Known & Resolved Issues

Below, you will find a list of Known and Resolved Issues with IDOE’s Data Exchange.

PChart Key:






IDOE is aware of the issue.


IDOE is actively working on a fix.


IDOE has implemented a solution.

Known & Resolved Issues for 2024-2025:



Area Affected:

Support Team Status:

Issue Discovered On:

Status Updated On:

Other Notes:



Area Affected:

Support Team Status:

Issue Discovered On:

Status Updated On:

Other Notes:

PK Immigrants

PK immigrant only students are receiving ML-8 exclusion not certifying the student

MLL Certification


Oct 1, 2024


IDOE is aware ML-8 is triggering in error for PK Immigrant students and not counting those students on the English Learners / Immigrants Certification Summary grid.

Data Viewer Role

Data viewer at a school level does not have access to Review Tab (ODS) reports

Review Tab


Oct 1, 2024


IDOE is aware when a staff is assigned the data viewer role with a school ID and not a LEA ID they do not have access to the review tab.

ME-7 w/prior year GR data

Prior year graduate records reported in error cause students to receive ME-7 excluding them from membership count



Sep 30, 2024


For February certification updates will be made to rule logic to not view historical GR records reported with ‘excluded’ status. Those historical GR records with ‘certified’ status will be viewed and will still cause ME-7. Those will need to be addressed through a help ticket.

Foreign Exchange

Additional Student Summary Grid is not populating Foreign Exchange counts

Additional Student Summary in July certification


Sep 20, 2024


IDOE is aware of Foreign Exchange students not calculating in the AD summary grid and is making a correction in the system to show these counts for July certification.

Ed-ID Requestor Role

We are aware that some are receiving 403 errors delivered back via API for staff members assigned the Ed-ID Requestor role

Ed-ID tile will be missing from the LINK portal.


Sep 10, 2024

Sep 30, 2024

Staff records provided to DEX must first have either a staff employment or a staff assignment record provided to create the relationship for reporting the staff record. Also, the staff ID must first exist in Ed-ID.

Data Viewer Role

Allows users to create, update, and request merges in Ed-ID



Aug 6, 2024

Sep 6, 2024

Creating a new role for Ed-ID (Ed-ID Requestor) to perform functions in Ed-ID only while keeping Data Viewer role for view rights only in BOTH Data Exchange and Ed-ID (allowing search/lookup only).

Method Credit Earned

Summer Participation 49% or less and 90% or more

Course Outcomes


Aug 19, 2024

Aug 23, 2024

Descriptors in DEX API does not match to descriptors provided to vendors. Descriptors are being corrected to allow reporting of these methods to not fail in DEX.

DEX Validation Messages

The ‘baseball card' displays a blank page when clicking any validation message.

DEX Validation page


Aug 16, 2024

Aug 23, 2024

IDOE development is investigating.

403/Ownership Token/Access to the resource item Not Authorized

Schools who have provided a template for a specific dataset (i.e. enrollment, calendar, staff assignment, etc.) and are now sending the same datasets from their SIS or vice versa sending data 1st from SIS and now sending template for same dataset will receive this error.

Data Syncs with Data Exchange


Aug 16, 2024

Aug 21, 2024

IDOE has identified the issue and is working on a solution. It is not expected to have a solution until next week.


Cambium assessment vendor

Students not updating to currently enrolled corp



Aug 14, 2024

Sep 6, 2024

Updated 9/6/24 IDOE has reverted back to historical practice of sending files to Cambium and they are loading the students for TIDE rosters.

Update 8/19/2024 Cambium knows how to fix this issue. It is anticipated that the fix should be in place by Friday, 8/23/2024.

Cambium investigating issue on their side. Appears to do with version being sent from IDOE and how Cambium is picking up the data. Students are moving to the correct corp but taking longer than expected to updated TIDE.

IIEP Access Updates

Sharing information from PCG: PCG a day or so behind with managing import from IDOE due to volume of beginning of year changes

May impact access to IIEP for certain students


Aug 14, 2024

Aug 22, 2024

PCG anticipates processes will catchup in the next few days.

Known & Resolved Issues for 2023-2024:



Area Affected:

Support Team Status:

Issue Discovered On:

Status Updated on:

Other Notes:





Area Affected:

Support Team Status:

Issue Discovered On:

Status Updated on:

Other Notes:



Summer School Method Credit Earned ‘Summer Participation 90% or more’

Records reported with Method Credit Earned of ‘Summer Participation 90% or more’ are failing resulting in CC-10 and CC-11 triggering

Course Outcomes


Jun 10, 2024

Jun 21, 2024

Fix in development



ES discipline length

Discipline length reported with half day increments are showing on the certification roster as a whole day (rounding up).

