Enrollment: Descriptors
Grade Level Descriptors
Code Value | Description | |
01 | Grade 1 | |
02 | Grade 2 | |
03 | Grade 3 | |
04 | Grade 4 | |
05 | Grade 5 | |
06 | Grade 6 | |
07 | Grade 7 | |
08 | Grade 8 | |
09 | Grade 9 | |
10 | Grade 10 | |
11 | Grade 11 | |
12 | Grade 12 | |
13 | Grade 13 | This grade label is used for an individual assigned to a class or program that does not have standard grade designations. This may include:
KG | KG - Full Day | |
KG - Afternoon | KG - Afternoon | |
KG - Morning | KG - Morning | |
PK | Prekindergarten ages 3 - 5 |
Exit Withdraw Type Descriptors
Note: Required Exit Documentation and Forms can be found in the School Accountability Moodle Community.
Exit Descriptor Code | Exit Code Description |
01 | Record of School Failure – Dropout Code |
02 | Disinterest in Curriculum – Dropout code |
03 | Interpersonal Problems – Dropout Code |
05 | Need to Earn Money – Dropout code - Financial hardship and the student must be employed to support the student’s family or dependent. Student desires to work while obtaining their HSE. |
10 | Poor Health – Mobility Code - Education Interrupted or Terminated - Student unable to attend school or to receive instruction through alternate means due to long-term medical condition and death is considered imminent. Students are removed from the state graduation rate. Students are not removed from the federal graduation rate. This results in a different graduation rate for federal vs state. |
12 | Armed Services Enlistment – Dropout Code - Student whose enlistment has been verified by a recruiter |
13 | Court Ordered to Dropout - Dropout Code - Student ordered to drop out of school (or obtain a High School Equivalency) by a court that has jurisdiction over the student. |
14 | Unknown or No Shows (Age 18+) - Dropout Code - Can only be reported for a student 18 years of age or older. A student reported under this code will have a status of “dropout” on the graduation cohort report. For missing students under the age of 18, see Code 15 and Code 26. Students 18 years of age or older are no longer bound by the requirements of compulsory school attendance and may withdraw from school before graduation at any time. No exit interview is required for these students, although it is recommended. |
15 | Truancy (Underage No Shows) – Dropout Code - Can only be reported for a student under the age of 18. If a student has not completed an exit interview and has not enrolled in school then the student should be reported under Code 15. The compulsory attendance law considers ten or more days absent as truancy. If the student is between the ages of 16 and 18 and formally drops out through the Exit Interview process, only codes 5 or 13 can be used - IC 20-33-2-28.5 |
16 | Expulsion-Did Not Return – Dropout Code - For expelled students who do not return to any educational setting when their expulsion is over. The Exit Date should be the date prior to the date the student was expected to return to school. Students expelled until a date within the following school year and do not return, do not enroll in another educational setting, not officially withdrawing or dropping out should have a one day enrollment record provided prior to the first day of the school calendar. Students who are expelled because they do not have legal settlement in the corporation may also be reported with this code. However, it is better to obtain mobility documentation, such as transcript requests for high school students, so the school's graduation rate is not affected. Do not confuse Code 16 with Code 33, indicating a student is not in attendance at a school due to an expulsion |
17 | Missing but Located – Dropout Code |
18 | Failure of Graduation Qualifying Exam (GQE) – Dropout Code |
19 | Transferred – Mobility Code - One of the primary reasons a student is mobile is because the student has transferred to another school. This code may be used for a transfer to any Indiana public school, charter school, state-accredited nonpublic school, postsecondary program, virtual school located in Indiana, double-up program, fast track program, or alternative school that continues the student’s education on a full-time basis in order to issue a high school diploma. A student who leaves school to pursue a High School Equivalency (HSE) is considered a dropout and should not be reported as a transfer. A student attending a Job Corps or an adult education center may only be reported as a transfer if the student is pursuing a high school diploma at this location and the documentation clearly indicates this. Students must be picked up by another Indiana school after code 19 is reported. If the student is not picked up by another Indiana school, then students in grades 9, 10, 11, or 12 will be listed as “unknown” on the cohort of the last school to submit a Student School Association (SSA) enrollment record for the student, unless the school has updated the student’s status to another more accurate mobility code. A status of “unknown” is considered a dropout. When a public, charter, or state-accredited school reports a high school student to the state as enrolled at that school, the student will appear on the new school’s cohort and no longer appear on the first school’s cohort. The first school will report the student as exiting with mobility code 19, Transfer. |
20 | Removed by parents to provide Home-School Instruction – Mobility Code - A parent who removes their student from school in order to provide instruction equivalent to that given in a public school should be reported as code 20. Withdraw to Non-Accredited Nonpublic Form (includes Homeschool) can be found here. |
21 | Deceased – Mobility Code –Education Interrupted or Terminated - |
22 | Incarcerated - Mobility Code – Education Interrupted or Terminated – student is incarcerated |
25 | Transferred out of state – Mobility Code - students of any grade level who move out of the state or out of the country and enrolls in another school. A high school student who transfers to an out of state virtual school and continues to pursue a diploma should be reported as Transferred out of state. , Please Note: A student who leaves school to pursue a High School Equivalency (formerly GED) is considered a dropout and should not be reported as a transfer. A student attending a Job Corps or an adult education center may only be reported as a transfer if the student is pursuing a high school diploma at this location and the documentation clearly indicates this. |
