Curricular Materials Assistance: General Reporting Info

Curricular Materials Assistance: General Reporting Info


To gather student information required for an accredited nonpublic school to receive a curricular material distribution under ID 20-40-22. Curricular materials assistance captures information on accredited nonpublic school students who are eligible for Curricular Materials Assistance at the student level fulfilling IC 20-33-5-2. Identifying and reporting of the student level data allows accredited nonpublic schools to be compensated for curricular materials provided to those eligible students through a line item in the Department of Education’s budget.

Curricular Materials Assistance applies to:

  • Nonpublic schools participating in the Choice Scholarship program

  • Accredited Nonpublic schools not participating in the Choice Scholarship program

Curricular Material Assistance requires following data points sent via Vendor or Template

(click to see more detail):

  • STN

  • Student Demographic Information

  • Student Address

  • Student Characteristics of Foster, Military

  • EL Proficiency Level & Instrument Used

  • Date of entry into US schools

  • Student Grade Level

  • Student Entry Date

  • Student Exit Date and Exit reason if applicable

  • Primary Educational Entity - True/False

  • Program Ed Org Id 

  • Program Type and Name (Curricular Material Reimbursement)

  • Program Begin Date

  • Program End Date and Reason Exited if applicable

  • STN

  • Parent Id

  • Parent First and Last Name

  • Lives With (‘true’ or ‘false’)

General Reporting Info

  • Curricular Materials Assistance (CMA) counts for certification of accredited nonpublic school students will be based upon the October 2, 2023 active student school associations (enrollment) records where the primary school is indicated as “True.

  • Regarding ALL students regardless of a student’s eligibility for CMA:

    • Schools cannot withhold textbooks or supplies, require any special services from a student, or deny any benefit or privilege. IC 20-33-5-11

    • Schools cannot withhold diplomas, report cards, transcripts, pre-paid school pictures, or any other services.

  • School governing bodies should adopt a policy concerning the allocation of CMA funds that remain after applying the per student amount.

Eligibility for Curricular Materials Assistance:

  • A parent/guardian, or emancipated minors, must complete the free or reduced priced lunch form to determine if the family meetings the requirements for curricular material assistance. This form must be made available to families year-round.

  • A student is eligible for free or reduced-price lunch if the accredited nonpublic school determines the family has a total of 185% of the federal poverty line.

  • KG to 13 grade level students eligible for free or reduced price meals without regard to the school’s participation in USDA Child Nutrition program are eligible for Curricular Materials Assistance.

Ineligibility for Curricular Materials Assistance:

  • PK grade level students are not eligible for Curricular Materials Assistance.

  • Accredited Nonpublic schools participating in the School Choice program may apply for CMA only IF the tuition and fees charged to eligible choice scholarship students do not include CMA costs.

After Eligibility Has Been Established:

  • If the eligibility is determined, the student qualifies for CMA and the fees become the responsibility of the school corporation.

  • Except a provided in IC 20-33-5-3(b), students who meet financial eligibility standards and who are enrolled in a public school may not be required to pay any fee for the child’s participation in a particular courses of student.

Eligibility for Community Eligibility Program (CEP):

  • Schools participating in the Community Eligibility Program (CEP) must determine a student’s eligibility for CMA. The CEP is a federal program and is separate from the state’s Curricular Materials Reimbursement Program.

  • If a parent of a child or an emancipated minor who is enrolled in public school in grades KG-12 meets financial eligibility standards, the parent or the emancipated minor may not be required to pay any fee required for the child’s or emancipated minor’s participation in a particular course of student. (See ID 20-33-5-3)