DEX Reporting In Development

Below, you will find a list of features and updates currently under study or work by IDOE’s Data Exchange Team.

Chart Key:






The Data Exchange Development Team is gauging the interest and feasibility of the idea / feature.

In Development

The Data Exchange Development Team is actively developing this idea / feature.


The Data Exchange Development Team has implemented this idea / feature.

approved for development

The Data Exchange Development Team has approved this idea / feature for the upcoming school year.

Developments Items for 2024-2025

Feature / Update:


Area Affected:

Development Team Status:

Status Updated on:

Other Notes:

Feature / Update:


Area Affected:

Development Team Status:

Status Updated on:

Other Notes:

Staff Injury

Staff Injury Certification Summary Grid

July Certification

approved for development

Oct 4, 2024

Addition of certification summary grid being added to the Staff Employment sign off in July certification.

Course Outcomes

Validation CC-7 Update

Course Outcomes

in development

Oct 4, 2024

Updating CC-7 to not allow reporting of credits less than 1. Credits are to be reported as a whole number and cannot be less than 1. Also updating the error message.


Template for CRDC

CRDC (Reporting)

approved for development

Sep 6, 2024

IDOE is looking to autofill data provided from schools in the CRDC template and then provide in a secure location for school staff to access, review, complete, and submit.

EV Validation

New validation not allowing Circumstance Relevant to Timeline 1 reported with parental consent date reported as 7/1/2024 or after.

Special Education Evaluation


Sep 13, 2024

Circumstance Relevant to Timeline code 1 is no longer allowable for reporting in the 2025 SY but is still reported on historical records. New validation to not allow this code for any new evaluations.

Validation Roster and ODS Resource Updates

Column order, removal of column, additional columns, column header titles updates

October/December Validation Rosters and ODS Resource

in development

Sep 13, 2024

Will provide consistency in all rosters and ODS resource files.

CE Validation Updates

Changes to CE-11 and CE-3

Staff Employment


Sep 13, 2024

CE-11 is being updated to a warning message instead of an error. CE-3 is being inactivated.

Student Section Association

New validations when reporting new Attempt Status Descriptor

Course Outcomes


Sep 13, 2024

Additional validations needed to make sure accurate data is being reported when utilizing the new attempt status on the student section for outcomes.

Student Section Association

Addition of Attempt Status Descriptor

Course Outcomes


Sep 13, 2024

Adding attempt status descriptor (no grade awarded) to student section will ease data reporting (per SIS vendors) for reporting outcomes when students drop a course prior to completion.

Ed-ID Data Requestor Role

Creation of an Ed-ID Data Requestor role

Ed-ID - Staff Assignment


Sep 6, 2024

New role to allow search, create, update, and merge requests in addition to lookup in the Ed-ID portal. This new role will not provide any access to Data Exchange.

ML Validation Update

Change to ML-8

Multilingual Learner


Aug 23, 2024

ML-8 message being updated to assist with reason exclusion is being provided if the birth country and/or student language is missing.

ES (Discipline) Validation Update

Change to ES-11



Aug 23, 2024

Updating ES-11 to a warning until April and then will be a error.

Curricular Materials Assistance

Removal of Curricular Materials resource under Review Tab and moved to Student Program

Review Tab - ODS Resource


Aug 9, 2024

Curricular materials has been joined with student programs so the ODS resource for CMA program has been removed and those student program records will be found in the student program resource.


Removal of Waiver Day column from Summary Grid



Aug 9, 2024

Waiver day column removed and is no longer counted in the 180 day calendar dates. Waiver may be reported but ultimately is approved and counted into the 180 day requirement from School Accountability.

Staff Assignment

Validation/Certification roster updated to show contracting corporation.

Staff Assignment


Aug 9, 2024

Allows schools to see which corporation has reported the staff employment record.


New Validations - Reporting ISS/OSS/Expulsion does not allow Arrest data to be provided. Reporting Arrest requires on/off property and arrest reason information.



Jul 29, 2024

Arrest records are to be separate and not tied to ISS/OSS/Expulsion. Validations requiring two separate records.

Special Education

Validation/Certification roster updated to show APC funding levels.

