News for Vendors
Former user (Deleted)
Michelle Tubbs
Emma Kershner
Jun 28, 2024
2025 is ready for July 1, 2024; below are URLs for connection/reporting.
2024-2025 School Year URLs:
OAuth token url :
2025 DEX API url:
IDOE Identities:
Jun 26, 2024
2025 ODS and API will be available after 7/1/24 - URL will be provided in communication coming - NO changes to the Keys/Secrets
2025 Descriptor list is being finalized
Credits Earned are not required for Elementary and Middle School courses. Legacy reporting of code 9 for those courses is no longer required. IDOE is finding credits earned provided for non-credit bearing courses.
Credit Type ‘missing’ from High School courses (outcomes) so IDOE is looking to add a validation requiring the credit type.
In case this impacts anything in your systems; below if updates provided today from IDOE development:
CourseCode | CourseTitle | Note |
7204 | Automotive Body Repair | Space after name in ODS |
7201 | Business Management Capstone | Update name |
7206 | Plastic Body Repair and Paint Fundamentals | Space after name in ODS |
Jun 5, 2024
Changes being made for API Validation 400 Messages on Student, Student Ed Org Association, Staff providing what data element is mis-matched.
Current Student message: Validation of 'StudentPost' failed.\n\tStudent with unique id xxxxxxxxx was not matched successfully in the Ed-ID system. Please verify through the Ed-ID system before resubmitting this student.
Updated Student message: Validation of 'StudentPost' failed.\n\tStudent data submitted for STN xxxxxxxxx has the following mismatches with data in the Ed-ID system. Please verify through the Ed-ID system before resubmitting this student.\r\nMismatch in first name: Submitted 'Marteen', Ed-ID has 'Martin'. Mismatch in last name: Submitted 'Rogar', Ed-ID has 'Rogers'. Mismatch in gender: Submitted 'Male', Ed-ID has 'Female'. Mismatch in birth date: Submitted '2009-03-05', Ed-ID has '2009-04-05'.
Current Student Ed Org message: Validation of 'SudentEducationOrganizationPost' failed.\n\tStudent sex code or race code or language code in the request does not match with information in the Ed-ID system for xxxxxxxxx . Please verify through the Ed-ID system before resubmitting this student.
Updated Student Ed Org message: Validation of 'SudentEducationOrganizationPost' failed.\n\tStudent data submitted for STN xxxxxxxxx has the following mismatches with data in the Ed-ID system. Please verify through the Ed-ID system before resubmitting this student. \r\nMismatch in race: Submitted 'White', Ed-ID has 'Asian'. Mismatch in gender: Submitted 'Male', Ed-ID has 'Female'.
Current Staff message: Validation of 'StaffPost' failed.\n\tStaff with unique id xxxxxxxx was not matched successfully in the Ed-ID system. Please verify through the Ed-ID system before resubmitting this staff.
Updated Staff message: Validation of 'StaffPost' failed.\n\tStaff data submitted for SPN xxxxxxxx has the following mismatches with data in the Ed-ID system. Please verify through the Ed-ID system before resubmitting this student.\r\nMismatch in last name: Submitted 'Rogar', Ed-ID has 'Rogers'. Mismatch in birth date: Submitted '1999-03-05', Ed-ID has '1999-04-05'.
May 23, 2024
Data Exchange will NOT have the discipline roster available to school staff on the validation tab. The roster WILL be available on the certify tab. This roster is the same and this roster will need to be utilized by school staff for troubleshooting their validation messages. IDOE support team will also use this roster when assisting the schools. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. The roster will be available in the 2024-2025 school year.
