Versions Compared


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  • LEA’s should enter all applicable initial evaluations that began, ended or were conducted in part at any time during the reporting period.

  • It is possible that multiple initial evaluation records could be reported for a student in the same year

    • When a student has been evaluated and found ineligible, this is one record. The parent may then request another initial evaluation for a different reason which would result in a second initial evaluation record reported for the student.

    • An student found eligible can only become ineligible by case conference decision or if parent revokes sonsent.

    • A student that is found eligible then parent requests testing for additional services is not another initial evaluation.

  • Only initial evaluations and early childhood (First Steps) transitions are to be reported. Re-evaluations are not monitored through this report. Initial evaluations include 50-day timelines, 20-day timelines due to participation in an RTI process, and expedited evaluations due to disciplinary actions.

  • If a student withdraws from an LEA (e.g., transfers to another school, etc.) during an evaluation, the LEA is no longer responsible for meeting the limits of the timeline. However, these evaluations should still be entered into the system and coded as a code value of “3” under the Timeline Compliance Descriptor. The 50 instructional day timeline does not apply to the receiving school district as long as the receiving school district is making sufficient progress to ensure a prompt completion of the evaluation and the school and parent agree to a specific time when the evaluation will be completed.

  • Students transitioning from First Steps will also be reported for Special Education evaluation records.
