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Here are the quick instructions for utilizing Template 001 (link) EdOrg Calendar Session Grading Period.
Make sure to read the general reporting information for templates before proceeding. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in errors and/or data validation issues.
Before Beginning, Note:
All steps will be completed in Row 7, downwards.
1. Enter the SchoolYear for the data being submitted.
This is the current reporting school year and NOT the calendar year.
Example: If the reporting school year is 2023-2024, the school year field should be 2024.
Note: Incorrect school year provided will cause data to not be found in Data Exchange.
2. Enter the SchoolID.
See the chart below for more details.
School ID: Public vs. Non-Public Schools
School ID is a ten digit number comprised from current Corporation and State assigned ID
ALL School ID’s start with 10
Next current state assigned Corporation ID - example 1234
Example School ID: 1012346789
School ID is a ten digit number comprised from current Corporation and State assigned ID
ALL School ID’s start with 10
Next Corporation ID is always four zeros - example 0000
Last ends with state assigned School ID A456 with Alpha converted to number
A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4
Example: School ID: 1000001456
3. Enter the SessionName.
For example; “2019-2020 Fall Semester”.
4. Enter the TermDescriptor. The allowable Term Descriptors are listed below on the green chart.
Note: The descriptors are both case and space-sensitive.
Term Descriptors
Fall Semester
First Quarter
First Trimester
Fourth Quarter
MiniTerm One
MiniTerm Two
MiniTerm Three
MiniTerm Four
MiniTerm Five
MiniTerm Six
Second Quarter
Second Trimester
Spring Semester
Summer Semester
Third Quarter
Third Trimester
Year Round
5. Enter the BeginDate and EndDate of each Term.
These should be formatted as [MM/DD/YYYY].
Note: Spreadsheets will often auto-format dates. Be sure to format the cell to “TEXT”, then type the date [MM/DD/YYYY].
6. Enter the TotalInstructionalDays.
This is the total number of instructional days in that term, between the begin and end date just recorded.
7. Enter the GradingPeriodDescriptor within each Term.
The allowable Grading Period descriptors are listed below on the yellow chart (when entering make sure the program name matches EXACTLY what is allowable; caps, lower case, space.
GradingPeriod Descriptors
End of Year
Fifth Six Weeks
First Nine Weeks
First Semester
First Six Weeks
First Summer Session
First Trimester
Fourth Nine Weeks
Fourth Six Weeks
Second Nine Weeks
Second Semester
Second Six Weeks
Second Summer Session
Second Trimester
Sixth Six Weeks
Summer Semester
Third Nine Weeks
Third Six Weeks
Third Summer Session
Third Trimester
8. Enter the BeginDate and EndDate of each GradingPeriod
Note: Again, the Begin Date should be formatted as [MM/DD/YYYY]
Continue adding Descriptors and Begin Dates as needed until completion.
9. Enter the GradingPeriodTotalInstructionalDays.
This is the total number of instructional days in that grading period, between the begin and end date just recorded.
Repeat this process as needed for each grading period reported within the term.
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