Special Education


Jul 29, 2024

APC funding levels added to allow schools to see potential funding based on certified status of the student SE record. Funding amounts will be visible for those students with exclude status as well.

Course Outcomes

Additional Credit Method Type Descriptors being added; 2022 Credit Corrections, 2023 Credit Corrections, 2024 Credit Corrections.

Updates to CC rule logic not requiring student or staff section records when using these methods.

Course Outcomes


Jul 29, 2024

Additional credit method type descriptors to allow schools to provide missing course outcome data from the 2022, 2023, and 2024 school years.


Updates to Accommodations; additional codes and removal of some.

Assessment Accommodations


Jul 16, 2024

Updates to align with IDOE assessment team and assessment vendor accommodation reporting requirements.


Moved to 2025-2026 SY

Additional validation allowing on certain weapons to be reported for each 04, 05, or 06 behavior.


approved for development

May 29, 2024

Allows only certain weapons to be reported for each behavior of 04, 05, or 06.


Moved to 2025-2026 SY

Addition of weapons to be provided when behaviors of 04, 05, or 06 are reported.


approved for development

May 29, 2024

Allows schools to provide the additional information required on the weapon involved when reporting a behavior involving handguns, rifles, or other firearms. Removes the need to complete an additional form.

Special Education

Update to SE-3 logic to include new SE program - Identified Unserved; students will not generate funding. Update to SE summary grid.

Special Education


Jul 29, 2024

Allows schools to see count of students in new SE program while the program does not generate funding.

Special Education

New SE validations for new program - Identified Unserved; only public schools may report this program, IDEA eligibility must equal ‘true’, exit reason code can only be 99.

Special Education


Jul 16, 2024

Assist in data quality reporting around new SE program in the 2025 school year.


Two new Validation Rules around arrest data reporting; arrest on/off property cannot be provided when reporting ISS/OSS/Expelled and requiring arrest data when discipline descriptor = Arrested.



Jul 29, 2024

Provides data quality for reporting and calculating arrest data.

Special Education

APC funding levels updated for 2024-2025 school year.

Special Education


Jul 29, 2024

Allows schools to see updated funding amounts for SE.

Multilingual Learners

Additional validation when Date of Entry into US schools is provided on grade level PK students. Date of Entry does not begin until KG so records will fail.

Multilingual Learners


Jul 16, 2024

Assist DOE staff in identifying immigrant status accurately.

Course Outcomes

Updating CC-9 message to include the Course Code and Section Identifier. Also updating additional error message page (baseball card) with same information.

Course Outcomes


Jul 16, 2024

Provides more information to school staff to assist with troubleshooting the error message.

Master Schedule-Section

Staff Section

Removal of Medium of Instruction data.

Removal of CC-11 business rule.

Master Schedule and Staff


Jul 16, 2024

Redundant data no longer needed with reporting of method credit earned.


New MLL validation when language code is not provided in Data Exchange. No student ed org association record which provides demographic student record data found in DEX.



Jul 16, 2024

Improves data quality in DEX when no student record is found there is no match to the data provided in Ed-ID.

Course Outcomes

Solution to validate and exclude single course outcome records on a student instead of excluding a student as a whole for course outcome certification.

October (summer school) and July Certification (course outcomes)


Apr 12, 2024

Allows IDOE to utilize accurate data on a student.

Work completed and deployed for 2024 school year certification.

Additional Fields to Student Grad Cohort ODS export (review)

Adding DOB and Grade Level to the student grad cohort ODS resource in DEX 2.0

Review (ODS) in DEX 2.0


Aug 9, 2024

Adding DOB and grade to student grad cohort to assist schools in making sure accurate data is provided for students when assigned a cohort (grad year) from IDOE.

Special Education

Removal of setting descriptors 01-Community-Based Preschool and 08-Headstart

Special Education


Jul 16, 2024

Setting descriptors 01 and 08 are no longer needed. SE-8 and SE-11 Business rules will be updated removing these setting descriptors from the logic.

Special Education

Additional SE program – Identified Unserved NonPublic/Homeschool Only

Special Education


Jul 16, 2024

Additional program to satisfy federal reporting need in identifying students enrolled in non-public or homeschool who have been evaluated and found eligible (consent for services still in place) but services have been declined. The program was not ended as it never started since services were declined so this is not a TR exit reason. Data was previously reported through a jot form to IDOE.

