All Staff Employment & Staff Injury Templates & Documentation: How to Complete Template 007
Here are the quick instructions for utilizing Template 007 Staff Association Staff EdOrg Employment Association (Staff Demographics).
Make sure to read the general reporting information for templates before proceeding. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in errors and/or data validation issues.
Before Beginning, Note:
All steps will be completed in Row 7, downwards.
1. Enter the ContractEdOrgID, also known as the 10 digit Corporation ID.
See the chart below for more details.
ContractEdOrgID: Public vs. Non-Public Schools | |
Public | Non-Public |
2. Enter the SPN for each staff member.
This is their State assigned unique staff ID.
3. The third data field is EmploymentStatusDescriptor.
Provide the appropriate employment descriptors status of each staff member using labels from the table below.
Note: These descriptors are case and space sensitive.
4. Provide the accurate HireDate of the staff to the contracting educational organization in the form of [MM/DD/YYYY].
Note: This is not the hire date at an individual school within the organization but the hire date at the organization.
Note: Spreadsheets will often auto-format dates. Be sure to format the cell to “TEXT”, then type the date [MM/DD/YYYY].
5. If necessary, provide the accurate EndDate of the staff member when they become no longer employed to the contracting educational organization.
Note: This is not the end date at an individual school within the organization but the end date at the organization.
6. Enter the FullTimeEquivalency of the staff member.
It is the responsibility of the school to determine what is considered full-time vs. part-time and determine the FTE of each employee. The full time equivalency field may be reported with a decimal up to two places.
Note: If the certified employee is part-time provide the accurate FTE for the amount of time they are contracted to work.
Note: Make sure your cells are formatted as TEXT.
7. Enter the ContractDays by reporting the accurate number of days the staff member is contracted.
Note: ContractDays is NOT required for Accredited Nonpublic schools or Non-state Accredited Choice Schools. Simply leave the field blank if electing to not provide this data.
If a non-public school does elect to leave this field blank, then fields 7, 8, 9, and 10 must all be left blank.
Note: If data is provided then ALL fields - 7, 8, 9, & 10 must have data provided.
8. Enter the ContractSalary by reporting the accurate salary the staff member receives.
Note: ContractSalary is NOT required for Accredited Nonpublic schools or Non-state Accredited Choice Schools. Simply leave the field blank if electing to not provide this data.
If a non-public school does elect to leave this field blank, then fields 7, 8, 9, and 10 must all be left blank.
Note: If data is provided then ALL fields - 7, 8, 9, and 10 must have data provided.
Note: Salary is reported without a dollar sign and without commas.
Salary amount MUST be reported as a whole number without a decimal.
9. Enter the SupplementalSalary the staff member receives due to extracurricular, summer school, adult education, etc.
Note: SupplementalSalary is NOT required for Accredited Nonpublic schools or Non-state Accredited Choice Schools. Simply leave the field blank if electing to not provide this data.
If a non-public school does elect to leave this field blank, then fields 7, 8, 9, and 10 must all be left blank.
If data is provided then ALL fields - 7, 8, 9, and 10 must have data provided.
Formatting Note: Salary is reported without a dollar sign and without commas.
Salary amount MUST be reported as a whole number without a decimal.
10. Enter the PercentTitleISalary by reporting the accurate percent of the staff’s salary that is paid by Title I.
Note: PercentTitleISalary is NOT required for Accredited Nonpublic schools or Non-state Accredited Choice Schools. Simply leave the field blank if electing to not provide this data.
If a non-public school does elect to leave this field blank, then fields 7, 8, 9, and 10 must all be left blank.
If data is provided then ALL fields - 7, 8, 9, and 10 must have data provided.
11. Enter the years of PriorProfessionalExperience for each staff member as a number.
Note: This value must be entered in whole numbers (1, 5, 20, etc.)
Note: Make sure your cells are formatted as TEXT.
Remember: Templates must be saved as a CSV file (with cells formatted as TEXT) inside of a Compressed Zipped Folder, in order to process correctly.