Staff Assignment and Contact: Descriptors

Additional Staff Classifications Descriptors

Additional Staff Classifications Descriptors*

Report with this EdOrg ID:

Assistant Principal

School ID

Assistant Superintendent

Corp ID

Chief Technology Officer

Corp ID

Corporation Test Coordinator

Corp ID


School ID

Instructional Aide

School ID

LEA Administrator

Corp ID

Librarians/Media Specialists

School ID


School ID

Operational Support

School ID


School ID


School ID


School ID

School Administrator

School ID

School Health

School ID

School Leader

School ID

Social Worker

School ID

Special Education Director

Corp ID

Substitute Teacher

School ID


Corp ID

Support Services Staff

School ID


School ID

*These staff classifications determine numbers on the Staff Assignment (formerly CP) when reported in conjunction with staff employment.

Data Exchange Access Staff Classification Descriptors

Data Exchange Access Staff Classification Descriptors


Permissions Inside of Data Exchange:

Report the Contact with this EdOrg ID:

Additional Notes:

Data Administrator

This role is for the person(s) who are responsible for leading their local data team and reviewing data sent to Data Exchange (whether SIS or Template User)

They serve as the local “point-person” and data Exchange expert

A good way to understand this role is the “do-er” of Data Exchange work, while an LEA Administrator / School Administrator oversees their work.

  • have the ability to see all errors, warnings, and conflicts in the data submitted.

Corp ID

This role allows users to request Student/Staff Creates, Updates, and Merges within the Ed-ID Portal.

Data Certification

A “decorator role” that is tagged onto staff with other roles in Data Exchanges.

Examples of other staff tasked with Data Certification include:

  • LEA Administrator / School Administrator

  • Financial Administrator

  • School Principal / School Director

  • a person with “Data Certification” can validate and complete the final sign off on data submitted to IDOE.

Corp ID


Data Viewer

This role lets certain users see Data submitted to IDOE inside the Data Exchange Validation Portal.


  • can download rosters.

  • can still see all the errors, warnings, and conflicts in their school’s data.

  • cannot run validations and cannot upload template files.

Corp ID and/or School ID

This role lets certain users perform Lookup ONLY within the Ed-ID Portal.

Ed-ID Requestor

This role allows users to access the Ed-ID Portal and request updates, merges, changes, etc. in addition to performing lookup of students.

This role does not provide access to Data Exchange.

Corp ID and/or School ID


Financial Administrator

NOTE: This classifications will also require the Data Certification staff classification IF those staff are responsible for Certification of Data.

This role is for the person(s) who are responsible for the review of financial data.

  • Can Certify / Sign Off on Data (once assigned with the Data Certification role)

Public Corp ID or NonPublic School ID


LEA Administrator

NOTE: This classifications will also require the Data Certification staff classification IF those staff are responsible for Certification of Data.

This role is for the person(s) who are responsible for the review of data.

Typically, this role will be assigned to a superintendent or director.

  • Can Certify / Sign Off on Data (once assigned with the Data Certification role)

Corp ID

This role allows users to request Student/Staff Creates, Updates, and Merges within the Ed-ID Portal.

School Administrator

NOTE: This classifications will also require the Data Certification staff classification IF those staff are responsible for Certification of Data.

This role is for the person(s) who are responsible for the review of school data.

Typically, this role is assigned to the director or principal of a non-public school.

  • Can Certify / Sign Off on Data (once assigned with the Data Certification role)

Public Corp or Non-Public School ID

This role allows users to request Student/Staff Creates, Updates, and Merges within the Ed-ID Portal.

EdPlan Tile Access Staff Classifications

EdPlan Tile Access Staff Classifications**

Report this Classification with this Ed-ID:

Student Support Plans

Corp ID

**These staff classifications DO NOT determine numbers on the Staff Assignment (formerly CP) report.

Key Contacts Staff Classification

Key Contacts Staff Classification***:

What Entities Should Report the Key Contact:

Report the Key Contact with this EdOrg ID:

504 Coordinator

all education organizations

Corp ID

Assistant Principal

all education organizations

School ID

Assessment Test Coordinator

all education organizations

School ID

Assistant Superintendent

all corporations or charters

Corp ID

Chief Technology Officer

all education organizations

Corp ID

Corporation Test Coordinator

all education organizations

Corp ID

Data Exchange Contact

all education organizations

Corp ID

Financial Contact

all education organizations

Corp ID


all education organizations

School ID

Special Education Director

all corporations, charters, cooperatives, and charter authorizers

Corp ID


all corporations or charters

Corp ID

Title IX Coordinator

all corporations or charters

Corp ID

***A Key Contacts Record will NOT provide access to IDOE systems.

Miscellaneous Staff Classifications Descriptors

Miscellaneous Staff Classifications available for providing roles to IDOE****

Report with this EdOrg ID:

Board Member

Corp ID

Board President

Corp ID

Board Secretary

Corp ID

Board Treasurer

Corp ID

Board Vice President

Corp ID

Grant Contributor

Corp ID

Grant Viewer

Corp ID

Job Poster

Corp ID

School Safety Specialist

Corp or School ID

School Test Coordinator

School ID

Secondary Corporation Test Coordinator

Corp ID

Transportation Coordinator

Corp ID

****These staff classifications DO NOT determine numbers on the Staff Assignment (formerly CP) report.