Student is at least five years of age by October 1, and twenty-two years of age or younger on count day for Traditional Public and Charter school.
Students older than 22 years of age but enrolled in an Adult Charter school referenced in IC 20-24-7-13.5 will still be eligible for funding.
Student is at least five years of age by August 1 for Choice Scholarship.
Student grade level must be KG - 13.
Note: KG students may not be reported as dual enrolled.
Student has an enrollment and positive attendance record(s) ata school prior to or on the count date.
Enrolled means:
registered with a school corporation to attend educational programs offered by or through the school corporation; and
attending these educational programs or receiving educational services. IC 20-43-1-11.5.
"Attending" means:
physical or virtual presence of a student with the expectation of continued services in the education programs for which the student is registered. IC 20-43-1-7.5.
Student has an EdOrg Responsibility record with primary responsibility of “Funding”.