Students changing their educational setting (enrolling in another school, accredited or non-accredited, in or out of state, or homeschool) are to be reported with a mobility exit code of 19, 20, 25, 27, or 31.
Students with their education interrupted or terminated are to be reported with a mobility exit code of 10, 21, 22, 26, or 28.
Students without proper mobility documentation and are no longer enrolled are to be reported with a dropout exit code of 01, 02, 03, 05, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, or 18. In addition a school must meet statutory requirements, such as conducting an exit interview, when a student between the ages of 16 and 18 drops out. If a student has not completed an exit interview and has not enrolled in school, then the student should be reported under dropout code 15, Truant. The school should ensure that it has followed all of the statutory requirements under IC 20-33-2-28.5 when a student withdraws. A copy of the Exit Interview Form (can be found on the IDOE Attendance Office’s “Memos and Forms” page.)
Other exit codes of 29, 30, 33, 34, and 50 are not considered mobility or dropout codes. These codes are allowable for all grade levels. These codes will not cause a student in grades 9, 10, 11, 12 to be excluded from the graduation rate calculation. Definitions and uses of these codes can be found on the Data Exchange Exit Codes document.
While corporations may have a local policy that expects to have documentation to support a student’s withdrawl withdrawal from the corporation, this policy should not prevent the reporting of an exit date and code for a student that you know is enrolled and attending another school. Failure to exit these students causes enrollment conflicts that often lead to the prevention of the new enrollment corporation from receipt of funding dollars, access to IIEP/ILP documentation, prevents accurate cohort updates, and participation in state required assessments. It is understandable that the exiting corporation would make every effort to produce the locally required documentation even after the student exits but should not delay when the student’s exit date and code are reported to IDOE.
Grade levels are utilized for assessment participation.
High School grade levels are utilized for setting a student’s cohort.
KG, KG - morning, and KG - afternoon grade levels are utilized to determine if a student’s membership funding is full day or half day.
Reporting the accurate grade level will assist in setting a high school cohort.
NOTE: Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year students without a Good Cause Exemption provided, passing IREAD-3 score, and passing ILEARN 3rd grade Math score will receive a warning message if promoted to 4th grade.
5. Report Primary School as “True” or “False” accurately.
Refer to this documentation on how to report “True and False” for accurately.
Primary = True will count and include the student in the school’s overall active enrollment counts and Pupil Enrollment.
Primary = False will not count and include the student in the school’s overall active enrollment counts and Pupil Enrollment while allowing additional required student data to be reported.
Identifying the primary school accurately will assist with conflicts; two schools reporting “true” will create a conflict while one school reporting “true” and another school reporting “false” will not cause a conflict.
Identifying the primary school accurately will assist in a school having accurate overall student enrollment and Pupil Enrollment counts.
Identifying the primary school accurately will assist the department in determining the use of additional data reported on the student such as attendance, course completion, etc.
NOTE: Students may have student school associations (enrollment) to more than one educational organization ID (school ID) under the same LEA ID (district/corporation) where one school is identified as primary ‘true’ and one school is identified as primary ‘false’. This may occur when the student is attending another school within the LEA for one or two classes. Examples: student is taking a high school course at the high while in middle school or student is taking CTE courses at a career center within the LEA while also taking courses at the high school.
End of School Year Enrollment Reporting