July Discipline certification


Jun 4, 2024

Jun 12, 2024

Development has found the cause and is correcting the certification roster to show the accurate number of days reported on discipline length when half day provided.



ES-11 triggering for Non-public Schools in error

Non-public schools do not provide discipline data - no discipline rules should be running for non-pubs

July Discipline certification


May 29, 2024

Aug 9, 2024

This will not be resolved for the 2024 July certification. Non-publics can ignore the message.


A high priority development ticket has been created to exclude non-public schools from ES-11 business rule



CE not loading for certification

CE data certified in October not loading for July certification resulting in July certified count reflecting any Staff Employment records submitted after October certification. Also likely the cause of CP-1 message triggering in error

July Staff Employment certification


Apr 17, 2024

May 1, 2024

Development has found the cause and expects to have resolution this week



April Certification Signoff

Some administrators are unable to signoff for April data

Special Education April Certify


Apr 5, 2024

Apr 12, 2024

Waiting on HelloSign vendor to determine what is causing this issue.

Established signoff order LEA administrator first - Financial administrator second



Summer school certification counts (course outcomes)

Students reported with Summer School outcomes (date found in the ODS) who are not loading for verification and counts in July certification.

Course Outcomes


Mar 25, 2024

Apr 12, 2024

Students reported with summer school outcomes are not loading for validation and certification at this time. Development has found the cause will be addressing in time for July certification.



GR-34 and GR-35 Triggering Twice

GR-34 and GR-35 are showing as duplicated in validation results.

Graduate Validation Error Messages


Mar 22, 2024

Apr 12, 2024

Development team has identified the cause and working to resolve the issue so only one message will be returned.



Special Education Reason code 99

Students whose SE program record is ended with code 99 are populating to the SE Termination Roster in error.

Special Education Termination Roster


Feb 20, 2024

May 23, 2024





TR-6 is triggering for special education termination when the SSA exit date and SE program end date match and TR Reason code 1-transfer to regular education is reported.

Special Education Termination


Dec 20, 2023

Apr 12, 2024

Development anticipates resolution March 2024.




CC-10 is showing there is no matching staff when schools are able to verify there is a matching staff section to the student for an outcome. IDOE is finding this is happening when a staff is associated to more than one Ed Org ID.

Course Outcomes


Feb 9, 2024

Feb 8, 2024

IDOE development is making a correction to the load process for teaching staff associated to more than one school.



Membership/Attendance Virtual Counts

.5 Virtual and absence days are not calculating accurately.



Feb 9, 2024

Mar 22, 2024

IDOE will review students with a virtual program association and have been reported with multiple days of .5 day virtual attendance to make sure the virtual vs non-virtual funding is accurate for February.

2/26/24: Approved for deployment on 3/8/24



Special Ed Certification Count

Special Education students serving an expulsion (reported on enrollment record with code 33) and revoking or ending their program services (reported with a termination code) are showing certified inaccurately on the SE roster and summary.

Special Education roster and certification summary.


Dec 5, 2023

May 23, 2024

IDOE will review all data after the December certification closes to determine students certified incorrectly. Schools will be notified of any students with a termination to their SE program record prior to 12/1 and having an exit reason of 33. There is no further action required from the schools. No termination code will correct the students to show as excluded from the counts.

Testing confirms this issue hs been resolved for the December 1, 2024 Special Education certification.



Title I Counts

Title I services provided are not loading correctly from the ODS for certification counts. Students with services reported in the ODS are showing incorrectly on the summary as Eligible Not Served.

Title Summary and Title rosters.


Nov 27, 2023

Dec 22, 2023

Development has found the cause and a support ticket is being created to fix the issue.

Fix was deployed 12/21/23.



CC-10 & CC-11

CC-10, CC-11, CC-12 triggering in error for students who are service only or ADM 2 has been identified and turned over to development 

Course Outcomes


Nov 8, 2023

Dec 1, 2023

Fix was deployed 11/30/23.




Special Education PROGRAM conflicts

SpEd Certification


Sep 5, 2023

Mar 22, 2024


3/22/24 - both schools should see program conflicts messages (NOTE: increase in SE-4 exclusion caused as records where students are no longer enrolled are pulled to allow the conflict on the program to be produced)

IDOE development is investigating concerns with SE program conflicts. Examples were needed and have now been received. IDOE focus is currently resolving concerns with October and will then begin to focus on December.

10/27 - The resolution for this issue is currently in QA testing.

