Here are the quick instructions for utilizing Template 014 (link) Student Enrollment Student School Associations.
Make sure to read the general reporting information for templates before proceeding. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in errors and/or data validation issues.
Before Beginning, Note:
All steps will be completed in Row 7, downwards.
This data is not reported by non-public schools. Do not complete this template if you are a non-public school.
1. Enter the LEA (Local Education Agency) ID, or Corporation ID.
Refer to the chart below.
2. Enter the OtherPersonnelCount for each OtherPersonnelCategory and OtherPersonnelTitle.
This field is where the total count of staff is to be entered. Each staff member is counted as a whole (1) employee.
Note: Even if the staff is not employed 100% in the personnel category or title they are being reported they are still counted as one (1) for each area
Note: The other personnel count is NOT to be reported with a decimal.
Note: If you do not have an employee in a category or title, leave that row in column “D” blank.
Note: Make sure your cells are formatted as TEXT.
3. Enter the FTE, or full-time-equivalency.
This field is where the total FTE of the total other personnel count (or staff count) is to be entered. It is the responsibility of the school to determine what is considered full-time vs. part-time and determine the FTE of each employee. The full time equivalency field may be reported with a decimal up to two places.
Note: Make sure your cells are formatted as TEXT.
Note: If this row was left blank in column “D”, leave this row in Column “E” blank.
Remember: Templates must be saved as a CSV file (with cells formatted as TEXT) inside of a Compressed Zipped Folder, in order to process correctly.