Arrest data reported in conjunction with a suspension or expulsion (action) and not reported as a separate record will be counted for certification by utilizing the arrest on/off property information. Schools will not find this information on the discipline roster as we did not have a field for arrest on/off property built in. We will be making updates to the roster to assist with this concern next school year. However, it is expected for schools to report the arrest data as a separate record. (This can be found in the ODS discipline action records and support team can assist as needed if a school feels their counts are inaccurate)
Criminal gang related events was not added to the roster and this was an oversight on my part. We will be making updates to the roster for next school year. (This can be found in the ODS student discipline incident behavior records and support team can assist as needed if a school feels their counts are inaccurate)
May 13, 2024
Vendor Dev environment for School Year 2025 is ready. SIS vendors do not have to request new keys and secrets, the 2024 keys and secrets should work for 2025 environment as well. Here are the updated URLs:
Required URLs:
IDOE Identities:
Aug 22, 2024
Method Credit Earned Descriptors; Summer participation 50% to 89% and Summer participation 90% or more should now be corrected (removal of the word ‘school’ from the description)
Duplicated Language Codes were introduced and have been removed; I am waiting for an updated descriptor list to post out
Circumstance Relevant To Timeline Descriptor 1 was removed from the 2025 descriptor list. IDOE has found we need to keep this as an allowable descriptor for historical reporting purposes. Updates have been made to Knowledge Hub pages stating this descriptor is not allowable for 2025 reporting. A validation is being created that will fail a record if this descriptor is reported with dates after 7/1/24.
IDOE is moving forward with adding Attempt Status Descriptor to the Student Section Association. Information will be coming with updates to vendor documentation.
New Staff Assignment is coming - posted on In Development page also. Ed-ID Requestor is being created.
Update on Discipline reporting; Schools will need the ability to provide an incident date prior to the first day of the school year when the incident results in an action (suspension or expulsion).
Aug 21, 2024
Discipline reporting guidance that may impact discipline programming; IDOE business owner needs schools to have the ability to report accurate incident dates when outside of the school calendar in each reporting school year (7/1 - 6/30).
Aug 9, 2024
Student Accommodations for 2024-2025 being updated and descriptor list for vendors shows what is coming from development by IDOE.
Sep 6, 2024
Student Transcript Tab (Student Section Association) updated on 2025 IDOE EdFi 6.1 Vendor Documentation v1.0 showing addition of Attempt Status Descriptor field. Also updated on the API Datastructure tab.
Language Codes updated; email also sent to all vendors with excel spreadsheet of the changes
Nov 15, 2024
EdWise presentation posted regarding EdFi 7.x Upgrade under Vendor Support Hub/Documentation/Presentations
provides timeline for vendors in preparing for the 2026 school year
Alt-Ed correction/change file posted under Vendor Support Hub/Documentation (email sent on 11/14 with information on this concern)
2025-2026 development work being updated and added under Communications Hub/DEX Reporting in Development
SIS Vendor Office hours time corrected on Upcoming Events calendar - we will continue to meet 2:00-3:00
2025 Alt-Ed program list is now published
Dec 5, 2024
Alt-Ed correction/change file UPDATED and posted with possible (additional) concerns in highlighted rows.
Active Alternative Education program list for 2025 school year updated and posted.
Reminder - certification items that were optional for school year 2025 are now required for school year 2026 (unless those are not being developed) in addition to the 7.x 2026 certification/badging requirements. If you are deciding to not develop please identify this during your certification process beginning in February, 2025. The below items are in addition to the 2026 7.x certification requirements.
These two Items were optional for certification (badging) in 2025 and are now required if developing and/or you have not already been certified:
parent/student association - 7.x upgrade has changes (now parent contact) and IDOE has added email address to the contact; this is being utilized with new Special Programs system and if you are not developing please indicate.
Student cohort - this data will be used for schools to identify additional staff they want to associated to students for access in the Student Data Backpack. If you are not developing please indicate.
Additional Thoughts: Schools have asked if vendors will create a way for them to assign students to a cohort in mass or with a utility to reduce manual entry. I stated I would share with all vendors as IDOE is not dictating this process.
Jordan Gusich, Director of Academic Affairs and Talent Solutions at Indiana Commission for Higher Education along with Parchment representation will be available during the January 22, 2025 vendor office hours. They will be available to share and answer questions regarding the reporting of students' official transcripts.