26 | Missing - Mobility Code – Education Interrupted or Terminated - Used when a student is missing and cannot be found. The school will report the student to the Indiana Clearinghouse for Missing Children. Locate the Graduation Rate for Students Determined to be at an Unknown Location on the IDOE Attendance Memos and Forms website for further guidance. Students who failed to return at the beginning of the school year, a Certified (return receipt requested) letter of concern must be sent to the student’s last known address no later than October 1 of the calendar year in which the student failed to return to school. Otherwise, the missing student process can be applied to students identified as missing at any time during the school year. Students are removed from the state graduation rate. Students are not removed from the federal graduation rate. This results in a different graduation rate for federal vs state. |
27 | Foreign exchange student who returns to country of origin – Mobility Code - A student who attended an Indiana school through a foreign exchange program exiting to return to the student’s home country should be reported as Foreign Exchange. IMPORTANT: If the foreign exchange student is a senior, be certain to exit such a student on the last day of the school year. |
28 | Religious Beliefs - Mobility Code – Education Interrupted or Terminated - A student who has been removed from school for religious purposes. An example of a student removed for religious purposes is an Amish student. |
29 | Special education student becomes ineligible due to age – Other Code - Student reaches the age of 22 but does not graduate from high school and does not return by October 1. Special Education students that reach age 22 anytime during the academic year may finish the year. Exit the student on Real Time and Termination (TR) on the last day of school. IF the student decides to exit upon aging out; last day reported on TR should match Exit Date on RT. |
30 | Earned High School Equivalency – Other Code - The High School Equivalency (HSE) also known as TASC (Test Assessing Secondary Completion) is NOT considered a high school diploma. This exit code is used to report completion rates (not graduation rates). A school may use this code if the HSE is obtained by September 30th of the student's graduation cohort year. If a student drops out, intending to pursue an HSE, submit the exit record with the appropriate Dropout Code. If the student earns their HSE during their graduation cohort school year, up to June 30th: Submit a revised exit record with Code 30. If the student earns their HSE after June 30th but on or before September 30th of their graduation cohort school year: Submit a single-day (Entry Date = Exit Date) enrollment record using any date from July 1 up to the day before the first day of the current school year using Code 30. |
31 | Transferred to a non-state-accredited nonpublic school or a non-state-accredited nonpublic virtual school – Other Code - A student who transfers to a non-accredited nonpublic school. Withdraw to Non-Accredited Nonpublic Form (includes Homeschool) can be found here. How to determine if the nonpublic school is state-accredited or not: Please submit a Helpdesk ticket for assistance in determining if the school is non-accredited (meaning the school does not report data to IDOE). |
33 | Expulsion – Other Code – Student is serving an expulsion and has not enrolled in another educational setting or officially exited as a dropout. Students reported with code 33 are displayed on the cohort as “Still in School.” During the expulsion period - Students enrolling in another educational setting or officially exiting, change exit code 33 to the appropriate mobility or dropout code and change exit date to the school calendar date prior to the change in enrollment. After the expulsion period - Students returning, submit an enrollment record with a new entry date. After the expulsion period - High School (cohort age) Students not returning, not found to be enrolled in another educational setting, not officially withdrawing or dropping out will have the enrollment record’s end date updated to the date prior to the allowable return date with exit code 16 (dropout) = Expulsion-Did Not Return. After the expulsion period - non-high school (cohort age) Students not returning, not found to be enrolled in another education setting, no communication from parent/guardian the enrollment record’s end date will be updated to the date prior to the allowable return date with exit code 26 (after following guidance for use of code 26). This code is no longer to be used for Out-of-School Suspension |
34 | Graduate, Certificate of Completion, Course Completion – Other Code - A student who graduates, earns a Certificate of Completion or Course Completion, at any time during the school year. Includes students who return and complete graduation requirements by September 30. Includes students who graduate anytime during the school year prior to or after their graduation cohort year. Students will display on the cohort as “Still in School” until their graduate record has been reported. The student’s status will update to “Graduate” or “Certificate of Completion.” Be certain to report ALL graduates with a graduate record for year end certification. DO NOT USE CODE 34 FOR: Students who graduate at the end of a school year. |
35 | Participation in the HSE Pilot Program - Code to be utilized only by corporations 8385, 5370 and 5360. Exit students with this code ONLY DURING SCHOOL YEAR OF STUDENT’S SENIOR YEAR IN THEIR COHORT. No more than 5% of the school's cohort can exit with this code. |
50 | End of School Year – Other Code – Student completing the school year; student was enrolled and expected in attendance whether physically or virtually and completed the school year. Students cannot be reported as dropping out in a school year they completed. |
51 | Non-Compulsory Attendance Age - Mobility Code - A parent who removes their student who is less than 7 years of age from school and is not being provided educational instruction. Examples: PK or KG students not ready for school and parents decide to exit the student. PK students no longer receiving services from the school. |