blank | When No Grade is Awarded a grade earned cannot be reported. | Schools cannot report a grade/GPA (0.0-4.0) earned when the student is reported for the class as `no grade awarded`. |
CourseCompletion - 4 | Error | IF submitted a finalNumericGradeEarned, THEN the values must be between 0 through 4.0 | Grades Earned can only have a numeric value between 0.0 to 4.0. | Students completing a high school or credit bearing course MUST have a final numeric grade (GPA) provided (0.0-4.0). Letter or alpha grades will not be accepted. Elementary and Middle school courses do not require a numeric grade (GPA) provided. If a school tries to send a numeric grade outside of 0.0-4.0 range the record will fail. |
CourseCompletion - 5 | Error | IF CreditType is "Dual Credit", THEN a PostsecondaryInstitution is required | A Post-Secondary Institution must be provided when Dual Credit is awarded. | Schools providing the credit type of `Dual Credit` and do not provide one of the post-seconday instrution IDs will fail. |
CourseCompletion - 6 | Error | IF Course Result (courseAttemptResultType) is "Pass" OR "Fail", AND High School Level Course is "True", THEN finalNumericGradeEarned cannot be Null or Blank | When Pass or Fail is provided a grade earned must be reported. | Students completing a high school course and receiving a result of `Pass` or `Fail` MUST have a final numeric grade (GPA) provided (0.0-4.0). |
CourseCompletion - 7 | Error | If High School Level Course is "True" AND Course Result (courseAttemptResultType) is "Pass" then earnedCredits must be greater than 0 AND CreditType cannot be `null` OR Blank | When Pass is reported for a High School course the Credits Earned must be greater than zero and the type of Credit Earned must be provided. | Students completing a high school course and receiving a result of `Pass` MUST have the credits earned greater than zero (0) and the type of credit earned MUST be provided. Allowable Credit Types are Regular, Dual, or Applied Unit. |
CourseCompletion - 8 | Exclusion | If Unique Section Code is blank or null, then exclusion | Student is reported as enrolled. No schedule or course records provided. | Students with a student school association (enrollment) record provided at any point in time during the school year would also be expected to have a schedule (student section data). Exceptions to this expectation are those students with a one day mobility record prior to the school year, students with an active ed org association for funding and ADM is 2, or service only students given enrollment with primary school `false` to have the ability to report a program association. Students may need a one day mobility record to provide course completion (student transcript) occuring over the summer and does not actually attend during the school year. Schools will be given a ten day grace period from the time of enrollment to provide student section data. |
CourseCompletion - 10 | Error | IF no matching StaffSectionAssociation.staffUSI is found for provided StudentSectionAssociation record, THEN fail | Student Course Completion record does not have a matching Staff Section Record. Details [Course Code, Section Code, Term] | Student schedules (student section data) must have a Staff record that matches. This is used to tie the student to the teacher. Data viewed for the match is the course code, the section code and the term the course is scheduled. If these do not align the record will fail. |
CourseCompletion - 11 | Error | Medium of Instruction cannot be `null` or blank | Medium of Instruction must be provided. | Medium of instruction must be provided for every course. Schools must identify if the student is being taught 1. Face-to-face (traditional classroom with teacher) 2. Technology-based instruction in classroom (sitting in a school building but taught via computer/online instruction, credit recovery as an example) 3. Virtual/Online Distance Learning (not sitting in a school building and being taught via computer/online instruction). Medium of instruction may be located in the course master and schools should confirm with their SIS vendor where the field is located for data input. |
CourseCompletion - 12 | Error | IF assigned Student GradeLevels from 9 through 12, and grade level match is "false" then throw Error | Subject code provided is only valid for grade levels PK-8. Details [Course Code, Section Code, Term] | Students reported with high school grade level MUST be reported with a state assigned high school course code. High school students cannot be reported with an elementary or middle school course code. Schools should check to make sure the local course is not mapped to a state identified elementary or middle school course code. |
CourseCompletion - 13 | Warning | IF assigned Student GradeLevels from PK through 6, and grade level match is "false" then throw Warning | HS subject codes are typically valid for students in grades 7-13. Check subject code for accuracy. | Students reported with grade levels PK - 6th and enrolled in an identified high school course will receive this warning message. Schools should check to make sure the elementary grade level student is enrolled in the accurate course and the local course is mapped to the correct state course code. |
CourseCompletion - 14 | Error | If High School Level Course is True AND Course Result (courseAttemptResultType) is "Pass" then Final Numeric Grade Earned must be greater than 0 AND cannot be `null` OR Blank | When "Pass" is reported for a High School course the Final Grade Earned must be greater than zero. | Students completing a high school course and receiving a result of `Pass` MUST have a final numeric grade (GPA) provided that is greater than 0.0. |
CourseCompletion - 15 | Error | If High School Level Course is True AND Course Result (courseAttemptResultType) is "Fail" then earned credits must be Zero AND CreditType cannot be `Null` OR Blank | When "Fail" is reported for a High School course the Earned Credit must be zero and Credit Type must be provided. | Students completing a high school course and receiving a result of `Fail` MUST have the credits earned reported as zero (0) and the type of credit the student was trying to earn MUST be provided. Allowable Credit Types are Regular, Dual, or Applied Unit. |