Reminder - Vendor review of processes in the software and training with their customers when records should be or are deleted from the API and making sure records are not left behind (orphaned) such as program, course, attendance data without a SSA record.
Jan 13, 2025
IDOE w/EdWise is currently working on the 2026 descriptor list and plans to have this available and posted out in vendor support documentation in couple of weeks (January 22nd).
EdWise staff is reviewing the 2026 SY vendor certification requirements, schedules, etc. and will provide a decision within the next couple of weeks if badging will be done via email or a scheduled session is needed. If a decision is made to have a scheduled session vendors will be notified with availability/schedule so this can be planned out with their development staff.
A question was asked “What is the difference between Grading Period Name and Grading Period Descriptor found on the 7.x vendor documentation Master Schedule tab?” The Grading Period Name is a freeform field (60) char allowed and is replacing period sequence as a key field to the record. This is a required field IF sending gradingPeriods resource (IDOE does not require grading period resource)
IDOE has been working with DEX Advisory group on a CRDC resource and has agreed Enrollment, Courses, Discipline (certified data) would be provided from IDOE to assist schools with the CRDC reporting. We have met three times and have a fourth meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 14th. The projected timeline to have this data available for the schools is February 15th.
GCE (Good Cause Exemption) Update – GCE Descriptors are coming for 2025-2026 SY reporting. There will be five and they will be provided on a student (SSA) enrollment record in a new field (ED-FI out of the box) Entry Grade Level Reason Descriptor (the 7.x Vendor Doc>Student Enrollment tab is updated).
GCE will no longer be an accommodation.
GCE will be utilized to provide a reason a student may be reported in/promoted to 4th grade when they do not have a passing IRead-3 assessment score.
Schools will not need to provide the GCE every year; validation will only be looking at 4th graders.
Students reported as 4th grade and no participation in prior year IRead assessment found will not receive notification.
Schools will receive notification via DEX if they report a student in 4th grade that does not have a passing IRead score and no GCE descriptor provided. Indiana statute states students may not be promoted when they have not passed 3rd grade reading and do not have a GCE.
Documentation has been posted out and IDOE assessment team has been communicating to schools. Links to those documents are here and here.
Five Descriptors will be: EX_MTH, EX_INV, EX-3RT, EX_SPE, EX_MLL with Knowledge Hub pages being updated for release in July.
There have been several concerns this year with reporting of credits earned. Schools may not provide partial credits for a credit bearing HS course. This has been noted in Knowledge Hub guidance under How to Report Earned Credits (1st bullet). This guidance has been provided for several years. After meeting with IDOE Engagement Team an additional FAQ was added to this document at the top of page three with school year highlighted in pink. I also added the update to the FAQ doc on the change log.
Reminder the next meeting is scheduled for January 22nd and Jordan Gusich from Commission for Higher Education along with Parchment colleagues will be attending to provide information and answer any concerns regarding the reporting requirements for student transcripts (E-Transcripts/Parchment) provided to Colleges/Universities. If you have any questions please forward them to me so I may share with Jordan for review prior to the meeting. Jordan is working to have both customer support and technical staff available that day.
Feb 12, 2025
SIS Vendors 7.x Updates PowerPoint presentation has been updated - slide eight to sixteen are new
slide eleven provides URL updates for 2026 oauth/token and data/v3/ed-fi and data/v3/idoe
IDOE is working with EdWise to post out the most recent, updated 7x Vendor Documentation
Items still being discussed and updated are:
MLL and Virtual program (Student Programs)
Grad Plan
2026 Descriptor list is posted under Vendor Documentation
We ran into a concern regarding three Ed Org Category Descriptors. They are showing as being removed but these may come back. This should not affect student descriptor needs.
IDOE is still working with assessment staff on final accommodation list and hopes to have this available by end of February.
Vendor FAQ: SDK Code Generation information updated on 2/4/25