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titleAn IEP Review date and Service begin date should match, correct?

Not always; the service begin date may not match if there is a program change or disabilities change causing the need for a new program record (service begin date). The IEP review date is the original Case Conference Date. Annual case conference review dates are not to be provided. For a First Steps transition conference, student service dates must be the day services begin whether it is the day of the case conference or later date. Services must be started by the date student turns 3 yrs old to be compliant unless a valid reason is given. The Initial Case Conference Date is what is used to monitor the timeliness of the initial evaluation process

titleWhen a TOR indicates that a student's primary exceptionality has changed due to a case conference re-evaluation, do I delete the current code and enter in the new code, or do I put an end date for the current special ed placement and start a new placement record?

Best practice is to add an end date to the current record and create a new program record for the updated exceptionality.

Best practice is to add an end date to the current record and for the updated exceptionality.
titleWhen a TOR indicates that a student's primary exceptionality has changed due to a case conference re-evaluation, do I delete the current code and enter in the new code, or do I put an end date for the current special ed placement and start a new placement record?
If a placement or exceptionality code changes and we create a new program record
titleIf a placement or exceptionality code changes and we create a new program record and update the and update the begin date for a student who has already been receiving services for several years will they be flagged for the EV report?

No, as long as the old dates are kept in the record on the on the Evaluation portion of the Special Education program record it will not be flagged for Evaluation. The parent referral/consent date is what triggers the record for EV certification.


titleA parent just requested a special education evaluation at the end of the school year. The current year is over. How do we create the entry recorded needed to get the student to What date is expected to report with "First Steps"?

For a First Steps transition conference, student service dates must be the day services begin whether it is the day of the case conference or later date. Services must be started by the date student turns 3 yrs old to be compliant unless a valid reason is given. The Initial Case Conference Date is what is used to monitor the timeliness of the initial evaluation process. It must be by the time the student reaches their 3rd birthday.



titleA parent just requested a special education evaluation at the end of the school year. The current year is over. How do we create the entry recorded needed to get the student to show up?

Entry record data can begin coming through DEX for following school year if marked after 7/1.


Non-Public Schools


These schools do not provide the following data points: Student Additional Info, Special Education Termination, Title I, Alt-Ed, and Special Education Evaluation
titleFor schools submitting data manually via templates, who are non-public and not accredited by the State Of Indiana, what items are NOT required to be submitted in DEX?
Are we required to report a student in a private school who is on a CSEP, other than the initial evaluation?

Public schools not providing the special education services will only provide the SE program record for evaluation purposes (as needed). The private school student with CSEP will provide the Special Education program record for SE certification.

titleAs a Do non-public school, how do we find out and then indicate approved accommodations for testing for students going to a public school to receive services, if we don't have access to IIEP?

You will need to work with the public school to find out the accommodations. The Non-public school will report SSA record with primary school True. Student's accommodations will be found on TIDE.

titleAre we required to report a student in a private school who is on a CSEP, other than the initial evaluation?

No you will not report the private school student with CSEP for Special Education count.

titleDo non-public schools report special ed students if the public school provides services?

The public school will report the SE program record.

titleDo Non-Public Schools need to Certify Special Education, or is that done by the Public School in our District that provides services?

Public schools are reporting SE data for the non-public students they are providing SE services for. If the non-public school is providing SE services to a choice voucher student, the non-public school reports SE program data for those students and will need to certify the data.


titleHow do I determine if a student is eligible for a "Good Cause Exemption"?

Please use this documentation found here.

titleDoes the disability service programs being submitted to DEX need to match the same order schools report special ed students if the public school provides services?

No, The public school will report the SE program record for certification.

titleDo Non-Public Schools need to Certify Special Education, or is that done by the Public School in our District that provides services?

Public schools will report SE program data for certification on the non-public students they ‘own’ or are responsible for managing the Indiana IEP. Non-public schools identified as providing all SE services to a choice voucher student reports SE program data for SE certification.



titleHow do I determine if a student is eligible for a "Good Cause Exemption"?

Please use this documentation found here.

titleDoes the disability service programs being submitted to DEX need to match the same order that they are listed in the student's IIEP? We have found a few students the the order doesn't match with our SIS and IIEP.

Legal framework indicates placing exceptionality most adversly adversely affecting the childs student's education to progress in the primary location in the IEP as well as any secondary exceptionalities in the proper order. Exceptionality placement in IEP must be documented via evaluation and services described in IEP.

titleFor students for whom we have a signed rejection of services for both the IEP and Service Plan, should we remove them from SIS or make them "undefined" for special education program name?

Leave program Undefined, change IDEA Eligibility to True; this will identify the student as eligible for initial evaluation but will not count for December 1 count. You may add an end date to the program or leave blank.

titleI have numerous PK speech students whose Primary Funding Level is PK not 3. Please advise.

PK students will be funded at the PK level no matter the primary exceptionality reported.

Any accommodations needed and are not provided from IEP or ILP should be submitted from the SIS or template - IEP and
titleSince accommodations will be sent to DOE from both IIEP and ILP, we only need to report (by SIS or template) our accommodations for our 504 students. Is this correct?
titleWhat date is expected to report with "First Steps"?