Staff Assignment

New validation requiring assignment of Superintendent is provided for each public/charter LEA ID.

New validation requiring assignment of Principal is provided for each school ID.



Jul 29, 2024

Validation to assist with IDOE departments in contacting and identifying superintendents and principals.

Student/Parent Relationship

Creation of a Legal Designee for the new IEP/ILP system (optional for 2025 school year and required in 2026 school year).



Jul 16, 2024

IDOE will be developing a solution for schools to identify those parents/guardians as the legal designee for access to IEP/ILP. Will allow those identified to provide signatures on documents. More information will come as available.

Multilingual Learners

Validation requiring prof. level NES to be reported on English speaking students participating in DL/I program or Regular Education-Non-EL program.

October Certification


Jul 16, 2024

Validation to assist with providing a prof. level for students identified as English (only) participating in DL/I or Reg Ed Non-EL programs.

Multilingual Learners

Update of Instrument Used 12 text to WIDA Screener (Grades KG-13)

October Certification


Jul 16, 2024

WIDA screener will be used for all grade levels with the removal of 6-Kindergarten Screener.

Non-State Assessments

Reporting of non-state assessments (optional for 2025 school year and required in 2026 school year). Examples: ASVAB, CLEP, IB…


approved for development

Mar 11, 2024

Ability for schools to provide non-state assessments to assist with grad plans and validation of grad plans in the coming years. More information will come as available.

Multilingual Learners

Additional validation requiring Date of Entry into US schools when a student is in grades KG-13 and birth country is outside of the US or US territories.

October Certification


Jul 16, 2024

New validation to assist with missing data used for calculation of immigrant status.

Course Outcomes

Updated and Moved to 2025-2026 SY

Additional validation regarding the number of min/ Maximum credits allowed to be provided for a course.

New validation will be regarding the maximum credits allowed.

July Certification

approved for development

Oct 4, 2024

New validation to provide accuracy on reporting number of credits earned on credit bearing courses. This will not affect reporting of credits earned when a student is taking a course again. This is to have better accuracy of reporting allowable credits earned at the time the student is completing a course.


Additional fields being added to the membership roster. Begin and End dates of Virtual Program records.

October and December


Jul 16, 2024

New fields of information to assist schools in seeing the begin/end dates of a virtual program record in association to the number of attendance days reported as virtual vs non-virtual.

Student Academic Record (Graduate)

Additional field for reporting a student’s current overall GPA; this would be the same GPA provided on the student’s official transcript to Parchment.

October and July Certification


Jul 16, 2024

Information will be used for transcript requests and for a required field with 21st Century auto enrollment. Required for the 2025 school year reporting.

Special Education Evaluation

Additional Summary Grid providing a tabulation of Final Compliance for Indicator 11 and 12.

July Certification


Aug 9, 2024

This will provide more data quality for LEAs and knowing their totals for each indicator at time of certification.

Multilingual Learners

Removal of ELL Instrument Used Code Value 11 and 6

October Certification


Jul 16, 2024

These codes are no longer valid and will be removed from reporting.

Student Language Codes

Addition of 300+ Language Codes

October Certification & Ed-ID


Jul 16, 2024

Addition of all language codes will assist schools and lessen the need to have language codes added each school year.

Multilingual Learners

Limited English Proficiency Level Code Value 8 - description being updated ‘no assessment scores from previous school year available and student has not been assessed’

October Certification


Jul 16, 2024

This is text change only to the code description to provide more clarity on the code’s use and definition.

Multilingual Learners

Limited English Proficiency Level A5 being removed and is no longer valid.

Limited English Proficiency Levels ALT PL1, ALT PL2, ALT PL3, ALT PL4, and ALT PL5 being added to align to updates from WIDA assessment

October Certification


Jul 16, 2024

Changes to alternative proficiency levels being made to align to updates from the WIDA assessment.

Pupil Enrollment

New validation requiring student race code

October Certification


Jul 16, 2024

Race codes must be provided on the student record (SEOA) and if missing an error message will be provided.

