All Special Education Templates: How to Complete Template 022
Here are the quick instructions for utilizing Template 022 Student Program Student Special Ed Program Association.
Make sure to read the general reporting information for templates before proceeding. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in errors and/or data validation issues.
Before Beginning, Note:
All steps will be completed in Row 7, downwards.
It is highly recommended that you complete Template 022 in conjunction with the guidance provided in the following Reporting Guides:
1. Enter IDEAEligibility status:
Enter “TRUE” (in all-caps) under IDEAEligibility if the student is found eligible for special education services and is participating in a special education program. (Note: students terminated or exited from services should not have the original eligibility of ‘true’ changed to ‘false’)
Enter “FALSE” (in all-caps) under IDEAEligibility if the student is in the process of evaluation for services or is found to not be eligible for special education services after evaluation is complete and is not participating in a special education program.
2. Enter the EdOrgID.
This is the school Id reported for access to the student’s Indiana IEP or the school Id where the student is receiving their special education services.
See the chart below for more details.
EdOrgID: Public vs. Non-Public Schools | |
Public | Non-Public |
3. Enter the STN.
Note: Any STNs beginning with a zero will need the field or entire column to be formatted as TEXT to hold the nine digits being reported. Leading zeros will be dropped upon reopening the csv file.
4. For ProgramEdOrgID, enter in this number exactly: 1088000000
5. For ProgramType, enter the phrase, “Special Education” (case and space sensitive, without the quotations).
6. Enter the appropriate ProgramName.
The allowable program names are listed below on the yellow chart.
Note: when entering, make sure the program name matches EXACTLY what is allowable; caps, lower case, space).
ProgramName |
Choice Voucher Correctional Facility Other Services at Home Other Services at Provider Location Parentally placed in Private School Private Preschool Regular Classroom (80% or more) Regular Early Childhood, at least 10 Hours Regular Early Childhood, at least 10 Hours, Other Location Regular Early Childhood, less than 10 Hours Regular Early Childhood, less than 10 Hours, Other Location Residential Facility (+50%) Resource Room (40% - 79%) Separate Class (less than 40%) Separate Day School Facility (+50%) Special Education Program, Residential Facility Special Education Program, Separate Class Special Education Program, Separate School Student’s disability requires home services Undefined Identified Unserved NonPublic/Homeschool Only
7. Enter the DisabilityDescriptor1, using the codes on the chart below.
Note: Make sure that cells are formatted as “TEXT”, so that, for example, that numbers appear as “01”, instead of “1”.
8. If necessary, enter the Disability2 if the student has a second disability.
This is an optional field and will use the same chart above.
Important Note: The order of the Disability provides information for APC funding amounts. Make sure to provide Disability1 of any other exceptionality than 09-Speech first if the student has speech and another exceptionality. Provide 09 as Disability2 when the student has more than one exceptionality. Do NOT provide 09 in both Disability1 and Disability2 if the only exceptionality is Speech.
9. Enter the BeginDate.
This may be the start date of services, first day of your school year, the day the student enrolled, or the same date of the parental consent if the student is in the process of being evaluated for services.
The Begin date must be on or before the count date to be included in SE count.
For initial Special Education evaluations, the Begin Date must be in the current or prior school year to be included.
Note: Spreadsheets will often auto-format dates. Be sure to format the cell to “TEXT”, then type the date [MM/DD/YYYY].
10. If necessary, provide an EndDate.
This is the date the educating organization stopped providing services.
Note: Spreadsheets will often auto-format dates. Be sure to format the cell to “TEXT”, then type the date [MM/DD/YYYY].
11. If an EndDate has been provided, a ReasonExitedDescriptor must be provided.
This is the reason special education services were terminated for this student.
It is highly recommended that you reference the Reporting Guide for Special Education Termination before continuing.
Refer to the chart below and enter one of the Special Education Termination code values on the left.
12. Enter the appropriate SpecialEducationSettingDescriptor utilizing:
Setting Codes for Early Childhood Ages 3-4 and Age 5/PK OR Setting Codes for Early Childhood Ages Ages 5/KG and Ages 6-22.
Note: utilizing the above links, make sure you are entering the Code Values from the far right column, NOT the Legacy Codes.
13. Enter the CircumstancesRelevantToTimelineDescriptor by utilizing the chart below:
14. Enter the TimelineComplianceDescriptor by utilizing the chart below:
15. Enter the CaseConferenceDate for the most recent initial evaluation under IEPReviewDate.
Case conference date may not be prior to the date of parental consent/referral.
This date must be an instructional day on the school calendar.
Annual Case Reviews (ACR’s) should not be recorded in this data element.
For children with initial evaluations concluded before the 2020-2021 school year, June 30, 2020 may be used.
BLANK is allowable for reporting of incomplete processes (i.e. evaluation starting in May and will be finished in August).
Note: Spreadsheets will often auto-format dates. Be sure to format the cell to “TEXT”, then type the date [MM/DD/YYYY].
16. Enter the Date of Parent Consent under ParentalConsentDate.
This date begins the timeline for initial evaluations (20 or 50-day timeline).
Any Timeline Date needs to occur on instructional day within school calendar.
If referral occurred over the summer, parent consent/referral date should be the first day of the current school year.
Reevaluations should not be recorded in this data element.
Note: Spreadsheets will often auto-format dates. Be sure to format the cell to “TEXT”, then type the date [MM/DD/YYYY].
10. If the student is in First Steps, enter their Date Services Begin for First Steps under FirstStepsTransitionDate.
Date does not need to be an instructional day.
Note: Spreadsheets will often auto-format dates. Be sure to format the cell to “TEXT”, then type the date [MM/DD/YYYY].
Remember: Templates must be saved as a CSV file (with cells formatted as TEXT) inside of a Compressed Zipped Folder, in order to process correctly.