Schools may provide staff section data without students associated. Schools should be providing staff section data for their EL and SE staff where they are identified as a resource, co-teacher, consultant, etc. If a SpEd, Resource, EL, Title I, etc. teacher is providing instruction and awarding grades to students then the teacher must have a staff section where the teacher is the primary teacher and student sections are associated with the staff section. If a SpEd, Resource, EL, Title I, etc. teacher is providing instruction assistance to students while physically in the general ed classroom, then a Staff Section record should be provided for the teacher with the same section data as the general ed teacher. This is managed with the classroom position descriptor. These staff should not be submitted with a 'dummy' section where no students would be associatedIf a SpEd, Resource, EL, Title I, etc teacher is providing assistance to students outside of the gen-ed classroom , the teacher must have a staff section that provides Classroom Position Descriptor of Special Education, EL Teacher, etc. to be identified on the CP report No student sections will be associated with this staff section.