Good Cause Exemptions (GCE)

Utilize the existing accommodation codes under IRead-3 (EX_IEP, EX_ILP, EX_RTN) to report GCE on a student. New validations when providing a GCE coming.

July (possibly)


Codes already available; new warning validation in development.

Aug 23, 2024

Validations will be created when reporting a student with a Good Cause Exemption for SpEd, EL, or Retention. Criteria for the validations is being identified for the 2024-2025 school year validation development.

Cohorts/Grouping of Students

Use of feature in Ed-Fi allowing schools to associate groups or cohorts of students to staff such as Counselors, TORs, etc.

None (Student Backpack?)


Sep 13, 2024

This is in early stages and no timeline has been set of when this feature will be available. This will allow staff associated to cohorts of students to see data on those students and will be security driven.

Developments Items for 2023-2024

Feature / Update:


Area Affected:

Development Team Status:

Status Updated on:

Other Notes:

Feature / Update:


Area Affected:

Development Team Status:

Status Updated on:

Other Notes:

Course Outcomes

Adding field Method Credit Earned to validation/certification rosters. Removing field Credit Recovery Credit Type from validation/certification rosters.

Course Outcome Rosters


May 23, 2024

Addition and removal of fields to roster to assist in verifying data accuracy.

Course Outcomes

Additional Validation requiring Method of Credit Earned to be provided when missing.

July and October Certification


May 23, 2024

New validation to assist schools with data accuracy in providing method credit earned on student transcript records.

Special Education

New Rule:

SE-24 message: Special Education Setting of Homeschooled, Non-Public School or Null are only allowed with Program Undefined or Choice Voucher.

Special Education - December and April Certification


Mar 22, 2024

New validation rule to prevent reporting inaccurate SE setting codes when SE program is Undefined or Choice Voucher


Additional Validations:

GR-34 message: Students in cohort 2023 and beyond cannot be issued an Academic, Technical, or Academic and Technical Honors Evidence-based or Work-Readiness Waiver diploma.

GR-35 message: Students in cohort 2023 and beyond cannot be reported with a Waiver Postsecondary Readiness Competency when reporting an Honors Diploma.

Graduate - October and July Certification


Mar 22, 2024

Additional validation rules added to allow accurate reporting of diploma levels in conjunction with competencies

Special Education

New Validation: Logic = IF a student has a Special Education Program Association to undefined or choice voucher , THEN the Special Education Setting (Location Codes) may be either be 10 (Non-Public School) OR 03 (Homeschool) or null

Error Message: Special Education Setting of Homeschooled, Non-Public School or Null are only allowed with Program Undefined or Choice Voucher.

Special Education-December and April Certification


Mar 22, 2024

Additional validation being added to allow accurate reporting for certain SE program records with updates from SE department.


Additional validations:

GR-32 Message = Employability Skills must be reported as either Work-Based, Project-Based or Service-Based Learning Experience.

GR-33 Message = Post-Secondary Competency reported must be one of the allowed Post-Secondary Competency descriptors.

Graduate - October and July Certification


Mar 22, 2024

Additional validations being added to avoid incorrect achievement category descriptors being provided for Employability Skills and Post-Secondary Competency.


Additional Discipline Descriptor ‘Arrested’ being added.

Discipline-July Certification


Mar 22, 2024

Additional discipline descriptor ‘Arrested’ being added to allow schools the ability of reporting arrested information within the student’s action record and be certified at an incident only.

Course Outcomes

Additional Credit Method Type Descriptors being added for Summer School outcome reporting. Summer Participation 49% or less, Summer Participation 50% to 89%, and Summer Participation 90% or more.

Course Outcomes-October and July Certification


Mar 22, 2024

Additional credit method type descriptors when reporting Summer School outcomes to provide a students participation percentage in the summer school course.


Discipline Rosters and Certification Summary Grid

Discipline-July Certification


May 23, 2024

Discipline rosters and certification summary grid will be released after March 4th.


Validation ES-1 Message = Student cannot be reported with a discipline incident. Student does not have enrollment at the reporting school.

Discipline-July Certification


Feb 9, 2024

Students must have an enrollment record associated to the school reporting discipline.


