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Appanvil karma designer
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Curricular Materials Assistance reporting for Accredited NonPublic schools:


Step 1: Submit Data

Providing Curricular Materials Assistance program records to Data Exchange

Curricular Materials Reimbursement ( Assistance ) is a year-to-year program and must be reported annually.

Count Day/Census Day will capture student-level data for the purposes of curricular material reimbursement.

This data must include:

  • STN 

Refer to the Data Exchange Student Reporting document for detailed instructions on providing student records.

Student School Associations Students must have a Student School Associations ((enrollment) Record:

  • A Student School Associations (enrollment) record must exist in order to append a Student Program Associations-Curricular Material Reimbursement and School Food Services record

  • Refer to the Data Exchange Enrollment Reporting document for detailed instructions on providing student school associations (enrollment) records including:

    • reporting correct entry dates

    • reporting correct exit dates

  • Report Primary School as “True” or “False” accurately (see this guide for how to do so)

    • Identifying the primary school accurately will assist with conflicts; two schools reporting “True” will create a conflict.

    Report Grade Level

IMPORTANT NOTE: Students must have an active School Food Services program in either School Food Services Free Lunch or School Food Services Reduced Price Meals to establish eligibility and to also provide a Curricular Material Reimbursement Assistance program record. (refer to Pupil Enrollment reporting document for providing School Food Service program records)

  • Report (one record per school year) accurate Student Program Associations for Curricular Material Reimbursement Assistance when a student is eligible for:

    • Curricular Material ReimbursementAssistance

    • Students reported with an active school association (enrollment) record where the school is identified as primary ‘true’ on October 1st AND the Curricular Material Reimbursement program will be included in the Curricular Materials Assistance certification summary.Students reported with an inactive school association (enrollment) record AND the Curricular Material Reimbursement program on October 1st will not be included in the Curricular Materials Assistance certification summary. 

  • Report an accurate program begin date when the student is eligible for Curricular Materials Assistance.

  • Report an accurate program exit date when the student exits or withdraws from the school or End of Year. Exit code will be 99 (no longer qualifies) or End of Year (EOY).

  • Report an accurate program exit date when the student is no longer eligible for Curricular Materials Assistance. Exit code will be 99 (no longer qualifies) .

Step 2: Complete the JotForm

The submission window for the JotForm will open on Census day and close one month later. During the time specified (usually October) by the Office of School Finance, school corporations, charter schools, and accredited nonpublic schools will complete a JotForm.

Here is a sample of what one looks like:

JotForm/Claim Form Tips:

  • Grade level student counts are not reported via JotForm.

  • When entering amounts, the preparer may input dollars and cents.

  • Report the cost of providing curricular materials to eligible students at your accredited nonpublic school or all students at a school corporation or charter school.

  • If you have no costs to report, you must submit at least one zero in any field.

    • If none of the fields have a zero in it, upon submission, the preparer will receive an error message. 

  • You must complete the application in one sitting.

  • The claim form must be completed in full during the time frame (usually October) specified by the Office of School Finance.

  • You may edit the claim form later.

    • Use the link in the confirmation email to access the claim form.

    • Enter any updates and click save again.

    • If you update the claim form, both the superintendent and preparer must sign the revised claim form.
