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Staff Employment

You should update staff employment data once a year for October certification and this data
titleHow often should I update Staff Employment data if I'm using templates?
titleI have several teachers who are teaching courses for another school, online. We do not hold their contract for this teaching. How should this be reported?

The LEA that holds the contract will provide this information and the Ed Org where the staff are working only needs to provide the staff assignment and/or staff section data as required.

How often should I update Staff Employment data if I'm using templates?

You should update staff employment data once a year for October certification and this data will remain in place for July certification. Only provide data throughout the year if there are changes needed or new staff employment to be provided.


titleCan you have multiple Staff Assignment Descriptors for a teacher?

Yes, staff may have and need more than one staff assignment/classification (role) assigned to have access to all IDOE platforms or receive communication from IDOE.

titleWe I have a teacher who also teaches in another building in our district. How should this be reported?

A staff assignment and/or staff section record is required for each school ID. Staff may be reported in multiple buildings (school IDs).

titleI have several teachers who are teaching courses for another schoolseveral teachers who are teaching courses for another school, online. We do not hold their contract for this teaching. How should this be reported?

The LEA that holds the contract will provide this information and the Ed Org where the staff are working only needs to provide the staff assignment and/or staff section data as required.


titleAre Districts supposed to publish a section even if a student(s) is not enrolled in it? Is this applicable to the Staff Section records as well?

Schools may provide staff section data without students associated. Schools should be providing staff section data for their EL and SE staff where they are identified as a resource, co-teacher, consultant, etc. with the same section data as the general ed teacher. This is managed with the classroom position descriptor. See below situations for additional guidance.

  1. If a SpEd, Resource, EL, Title I, etc. teacher is providing instruction and awarding grades to students then the teacher must have a staff section where the teacher is the primary teacher and student sections are associated with the staff section.

  2. If a SpEd, Resource, EL, Title I, etc. teacher is providing instruction assistance to students while physically in the general ed classroom, then a Staff Section record should be provided for the teacher with the same section data as the general ed teacher.

  3. If a SpEd, Resource, EL, Title I, etc  teacher is providing assistance to students outside of the gen-ed classroom , the teacher must have a staff section that provides Classroom Position Descriptor of Special Education, EL Teacher, etc. to be identified on the CP report  No student sections will be associated with this staff section.

titleDo we report substitute teachers to IDOE?

Not for a short period of time they are substitute teaching. The only case that IDOE would ask for this data is if a substitute were taking a position that would last the duration or longer lengths of time in a course. IDOE is not looking for those staff that are in the class for a day or two, floats, permanent subs, etc.

titleWe have a teacher who also teaches in another building in our district. How should this be reported?
A staff assignment and/or staff section record is required for each school ID. Staff may be reported in multiple buildings (school IDs)
  1. Position Descriptor of Special Education, EL Teacher, etc. to be identified on the CP report  No student sections will be associated with this staff section.

The LEA that holds the contract will provide this information and the Ed Org where the staff are working only needs to provide the staff assignment and/or staff section data as required
titleI have several teachers who are teaching courses for another school, online. We do not hold their contract for this teaching. How should this be reported?
Do we report substitute teachers to IDOE?

Not for a short period of time they are substitute teaching. The only case that IDOE would ask for this data is if a substitute were taking a position that would last the duration or longer lengths of time in a course. IDOE is not looking for those staff that are in the class for a day or two, floats, permanent subs, etc.


Staff - General Questions

titleOur SIS does not currently support sending across Staff Data. If we have a change to staff during the year, what should we do?
  • Any Staff data not supported by your SIS will need to be provided via templates through the

template bulk upload process
  • Upload page in Data Exchange. This includes Staff Employment, Staff Assignment, and

Staff Section
  • Staff Section. Note: data submitted via template can’t be deleted by the school. A ticket must be created ( ) so that a specialist can assist with removing the data. Please provide the Resource Name and GUID (found in the ID column) for each record that needs to be removed.

titleIs the last 4 digits of a Staff's Social Security Number something that our SIS needs to report to Data Exchange regularly?
  • You only need to provide when submitting a new staff that does not already exist in the Ed-ID portal. You may need this when performing a lookup of staff. This is a local decision if you want to house in your SIS. IDOE does not require this data be housed within the student system.

titleIf we have a newly assigned staff member who will be submitting an application for an Emergency Teaching Permit, do we request a School Personnel Number for them now or should we wait until a SPN is assigned through LVIS?
You should
  • It is recommended that you wait for the Licensing department to create the SPN. However, there are instances where the SPN is needed immediately. In those cases, you can create an SPN for the staff member and communicate this to the Licensing department so that a duplicate SPN is not created. Email:, Phone: 317.232.9010.

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