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Appanvil karma designer
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  • Staff


  • NOT all staff require a staff association record; only those staff needing to be identified as a Key Contact. 

  • NOT all staff require a contact association; only those needing access to an IDOE system through the LINK portal.

  • Teachers and Substitute Teachers are to be given a staff assignment record. 

  • Staff may require both assignment and contact association records.

Submitting Staff Ed Org Assignment Association Record:

A Staff Ed Org Assignment Association record connects the staff to the Corporation or School with their role or classification. 

  • Provide the correct ten digit Corporation or School ID (see the chart below to know which ID to provide).


Provide a Corporation ID for:


Provide a School ID for:


  • Superintendent - Corporation ID

  • CFO/Finance Contact - Corporation ID

  • Special Education Director - Corporation ID

  • Student Support Plans - Corporation ID


  • Principal - School ID

  • Teacher - School ID

  • School Administrator - School ID

  • Provide the correct eight digit SPN (staff number)

  • Provide the hire date as the begin date for the staff

  • Provide the end date when the staff no longer is associated to the Corporation or School

  • Provide the end date when the staff is no longer associated to the role or classification

Note: Staff changing positions or changing roles within the Corporation or School and still needs an association record.

  • Provide the end date to the current staff assignment record

  • Provide a new start date with the new staff assignment record


  • Contact Assignment Associations establishes those staff with roles required for access to LINK portal providing access to IDOE systems.

Staff Contact Data Impacts:

  • Data Exchange Contact List

  • IDOE Targeted Communications

  • IDOE Systems through LINK Portal

Staff Contact applies to:

  • Public schools (both Traditional and Charter)

  • Nonpublic schools participating in the Choice Scholarship program

  • State Schools (Department of Correction, Indiana School for the Deaf, Indiana School for the Blind)

Staff Contact requires following data points sent via Vendor or Template:

(click to see more detail):

titleStaff Contact Association including:
  • SPN

  • Email (work) address

  • Contact Title of Unified Access

Reporting Timeline:




Staff Contact data may be provided any time throughout each school year.



General Reporting Info:

  • NOT all staff require a contact association; only those needing access to an IDOE system through the LINK


  • Key Contact DOES NOT provide access to IDOE systems.