Validation ES-2 Message = Student must have Arrest On School Property or Arrest Off School Property reported when reporting an Arrest reason.

Discipline-July Certification


Feb 9, 2024

Students reported with an arrest reason code must also provide if the arrest was on or off school property.


Validation ES-3 Message = Student must have an Arrest Reason when reporting Arrest On School Property or Arrest Off School Property.

Discipline-July Certification


Feb 9, 2024

Students reported with an arrest on or off school property must also provide the arrest reason code.


Validation ES-4 Message = Student discipline incident date cannot be in the future.

Discipline-July Certification


Feb 9, 2024

Students cannot be reported with an incident in the future. Students cannot be reported as getting ‘in trouble’ on a date in the future.


Validation ES-5 Message = Student’s length of discipline must be provided when reporting an In-School Suspension, Out of School Suspension or Expulsion.

Discipline-July Certification


Feb 9, 2024

If a student is serving a suspension or expulsion the number of days (length) must be provided.


Validation ES-6 Message = Student’s length of discipline must be between 1-365 days when reporting In-School Suspension, Out of School Suspension or Expulsion.

Discipline-July Certification


Feb 9, 2024

The number of days (length) provided when reporting a suspension or expulsion cannot be 0, negative or more than 365 days.


Validation ES-7 Message = Services Provided must be reported when a student is serving an In School Suspension, Out of School Suspension, or Expulsion.

Discipline-July Certification


Feb 9, 2024

Students reported with an action of suspension or expulsion must also provide if the student is receiving services, offered services, not receiving services, etc. If a special education student if they are being placed in an interim alternative educational setting.


Validation ES-8 Message = Incident date is invalid. Incident date must be a valid current year school calendar date.

Discipline-July Certification


Feb 9, 2024

Students cannot be reported with an incident date outside of the current school year (7-1 to 6-30).


Validation ES-9 Message = Student reported with length of the suspension exceeding 10 days. Verify the data is accurate as suspensions generally do not exceed 10 days. (This is a warning)

Discipline-July Certification


Feb 9, 2024

Students may have the number of days (length) showing more than 10 when a suspension is reported. This is a warning to check the data for accuracy.


Validation ES-10 Message = Student must be provided when reporting a Discipline Incident. Student ID is missing.

Message will be updated March 8th: Student ID is missing from Discipline Incident Record (Incident ID and Incident Date will be provided).

Discipline-July Certification



Updated rule message:


Feb 9, 2024


Updated rule message:

May 23, 2024

When a school creates an Incident (unique incident ID) and reports this without student(s) associated to the incident this error will be provided. Each incident must have at least one student ID provided.


Validation ES-11 Message = Certification cannot be completed until Restraint/Seclusion information is provided.

NOTE: This rule is not currently Active! This will be active once the template is available.

Discipline-July Certification


Feb 9, 2024

Each School ID must have completed the Restraint/Seclusion Survey Template in full; each field must have a value or text provided.


Certification moving (adding) to October Cycle

October Certification


Aug 25, 2023

To align with PE/ME and start of the school year certification


Removal of Validation Rules CL-6, CL-7, CL-8, CL-10



Aug 17, 2023

CL rules are now inactive


Removal of both VIRTUAL COVID event descriptors



Aug 25, 2023

No longer allowed


Certification moving (adding) to October Cycle

October Certification


Aug 25, 2023

Per Statute


New Validation/Business Rule requiring Accountable School when primary responsibility is identified as ‘Attendance’



Aug 17, 2023

Accountable School is a REQUIRED field and if missing the record will not be loaded for validation.


New Validation/Business Rule not allowing ‘In Attendance’ descriptor to be provided when school has been identified as being a virtual school or program



Aug 25, 2023

AT-10 message will be provided if ‘In Attendance’ is provided


New Validation/Business Rule providing a conflict if a student enrolls and is reported as serving an expulsion at previously enrolled school (ed org)



Aug 5, 2024

Found AT-4 provides the conflict message for this scenario. (work may have been done and status was not updated.


