Staff Other Personnel: General Reporting Info


Non-Certified Staff Data is reported to fulfill Federal requirements of OMB 1850-0925 and authorized by the Annual Mandatory Collection of Elementary and Secondary Education Data Through EDFacts. As required by Federal regulation 34 CFR Part 76 (EDFacts), data is reported for each employee or contracted provider that provides Special Education Services. 511 IAC 7-46-4 Code requires program data to be collected by the US Secretary of Education.

Non-Certified Staff applies to:

  • Public school corporations (Traditional and Charter)

  • Indiana School for the Deaf

  • Indiana School for the Blind

  • Department of Corrections

  • Special Education Interlocals

Non-Certified Staff requires following data points sent via Vendor or Template:

(click to see more detail):

  • Local Education Agency ID (Corporation ID)

  • Other Personnel Category Descriptor ID

  • Other Personnel Title Descriptor ID

  • Other Personnel Count

  • Full Time Equivalency

Preparation for Other Personnel Data Reporting:

Provide information for each Other Personnel Category and Title Descriptor that qualifies and is employed and paid by the reporting corporation (whether on the corporation payroll, paid through a school extracurricular account, contracted or subcontracted).

Other Personnel Categories and Title Descriptors include:

  • Special education non-teaching employees or contracted providers that provide Special Education services. Report only the time spent providing services to Special Education Students.

  • Include Special Education Category Descriptor and Titles even if data was also submitted with a Staff Classification Descriptor (Certified Employee).


  • Interlocals must report their own Other Personnel staff.

  • Other Personnel staff hired by a special education cooperative must be reported only by the LEA (Local Education Agency) of the cooperative including those staff who are contracted at a cooperative member’s corporation.

Not Reported on NE:

  • Other Personnel Staff provided by other sources or programs
    Some school corporations have staff provided and paid by another organization such as a university. These staff members are not included in Other Personnel counts..

  • Coaches or Staff Classifications (certified staff)  with income from coaching or any other extracurricular activity reported as supplemental salary on the Staff Educational Organization Employment Association (Certified Employee) are not included in Other Personnel counts. These staff are reported as certified employees only. 

  • Board Members
    Do not include any elected officials, even if they are paid.

Before Certification (sign off):

  • Verify accuracy of Other Personnel FTE data 

    • Other Personnel FTE counts by each Category and Title Description