Here are the quick instructions for utilizing Template 023 Student Attendance Student School Attendance Event. Make sure to read the general reporting information for templates before proceeding. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in errors and/or data validation issues. IDOE recommends attendance data is provided no less than once a week. Please confirm the accuracy of your attendance data before submitting. This avoids submitting duplicate attendance records. Data provided via Attendance Template cannot be corrected by the school submitting a new template and will require assistance from IDOE support. Therefore it is critical schools are careful in making sure the data is accurate prior to uploading. There are multiple strategies for utilizing this template. A school could: Create a single copy of this template for an individual student, which is updated and submitted regularly throughout the year (as long as priorly submitted rows are kept the same). Create a single copy of this template for all students that is submitted monthly and regularly updated (as long as priorly submitted rows are kept the same). Create a new copy of this template weekly, and all students are submitted on this template. All steps will be completed in Row 7, downwards. This is the current reporting school year and NOT the calendar year. Example: If the reporting school year is 2023-2024, the school year field should be 2024. Note: Incorrect school year provided will cause data to not be found in Data Exchange. See the chart below for more details. School ID: Public vs. Non-Public Schools Public Non-Public School ID is a ten digit number comprised from current Corporation and State assigned ID ALL School ID’s start with 10 Next current state assigned Corporation ID - example 1234 Last ends with state assigned School ID 6789 Example School ID: 1012346789 School ID is a ten digit number comprised from current Corporation and State assigned ID ALL School ID’s start with 10 Next Corporation ID is always four zeros - example 0000 Last ends with state assigned School ID A456 with Alpha converted to number A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4 Example: School ID: 1000001456 Formatting Note: Any STNs beginning with a zero will need the field or entire column to be formatted to hold the nine digits being reported. Leading zeros will be dropped upon reopening the csv file. Note: The SessionName reported (case and space-sensitive) must match with the SessionName reported when completing EdOrgCalendar_SessionGradingPeriod (Template 001). This is where each date the student is expected to be in attendance is reported. Note: This needs to be formatted as TEXT as “MM/DD/YYYY”. Note: This could potentially be 180 records for each student if the student begins the school year at your school. Note: The dates must be valid calendar dates as set on Template 003. Note: Attendance Event Dates cannot be reported on non-school days. Note: The dates being reported for attendance will need to be included within the date range provided with the corresponding SessionName on Template 001 as well. Event Duration can ONLY be reported with .5 (half) or 1 (whole) for each EventDate. Attendance is reported as being present or absent for half or whole days. Note: A student cannot have more than a whole day of attendance reported. Note: Two half days (.5) of attendance may equal a whole day. Note: Students cannot have .25, .33, .65, etc. reported. These descriptors are space and case-sensitive. Note: A student may have more than one attendance code reported with each code showing a .5 (half) Event Duration, as long as each code in entered on a separate row. An example of this might be a student is present for the 1st half a day and absent the 2nd half of a day. Note: Students dual enrolled should have attendance reported for the days they are expected to be in attendance and these days are considered a full day of attendance if present for the duration they are expected to be in attendance. Days the students are not expected to be in attendance are not reported. These days should not be reported with any attendance date, duration, or attendance code. Code Values Short Description Uses Excused Absence Excused Absence Student is not in attendance and such absence is deemed ‘excused’ pursuant to the local attendance policy. This is for both virtual and non-virtual students. Exempt Exempt Student is not in attendance but is participating in one of the activities ‘exempt’ by statute (IC 20-33-2 Sec. 14 to 17.7) from consideration as an absence. This is for both virtual and non-virtual students. This is not utilized for students participating in a school sponsored classroom or school fieldtrips. Expelled Expelled Student is serving an expulsion pursuant to the local discipline policy. This is for both virtual and non-virtual students. In Attendance In Attendance Student is considered ‘in attendance’ at the physical school building pursuant to the local attendance policy. This does include students participating in a school sponsored classroom or school fieldtrip. The local reason can show the students are not in the building due to a fieldtrip. Suspended Suspended Student is serving an out of school suspension pursuant to the local discipline policy. This is for both virtual and non-virtual students. Tardy Tardy NOT REPORTED TO IDOE - FOR INTERNAL SCHOOL USE ONLY. Student is late/tardy to class or school pursuant local attendance policy. Unexcused Absence Unexcused Absence Student is not in attendance and such absence is deemed ‘not excused’ pursuant to the local attendance policy. This is for both virtual and non-virtual students. Virtual Virtual Virtual student is in attendance at a virtual school or virtual program pursuant to the local attendance policy. Non-virtual student is receiving and engaged in their instruction for an all school planned or unplanned virtual day. Remember: Templates must be saved as a CSV file (with cells formatted as TEXT) inside of a Compressed Zipped Folder, in order to process correctly.Overview:
Before Beginning, Note:
1. Enter the SchoolYear for the data being submitted.
2. Enter the SchoolID.
3. Enter the STN.
4. Enter the SessionName.
5. Enter the EventDate.
6. Enter the EventDuration.
7. Enter the AttendanceEventCategoryDescriptor using the chart below.
Attendance Event Category Descriptors