Membership: General Reporting Information


Public/Charter School Membership: The purpose of this data report is to gather Average Daily Membership (ADM). The data is used for calculating basic tuition support for public school corporations and charter schools  I.C. 20-43-4-2.

Choice Scholarship Membership: The purpose of this data report is to gather membership information for Choice Scholarship students. This report will be used for tracking membership of Choice Scholarship students as part of the Choice Scholarship Program. A student must be included on a Choice school’s “Choice Membership” certification grid count in order to be eligible to receive a Choice Scholarship payment. The September and February membership counts will be used to fund eligible Choice Scholarship students.

Adult Learner Charter School Membership: The purpose of this data report is to gather Full Time Equivalency (FTE) data information. I.C. 20-24-13.5.

Membership Data Impacts:

  • State Tuition Support - Basic Grant funding

  • Choice Scholarship funding

  • Adult Learns funding

  • Public Corporation Transfer report

Membership applies to:

  • Public schools (both Traditional and Charter)

  • Nonpublic schools participating in the Choice Scholarship Program

  • Accredited Nonpublic schools NOT participating in the Choice Scholarship Program

  • State Schools (Department of Correction, Indiana School for the Deaf, Indiana School for the Blind)

  • Charter Schools referenced in Indiana Code §20-24-7-13.

Membership requires following data points sent via Vendor or Template

(click to see more detail):

  • STN

  • Student Demographic Information (including (Date of Birth) DOB for age calculation of eligibility)

  • Student Address

  • EL Proficiency Level & Instrument Used

  • Date of entry into US schools

  • Student Grade Level

  • Student Entry Date

  • Student Exit Date and Exit reason if applicable

  • Primary Educational Entity - True/False

  • Primary Responsibility - Funding or Attendance

  • ADM Code when responsibility = Funding

  • Instructional Days/Instructional Minutes when ADM code = 6 or 20

  • Additional Responsibilities of COLS/Accountable

  • Program Ed Org Id

  • Program Type (Virtual Education)

  • Program Name

  • Program Begin Date

  • Program End Date and Reason Exited if applicable

  • School and Term

  • Event Date

  • Event Duration (.5-half or 1-whole day)

  • Attendance Event (Attendance Code)




Certification Cycle




Certification Cycle

July 1

Fall Count Date determined by SBOE

Submission and update of Ed Org Responsibility records are available year round with valid records as of Fall Count Date determined by SBOE for October certification.


July 1

Spring Count Date determined by SBOE

Submission and update of Ed Org Responsibility records are available year round with valid records as of Spring Count Date determined by SBOE for February certification.


General Reporting Info:

Students Certified/Counted:

  • ALL students with an active Education Organization Responsibility Association where primary responsibility of “Funding” is identified and an active School Association (enrollment) record is provided PRIOR TO each count (census) date will be eligible for funding.

  • Students must be 5 years of age by October 1st for membership certification for Traditional Public and Charter school.

  • Student must be 5 years of age by October 1st for Choice Scholarship eligibility.

  • Students enrolled in a traditional public school, charter school, or a non-public school participating in the Choice Scholarship program and are older than 22 years of age on each count (census) date will not be eligible for funding.

  • Students older than 22 years of age on each count (census) date enrolled in an Adult Charter school referenced in IC 20-24-7-13.5 will be eligible for funding.

  • Students reported as having ‘positive’ attendance prior to or on each count (census) date.

  • Students reported with attendance showing they are receiving their education virtually 50% or more of the time must also have a Virtual Education program association record.

Proof of Residency:

  • Schools must maintain proof of a students' Indiana residency.

    • Detailed information regarding Residency Requirements memo can be found here.

  • Proof of residency is not needed each year unless there is an address change.

  • Schools should verify that students addresses has/has not changed from year to year.