Data Exchange Weekly Announcement for 02/28/2025


Item #1

Office Hours for 2024-2025

Data Exchanges Office Hours are available weekly on Tuesday. The session times will alternate weekly between a morning session and an afternoon session.

Access to the Office Hours Submit Question button and Office Hours Question Responses button as well as a button providing connection to the Office Hours session can be found in Knowledge Hub > Communications Hub > Upcoming Events.

Office Hours

February office hours sessions are currently scheduled as open forum sessions. Please refer to the Calendar on the Upcoming Events page in Knowledge Hub. As always sessions are scheduled for each Tuesday at alternating times.

March 4, 2025 1:00 pm ET CANCELLED

March 11, 2025 - 10:30 am ET to 12:00 pm ET - Ed-ID Refresher presented by Stefanie Flanagin

March 18, 2025 - 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm ET - EdData Dashboards presented by Megan Lalioff

March 25, 2025 - 10:30 am to 12:00 pm ET - open forum

April 1, 2025 - 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm ET - open forum

April 8, 2025 - 10:30 am to 12:00 pm ET - DEX Changes presented by Michelle Tubbs

April 15, 2025 - 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm ET - GCE/Additional Backpack Cohort presented by Michelle Tubbs

April 22, 2025 - 10:30 am - 12:00 pm ET - open forum

April 29, 2025 - 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET - open forum (NOTE this session only for 1 hour

Item #2

NEW: Time to Resolve Special Education Conflict

As of 8:00 am Friday, March 28, 2025, there are 653 Special Education conflicts in the state. Now is the time to be working to resolve all Special Education conflict. Locate these conflicts by navigating in Data Exchange to the Validate page.


Item #2

NEW: Curricular Materials Cost Visualization Now Public

The Curricular Materials Dashboard is now publicly available here following an embargo period where significant changes were made in response to feedback from the field. The Dashboard is also accessible from the LINK Portal. Contact IDOE’s Office of School Finance with any questions.

Item #3

REMINDER: Data Exchange Knowledge Hub: Enrollment/Enrollment Documentation

Reporting Beginning of Year and Mid-Year Student No-Show Enrollment Records

No Show students at the beginning of the year should have a single-day entry/exit with begin date prior to the first day of the school calendar. Mid-year No Shows will also need a single-day record with entry/exit date on the first no-school day prior to the expected date of- enrollment. (ex: Student expected to enroll 01/06/25 may have their SSA record updated with and entry/exit date during the holiday break 12/30/24). Find this guidance in Knowledge Hub > School Support Hub > Reporting Guides > Enrollment How to Report Enrollment/Withdrawal. See fifth bullet under item #3.

Withdrawal to Non-Accredited Nonpublic School Located in Indiana Document

The document has been added to Knowledge Hub. Find a link to the document at Knowledge Hub > School Support Hub > Reporting Guides >Enrollment > References. Also find this document linked to the Exit codes 20 and 31 listed in the Descriptors document found in Enrollment Reporting guide references.

Item #4

Student Data Backpack Rollout

Rollout of the Student Data Backpack (SDB) is on track to be accomplished by the end of March 2025. Be watching for more information in the coming weeks. The purpose of the SDB is to provide a single data structure and reporting interface location for all data related to the academic record of a student within the IDOE school system. Access to SDB will be via the EdData tile on the LINK portal.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This issue is not something that IDOE will be correcting. The only way this concern can be corrected is for the data entered into the SIS to be corrected. It is therefore immediately important that attention be given to reviewing the Accountability School ID entered into the SIS and correction be made to SIS and resent to DEX.

Item #5

REMINDER: STN Application Center Retirement

IDOE will be retiring the STN Application Center by the end of March, 2025. This system is being replaced by newer systems including Data Exchange, Ed-ID, a new Choice Voucher Application, and an EdData report called Student Data Backpack. Local data administrators should login to the STN Application Center and download any certified roster data that your school requires under Administration > Retrieve Data.

Other Business Owner Announcements

Item #1

From Office of School Finance

2025 Summer School Information - Summer School Estimated Cost Report

The window to submit the Estimated Cost Report for Summer School 2025 is now open. Review this memo for information regarding eligible courses, important dates, and financial provisions. Contact Teresa Hemmerle or Alex Waite with questions.

Item #2

From Office of Accountability

REMINDER: Synchronous and Asynchronous Instructional Days

As some schools continue to be impacted by winter weather, here is a reminder of the state statute regarding synchronous and asynchronous instructional days. Per statute, schools may have up to three asynchronous learning days each school year. Schools are not limited on the number of synchronous days. In the event a district needs to close due to inclement winter weather, districts are encouraged to flip in-person instruction days to synchronous or asynchronous instruction instead of completely cancelling instruction for the day. On a limited basis, following the use of all three allowed asynchronous days, superintendents may request flexibility to make up snow days using asynchronous days or for the extra asynchronous used by the district during a closure due to weather here. Districts are of course always able to make days up in person using built-in snow days. To the extent a district cannot make up a day via asynchronous instruction (i.e., power outage, etc.), please contact the department and note that in the request. Contact IDOE's Office of School Accountability with any questions. 

Historical Announcements

Item #1

NEW: EdData Dashboard - CRDC - Courses

NOTE: IDOE is aware that when accessing CRDC-Courses there are concerns with lag times and time-outs. Thank your for your patience as this concern is investigated.

The EdData CRDC-Courses dashboard was released Tuesday, 2/18/25. This tile is available for those staff with Data Administrator, LEA Administrator, or School Administrator roles. This dashboard was created to provide schools with a resource to utilize when preparing the Federal CRDC report.

A document titled CRDC Enrollment and Course Navigation is also available in Knowledge Hub > School Support Hub > General Resources > How To’s.

Reminder: EdData Dashboard - CRDC-Enrollment

The promised CRDC Enrollment dashboard will be released later this afternoon. This dashboard (CRDC - Enrollment) can be found under the Ed Data Tile and is available for those staff with Data Administrator, LEA Administrator, or School Administrator roles. This dashboard was created to provide schools with a resource to utilize when preparing the Federal CRDC report. Be advised that this data is based on October Pupil Enrollment counts from the 2023-2024 school year.

Item #2

Responsibility Record Accountability School

IDOE has discovered that more than 18,000 records are reported with the School Accountability School ID using the old 4-digit code rather than the DEX 10-digit School ID. Please review the data in your SIS to ensure that the Accountability School ID is entered in the SIS as the 10-digit code. Work with your vendor if you don’t know how to make this correction. This is affecting SAT rostering for 11th graders. May affect placement of accountability for students.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This issue is not something that IDOE will be correcting. The only way this concern can be corrected is for the data entered into the SIS to be corrected. It is therefore immediately important that attention be given to reviewing the Accountability School ID entered into the SIS and correction be made to SIS and resent to DEX.

Item #3

Career Center Reporting Resources

Find posted to Knowledge Hub General Resources, References both the 'Data Requirements for Career Centers (CTEs)” and the “State Reporting for Career Centers and CTE Cooperatives” documents. These are provided to assist with reporting requirements.

Item #4

Membership: Corp of Legal Settlement Map

The Corp of Legal Settlement is provided to DEX via the Student Education Organization Responsibility Association (SEORA) record. The ‘Corp of Legal settlement (Indiana Map)’ is found in Knowledge Hub > School Support Hub > Reporting Guides > Membership > Resources. Use this map to search a student’s home address to identify the Corporation of Legal Settlement.