For a First Steps transition conference, student service dates must be the day services begin whether it is the day of the case conference or at a delayed date. Services must be started by the date student turns 3 yrs old to be compliant unless a valid reason is given. The Initial Case Conference Date is what is used to monitor the timeliness of the initial evaluation process. The date the parent signs the IEP is irrelevant to these dates.

This is the date that services begin. It may be after the case conference. It must be by the time the student reaches their 3rd birthday.

Since accommodations will be sent to DOE from both IIEP and ILP, we only need to report (by SIS or template) our accommodations for our 504 students. Is this correct?

Any accommodations needed and are not provided from IEP or ILP should be submitted from the SIS or template - IEP and ILP accommodations will override anything provided.


titleI have special education data to report, but our SIS vendor is not ready to do so. How do I get this data to Data Exchange?

If your SIS does not currently support sending SE data then you must submit via template. Please see the Template Hub for more details.

titleOur SIS vendor is not properly sending across Special Education records. Should we send this to Data Exchange via template?

No, do not submit this data via template. Doing so would like cause duplication of SE data when the vendor issue is resolved. Continue reaching out to your vendor support for assistance. If no resolution is found, please create an IDOE Support Team Ticket here.


titleFor Special Education students who are being awarded a certificate at the end of this year, however, they plan to return again next school year. Are we to report their graduate data this year for the certificate? Will we be able to report them as students next year with the graduate record?

Schools should report the graduate (academic record) in their cohort year and then the student is still enrolled and may continue their education until they either age out or decide to quit. The Special Education Termination data is provided when the student ends their special education services NOT when the certificate is reported during the cohort year.

titleI'm trying to provide a termination record for a Special Education student who has been a "no show" all year. However, I'm not seeing this student inside my enrollment records. How do I make this work?

In order to report students needing special education termination reported they will need a one day record to associate the student to the SE program and show the termination information.

titleIf a student is in the process of meeting grad requirements and the Special Education termination reason provided by our Special Education Co-Op as "Graduated with HS diploma", what is the expectation to get these students across the line? Should we reflect a different termination code or not terminate the Special Education record until student fulfills the diploma requirements?

If the student is terminated from services prior to meeting their grad requirements (prior to July 1) then schools should select the appropriate termination reason; if the services continue after July 1 while the student is working to meeting the graduation requirements then graduate termination reason will be reported and certified in the following school year.

titleDo we need to report our Special Education students on the termination record that were no shows for the school year? We exited them with the entry/exit date of 7/1. If we do need to report them on the termination record, how would we go about doing that?

Schools should be reporting all termination reasons for any student they were servicing and are no longer servicing including 'no shows'. To submit the data a one day school association prior to the calendar should have been provided to show the mobility; if not then this will need to be done, then a SE program record needs to be provided with the end date and termination reasonthen you must submit via template. Please see the Template Hub for more details.

titleOur SIS vendor is not properly sending across Special Education records. Should we send this to Data Exchange via template?

No, do not submit this data via template. Doing so would like cause duplication of SE data when the vendor issue is resolved. Continue reaching out to your vendor support for assistance. If no resolution is found, please create an IDOE Support Team Ticket here.



titleFor Special Education students who are being awarded a certificate at the end of this year, however, they plan to return again next school year. Are we to report their graduate data this year for the certificate? Will we be able to report them as students next year with the graduate record?

Schools should report the graduate (academic record) in their cohort year. The student is still able to be enrolled and may continue their education until they either age out or decide to quit. The Special Education Termination data is provided when the student ends their special education services NOT when the certificate is reported during the cohort year.

titleI'm trying to provide a termination record for a Special Education student who has been a "no show" all year. However, I'm not seeing this student inside my enrollment records. How do I make this work?

Students must have a relationship existing with the school. This may require a one day enrollment (mobility) record prior to the first day of the school calendar. This one day record should already exist if you have provided a reason the student has not returned or is considered a ‘no show’. This will allow the special education program record to have a termination date matching the one day enrollment record providing the accurate reason for termination of SE services.

titleIf a student is in the process of meeting grad requirements and the Special Education termination reason provided by our Special Education Co-Op as "Graduated with HS diploma", what is the expectation to get these students across the line? Should we reflect a different termination code or not terminate the Special Education record until student fulfills the diploma requirements?

If the student is terminated from services prior to meeting their grad requirements (prior to July 1) then schools should select the appropriate termination reason; if the services continue after July 1 while the student is working to meeting the graduation requirements then graduate termination reason will be reported and certified in the following school year.

titleDo we need to report our Special Education students on the termination record that were no shows for the school year? We exited them with the entry/exit date of 7/1. If we do need to report them on the termination record, how would we go about doing that?

Schools should be reporting all termination reasons for any student they were servicing and are no longer servicing including 'no shows'. To submit the data a one day school association prior to the calendar should have been provided to show the mobility; if not then this will need to be done, then a SE program record needs to be provided with the end date and termination reason.


titleShould SpEd teachers be associated as co-teachers on every section they assisted with or just need to be associated at the school they work at?

Staff should be identified accurately for each section (class) they are associated withaccurate termination reason.


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