How To Report Summer Mobility or Dropout
  • Approved
  • How To Report Summer Mobility or Dropout


    Summer Mobility Reporting

    • Students NOT expected to return (notified the school on the last day of the prior school year):

      • Report an enrollment record at the school the student would have been enrolled and the grade level the student would have been enrolled with an entry date any time after July 1st with a matching exit date (one day record where entry date = the exit date) up to one day before the first day of the new school year with the correct mobility code.

    • Students expected to return but enroll in another district/school or educational setting:

      • Report an enrollment record at the school the student was expected to be enrolled and the grade level the student was expected to be enrolled with an entry date any time after July 1st with a matching exit date (one day record where entry date = the exit date) up to one day before the first day of the new school year with the correct mobility code.

    • DO NOT report summer mobility enrollment records on students changing schools within the district due to routine grade promotions.

    • DO NOT report summer mobility enrollment records on students changing schools within the district due to a change of schools by parental/guardian/student choice or by an updated address within the district. 

    Reporting accurate summer mobility records will assist with Cohort reports, inter-mobility, and intra-mobility reports. Mobility data for grades 7 – 12 also impacts Federal reporting.

    Summer Dropout Reporting

    • Students expected to return but decide to dropout and not continue towards earning an Indiana diploma (this includes students exiting to earn an HSE-High School Equivalency):

      • Report an enrollment record at the school the student was expected to be enrolled and the grade level the student was expected to be enrolled with an entry date any time after July 1st with a matching exit date (one day record where entry date = the exit date) up to one day before the first day of the new school year with the correct dropout code.

      • Per federal regulations a student cannot be reported as a dropout for a school year they completed. Therefore, the student must be reported with a dropout code any date after July 1st and prior to the start of the new school year.

    Reporting accurate summer dropout/mobility records will assist with Cohort reports, inter-mobility, and intra-mobility reports. Dropout data for grades 7 – 12 also impacts Federal reporting.