11/16 - The fix for this issue has been deployed

11/21/23 = IDOE is aware that there are instances where both LEAs do not see the SE-23 conflict message. Matter is under investigation.

11/27/23 - emails are being sent out informing both schools of conflicts that need resolution.




Students with end dates to their Virtual program record prior to the census date are failing.

Membership certification


Sep 13, 2023

Jan 24, 2024

IDOE is analyzing the issue and will not be able to have a solution before October certification. WORKAROUND; schools will need to remove the end date on the program record until after 10/2 and then can add back. FYI-Students are being funded by the number of attendance days virtual vs. non-virtual and not by the program association.

UPDATE 1/11/24: Development is investigating this concern and hope to have resolution prior to February 1, 2024 count date.

Deployment on 1/23/24 to correct issue.



Pupil Enrollment Roster

COLS is not populating. This was turned off by IDOE. At this time the data will not show on the roster.

PE Roster


Sep 8, 2023

Dec 6, 2023

COLS is found on October PE files.



Pupil Enrollment Roster not updating

PE roster entry date does not match entry on SSA

PE Roster


Sep 12, 2023

Sep 15, 2023

PE roster corrections completed




GR-12 is triggering for SAR records reported with Diploma Level Type 13 in error.

Graduate validation results


Sep 7, 2023

Sep 15, 2023

Diploma Level (code 13) now recognized and no longer causing GR-12 to trigger.



Template 011 - Other Personnel

Upload error triggered when FTE is 2 digits (14.00)

Failed upload results in Personnel Category and FTE not added to Other Personnel


Aug 29, 2023

Sep 5, 2023

Fix deployed

Development team investigating.



Validation Runs

Validation runs are failing for a small number of LEAs at this time

Validations Tab


Aug 25, 2023

Sep 11, 2023





AT-1 is triggering for students in error.

Attendance validation results


Aug 22, 2023

Aug 25, 2023

FIx has been deployed.



Multilingual Learners - ML-8

Students with language 211 (English) and birth country of USA are receiving ML-8 error message incorrectly.

Multilingual Learners validation results


Aug 21, 2023

Sep 22, 2023

Fix deployed.


English speaking, born in USA receiving ML-8 Exclusion. IDOE looking to have those exclusions removed. Original concern (strike though) has been resolved. Development team investigating. Seems to be caused when students have more than one enrollment record provided by a non-pub and public school.



Conflicts - AT-4

Schools are receiving conflicts in error when a student has a one-day mobility record provided from the conflicting school where the enrollment school’s start date is before the one day mobility record.

Attendance, Membership, etc. areas involving enrollment records where both schools are reported as primary ‘true’


Aug 16, 2023

Sep 7, 2023

Issue resolved



Template 017_Student Demographics

Template upload failing

Failed upload results in student demographics not being added to the student


Aug 16, 2023

Aug 25, 2023

Fix has been deployed.



Enrollment Counts

Overall enrollment from Overview Tab and Student School Association from ODS resource under Submission Tab; Overall enrollment report is showing/counting students with exit dates provided in ODS.

Overall Active Enrollment counts


Aug 15, 2023

Sep 11, 2023

Concern reported to development for investigation.



Mismatch on race - Alaska Native

400 error is triggered for the race mismatch for students with race code Alaska Native. Ed-ID contains the spelling ‘Alaskan Native’. DEX ODS has corrected the code to the grammatically correct code of ‘Alaska Native’.

400 mismatch error is triggered


Aug 4, 2023

Aug 29, 2023

Spelling corrected in Ed-ID.



Calendar - CL-6

Rule was not inactivated with first known issue resolution

Causing calendars to still fail


Aug 2, 2023

Aug 3, 2023

Correction made and validation run being completed by IDOE overnight of 8/2 should result in CL-6 no longer showing beginning 8/3. Confirmed CL-6 no longer triggering on 8/3.



Validation Runs

IDOE nightly validation did not run for approximately 340 LEAs on 8/2/23. IDOE is working on cause and solution.

Validation Tab/Validation Results


Aug 2, 2023

Aug 14, 2023

All LEAs validations processed evening of Aug. 13th



Validation Tab

Validation tab stuck Loading

Validation tab


Aug 1, 2023

Aug 1, 2023




Calendars Failing

All calendars are failing at this time

Since calendars are failing, all attendance data will fail as will membership data.


Jul 28, 2023

Jul 28, 2023

Running another validation either by school or waiting for nightly validation run will resolve issue.



Attendance-11 triggering

New validation rule not operating as expected

May be triggering for records where student enrolled in two buildings in the same corp (one primary false and one primary true) with begin dates and no exit date


Aug 16, 2023

Sep 8, 2023

Issue resolved.