Circumstances Relevant to Timeline Descriptor
Code Value | Definition | Compliance Determined |
1 | 20 instructional days due to implementation of Response to Intervention (RTI). | Indicator 11 |
2 | 20 instructional days expedited evaluation due to disciplinary action. | Indicator 11 |
3 | preparation for transfer from First Steps. | Indicator 12 |
4 | All other, 50 instructional day timeline. | Indicator 11 |
Disability Descriptor
Disability Code | Description |
01 | Multiple Disabilities |
02 | Orthopedic Impairment |
03 | Visual Impairment, including Blindness |
04 | Hearing Impairment, including Deafness |
05 | Emotional Disability (Full Time) |
06 | Emotional Disability (Other) |
07 | Specific Learning Disability |
08 | Developmental Delay (ages 3-8 only) |
09 | Speech or Language Impairment |
10 | Mild Cognitive Disability |
11 | Moderate Cognitive Disability |
12 | Severe Cognitive Disability |
14 | Deaf-Blindness |
15 | Autism Spectrum Disorders |
16 | Traumatic Brain Injury |
17 | Other Health Impairment |
Timeline Compliance Descriptor
Code Value | Definition |
0 | Timeline was met. |
1 | Timeline was missed because parents refused or delayed implementation of services only to student transitioning from First Steps. |
3 | Student withdrew from school during the evaluation process. |
5 | Parent revoked consent for testing. |
7 | Timeline missed because student transitioned from First Steps has a 3rd birthday during any school break and child did not require Extended School Year (ESY) services. |
8 | Timeline missed because parent refused to brining student in for evaluation. |
99 | Timeline missed for another reason. |