All Graduate Templates: How to Complete Template 027

All Graduate Templates: How to Complete Template 027


Here are the quick instructions for utilizing Template 027 Student Transcript Student Academic Record Diploma.

Make sure to read the general reporting information for templates before proceeding. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in errors and/or data validation issues.

Before Beginning, Note:

  • All steps will be completed in Row 7, downwards.


1. Enter the SchoolYear for the data being submitted.

  • This is the current reporting school year and NOT the calendar year.

    • Example: If the reporting school year is 2023-2024, the school year field should be 2024.

  • Note: Incorrect school year provided will cause data to not be found in Data Exchange.

2. Enter the EdOrgID.

  • Enter the School ID issuing the diploma.

  • See the chart below for more details.

EdOrgID: Public vs. Non-Public Schools



  • EdOrgID (school ID) is a ten digit number comprised from current Corporation and State assigned ID

  • ALL School ID’s start with 10

  • Next current state assigned Corporation ID - example 1234

  • Last ends with 6789

    • Example School ID: 1012346789

  • EdOrgID is a ten digit number comprised from current CorpID and State assigned ID

  • ALL School ID’s start with 10

  • Next Corporation ID is always four zeros - example 0000

  • Last ends with state assigned School ID A456 with Alpha converted to number

    • A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4

  • Example: School ID: 1000001456

3. Enter the STN

  • Note: Any STNs beginning with a zero will need the field or entire column to be formatted to hold the nine digits being reported. Leading zeros will be dropped upon reopening the csv file.

4. Enter the TermDescriptor. The allowable Term Descriptors are listed below on the chart.

  • Note: The descriptors are both case and space-sensitive.

  • Note: The “Term” reported must match with the term provided on the Calendar Template 001.

5. Enter the GradePointAverageTypeDescriptor

  • The descriptors are case sensitive.

  • Provide ‘Weighted’ if the student has minimum of one course outcome (completed) that is/was considered a weighted course.

    • This is not considered for the current reporting school year but for the entirety of the student’s high school career.

  • Provide ‘Unweighted’ if the student has no course outcomes (completed) that is/was considered weighted courses.

    • This is not considered for the current reporting school year but for the entirety of the student’s high school career.

Grade Point Average Type Descriptor



Reported when a student has a minimum of one class throughout their high school career that is considered a weighted course.


Reported when a student does not have any classes throughout their high school career that is considered a weighed course.

6. Enter the GradePointAverageValue

  • Provide the student’s current overall cumulative GPA for the entirety of their high school career

    • This is a decimal value

    • This value may be higher than 4.0

    • This is not considered for the current reporting school year or current reporting term

7. Enter ‘True’ for IsCumulative

  • Provide True for Is Cumulative

    • This should not be provided as False since reporting requirement is for the overall cumulative GPA

8. Enter the MaxGradePointAverageValue

  • This is a decimal value

  • Provide max grade point average value as 4.0

    • Schools may operate on a higher grade point scale; however, IDOE expects the max GPA value to be reported as 4.0

    • Students' cumulative GPA may be reported with a value higher than 4.0

9. Enter the DiplomaAwardDate.

  • This is the date the student is awarded their diploma or certificate of completion. There are several rules to keep in mind:

    • This date does not have to be a school calendar date.

    • Students with an award date from October 1st to June 30th will be certified in July of the reporting school year.

    • Students with an award date of July 1st to September 30th will be certified in the following year’s October certification, while still being acknowledge as a prior school year graduate.

  • Note: The date needs to be formatted as TEXT as “MM/DD/YYYY”.

6. Enter the Diploma Level CODE Value using the chart below.

  • This provides the level of diploma or certificate a student has earned. 

7. Enter the DiplomaTypeDescriptor as “Regular diploma” (be sure to match casing and spacing, no quotation marks), UNLESS:

  • If you entered “Course Completion” for Step #6. If you did, enter “Certificate of attendance” (be sure to match casing and spacing) for Step #7.

  • Or, If you entered “Certificate of Completion (IEP program Completed)” for Step #6. If you did, enter “Certificate of completion” (be sure to match casing and spacing) for Step #7.

8. Enter the EmployabilitySkills using one of the allowable descriptors:

  • Note: These descriptors are space and case sensitive.



Project-Based Learning Experience


Service-Based Learning Experience



Work-Based Learning Experience


9. Enter the PostSecondaryCompetency using one of the allowable descriptors:

  • Note: These descriptors are space and case sensitive.



ACT - College Ready benchmarks


AP/IB/DC/Cambridge Intl courses or CLEP Exam




Alternate Assessment for Alternate Diploma


Career-Technical Education Concentrator


Honors Diploma


Locally Created Pathway


SAT - College Ready benchmarks


State/Federal/Industry recognized Apprenticeship


State/Industry recognized Cred or Certification


Waiver Postsecondary Readiness Competency Reqs


NA or Did Not Demonstrate


10. For LocallyCreatedPathway, provide one of the five pathway numbers allowable for reporting.

Remember: Templates must be saved as a CSV file (with cells formatted as TEXT) inside of a Compressed Zipped Folder, in order to process correctly.