Removal of Validation Rule AT-5



Aug 25, 2023

No longer needed


Removal of Virtual due to COVID-19 descriptor



Aug 25, 2023

No longer allowed

Multilingual Learners

Addition of Refugee Program to certification

Multilingual Learners


Jun 23, 2023


Multilingual Learners

New Validation/Business Rule requiring Birth Country

Student Ed Org Association (Demographic Data)


Aug 9, 2024

ML-20 message will be provided if birth country is missing from Student Demographics (Student Ed Org Association)

Multilingual Learners

Adding fields Instrument Used & Date of Entry into US Schools on rosters

Multilingual Learners Roster


Aug 25, 2023



Adding fields Diploma Award Date and Local Pathway Codes to roster

Graduate Roster


Aug 25, 2023


Pupil Enrollment

Adding field Corp of Legal Settlement (COLS) to roster

Pupil Enrollment Roster


Aug 25, 2023


Student Academic Record (Course Outcomes)

Adding Summer School outcomes to October certification

October Certification


May 23, 2024

Work is completed but waiting to deploy for Oct. of 2024-2025 SY (1/24/24).

Special Education APC Funding

Updating SE funding amounts

SE December APC funding


Dec 1, 2023

APC funding amounts updated on summary grid

Special Education Timeline Compliance

New Timeline Compliance Descriptor - Timeline Missed, Move-In during Evaluation

Special Ed Program Record (Evaluation)


Mar 22, 2024

Timeline Descriptor is available but business rules are not updated (1/24/24) to complete the development work.

Business rules updated and deployed on 3/22/24.

Additional Student Program

Addition of Foreign Exchange Program to certification

July Certification


Aug 9, 2024


Student Academic Record (Course Outcomes)

New outcome - In Progress (student is enrolled in the course; term has not ended and no outcome to provide yet)

Student Academic Record & July Certification


Sep 1, 2023

In Progress is now available for reporting if schools want to utilize

Student Academic Record (Course Outcomes)

New Validation/Business Rule requiring a valid outcome of Pass/Fail/Incomplete/No Grade Awarded after term has ended - In Progress will not be considered a valid outcome

Student Academic Record & July Certification


Jan 24, 2024

CC-9 validation/business rule updated to not be provided until the term date has passed and outcome is either null/blank or ‘in progress’

Student Academic Record Roster

Adding field Term End Date to roster

Student Academic Record Roster


Apr 26, 2024


Curricular Materials Assistance Program Association

Removal of Validation TB-3

Curricular Materials Assistance


Aug 15, 2023

TB-3 is now inactive


Graduate Certification Summary Grid is being updated to add Alternate Assessment for Alternate Diploma to the postsecondary-readiness competency area. Code numbers are being removed from the postsecondary area as data is provided with text. Codes are no longer used.

Graduate Summary Grid


Dec 8, 2023

partial complete - Alternate Assessment for Alternate Diploma is now on summary grid

text now available/completed for pathway reporting on the summary grid

Staff Employment

Adding field Years of Experience to roster

Staff Employment Roster


Aug 25, 2023


Student School Association

Adding new Exit Withdraw Type Descriptor; Non-Compulsory Attendance Age



Aug 25, 2023

New exit descriptor added

51=Non-Compulsory Attendance Age


New Validation/Business Rule not allowing students under age 7 to be reported with new Exit Withdraw descriptor ‘Non-Compulsory Attendance Age’



Aug 25, 2023

AT-12 message will be provided if exit descriptor ‘non-compulsory attendance age’ is provided and student is 7 yrs of age or older


Adding field Primary School to roster to assist in identifying those students who are primary school ‘false’.

Attendance Roster


Aug 25, 2023



New Validation/Business Rule when multiple entry dates are provided on a student with the same school ID and exit dates are not provided OR multiple enrollment records at the same school ID overlap. (considered an internal conflict or enrollment conflict with the same school)



Aug 25, 2023

AT-11 message will be provided when more than enrollment record is provided by the same school ID where the dates overlap or are considered in conflict


Updating logic for membership certification to report virtual and non-virtual student counts based on attendance.

Membership Certification Grid


Aug 25, 2023

Virtual Y/N for funding now based on attendance (not program identification)


Adding field Virtual and Non-Virtual Attendance Days to the membership roster.

Membership Roster


Aug 25, 2023