Membership: Understanding Accountability

Membership: Understanding Accountability

The Accountable School will be determined by the Student Ed Org Responsibility Association reported via Data Exchange. 

  • Only schools (public, charter, or non-public) may be submitted as accountable educational organizations.

  • Programs, state-run facilities, and special education cooperatives may not be reported as an accountable education organization.

  • The accountable school must serve the student’s grade level.

  • VERIFY students listed by other educational organizations with your school corporation as being accountable is accurate.

Accountability Belongs to Educating School

Educating and Attendance Reporting School and Accountable School will be the same if the student is:

  • ADM Type 1-Resident Enrollment AND the Educating School is also the student's Corporation of Legal Settlement (COLS) or a Charter school.

  • ADM Type 3-Cash Transfer (based on an agreement between the parent(s) and the educating school corporation)

  • ADM Type 4-State Obligation (Placement by the division of disability, aging, and rehabilitative services or the division of mental health)

  • ADM Type 5-Placement In (placement by Indiana county welfare offices, Indiana courts, Indiana licensed child-placing agencies, or by a parents or guardian in a state licensed private or public health facility, child care facility, or foster home located in the school corporation)

  • ADM Type 6-Dual Enrolled (Student simultaneously is enrolled and attends two or more schools). Accountability belongs to the educational organization identified as the primary educating school. 

  • Enrolled in a Choice School or Non-Public Accredited Non-Choice School.

  • Incarcerated in a state correctional facility and educated by Corp 9100 - Indiana Department of Correction.

Accountability Belongs to another Educational Organization

Educating and Attendance Reporting School will be the educational organization primarily educating the student, while the Accountable School will be the student's Corporation of Legal Settlement (COLS) if the student is:

  • ADM Type 2-Transfer Out  Students with legal settlement in the school corporation but are enrolled in and attending a different school corporation in Indiana or another state per an agreement between both educational organizations for the benefit of the student’s educational needs. 

  • Attending a Special Ed Cooperative or other Accredited Programs  This is true whether the student lives inside or outside of the corporation operating the program.

  • Attending an Alternative Education program  

  • Attending 9605-C460 Indiana School For The Blind or 9610-C695 Indiana School For The Deaf