How to Determine Students Counted or Excluded for Membership

Students Counted for Membership

  • Student is at least five years of age by October 1, and twenty-two years of age or younger on count day for Traditional Public and Charter school.

    • Students older than 22 years of age but enrolled in an Adult Charter school referenced in IC 20-24-7-13.5 will still be eligible for funding.

  • Student is at least five years of age by October 1 for Choice Scholarship.

  • Student grade level must be KG - 13.

    • Note: KG students may not be reported as dual enrolled.

  • Student has an enrollment and positive attendance record(s) at a school prior to or on the count date.

    • Enrolled means:

      • registered with a school corporation to attend educational programs offered by or through the school corporation; and

      • attending these educational programs or receiving educational services. IC 20-43-1-11.5.

    • "Attending" means:

      • physical or virtual presence of a student with the expectation of continued services in the education programs for which the student is registered. IC 20-43-1-7.5.

  • Student has an EdOrg Responsibility record with primary responsibility of “Funding”.

Students Not Counted/Excluded from Membership:

  • Students with legal settlement in another state

  • Students enrolled in the Indiana School for the Blind (not reported by the Public School Corp)

  • Students enrolled in the Indiana School for the Deaf (not reported by the Public School Corp)

  • Seniors finishing graduation requirements prior to October 1

  • Students who finish their graduation requirements and are no longer attending prior to February 1

  • Expelled general education students (serving an expulsion and not receiving educational services)

  • Foreign students with an F1 Visa attending an Indiana school corporation.

  • Students the school is only providing Special Education or Title services

  • Students the school is evaluating for Special Education services

  • Students older than 22 years of age on each count date enrolled in a traditional public school, charter school, or a school participating in the Choice Scholarship program will not be eligible for funding.

  • Students not five years of age by August 1 for Choice Scholarship.

  • Students not five years of age by October 1 for Traditional Public and Charter school.

  • Students in grade level PK.

  • Students without positive attendance provided.

  • Students in grade level KG may not be reported as dual enrolled.