Template Support & Troubleshooting: Data Points that can Produce Second / Duplicate Records
When records for the same data set is provided where one of the data fields is considered a “Unique Identifier Key” is updated and the first record is not deleted, it will create a second record (commonly called a “duplicate” record, despite the data being different).
If your school utilizes an SIS Vendor, please check with your vendor to understand their policies and practices regarding second or duplicate record deletion and/or updates where changes are made to a ‘unique identifier’ field.
If your school utilizes templates and updates are required to a ‘unique identifier’ field on a previously reported record IDOE support will need to be contacted to assist with deletion of the incorrect data.
Example Scenario:
A student has a Student School Association (enrollment) entry date (which is an Unique Identifier Key) of April 13th, 1991 by Alphabet Elementary.
Alphabet Elementary submits a new Student School Association (enrollment) entry date of April 15th, 1991, creating a second record.
Alphabet Elementary now has two enrollment records with no exit date provided on either record.
API Resource | Data Field | Unique Identifier (Key) |
Calendars | CalendarCode | Y |
SchoolId | Y | |
SchoolYear | Y | |
Calendar Dates | SchoolId | Y |
Date | Y | |
CalendarCode | Y | |
SchoolYear | Y | |
CalendarEventDescriptorId | Y | |
Grading Periods | SchoolId | Y |
GradingPeriodDescriptorId | Y | |
SchoolYear | Y | |
Sessions | SchoolId | Y |
SchoolYear | Y | |
SessionName | Y | |
GradingPeriodDescriptorId | Y | |
Course Offerings | SchoolId | Y |
LocalCourseCode | Y | |
SchoolYear | Y | |
SessionName | Y | |
Sections | SchoolId | Y |
LocalCourseCode | Y | |
SchoolYear | Y | |
SectionIdentifier | Y | |
SessionName | Y | |
Staffs | StaffUniqueId | Y |
StaffIdentificationSystemDescriptorId | Y | |
RaceDescriptorId | Y | |
ElectronicMailTypeDescriptorId | Y | |
EletronicMailAddress | Y | |
Staff Education Organization Employment Association | EducationOrganizationId | Y |
StaffUniqueId | Y | |
EmploymentStatusDescriptorId | Y | |
HireDate | Y | |
Staff Education Organization Assignment Association | EducationOrganizationId | Y |
StaffUniqueId | Y | |
StaffClassificationDescriptorId | Y | |
BeginDate | Y | |
Staff Education Organization Contact Association | EducationOrganizationId | Y |
StaffUniqueId | Y | |
ContactTitle | Y | |
Staff Section Association | StaffUniqueId | Y |
SchoolId | Y | |
LocalCourseCode | Y | |
SchoolYear | Y | |
ClassroomPositionDescriptorId | Y | |
SectionIdentifier | Y | |
SessionName | Y | |
Students | StudentUniqueId | Y |
Student Education Organization Associations | StudentUniqueId | Y |
EducationOrganizationId | Y | |
AddressTypeDescriptorId | Y | |
StreetNumberName | Y | |
City | Y | |
StateAbbreviationDescriptorId | Y | |
PostalCode | Y | |
Begin Date | Y | |
RaceDescriptorId | Y | |
ElectronicMailTypeDescriptorId | Y | |
ElectronicMailAddress | Y | |
Parents | ParentUniqueId | Y |
Student Parent Associations | StudentUniqueId | Y |
ParentUniqueId | Y | |
Student School Associations | StudentUniqueId | Y |
SchoolId | Y | |
EntryDate | Y | |
Student Education Organization Responsibility Association | StudentUniqueId | Y |
EducationOrganizationId | Y | |
ResponsibilityDescriptorId | Y | |
BeginDate | Y | |
SchoolCorpId | Y | |
SchoolCorpResponsibilityDescriptorId | Y | |
Student Section Associations | StudentUniqueId | Y |
SchoolId | Y | |
LocalCourseCode | Y | |
SchoolYear | Y | |
SectionIdentifier | Y | |
SessionName | Y | |
Student School Attendance Events | StudentUniqueId | Y |
SchoolId | Y | |
SchoolYear | Y | |
EventDate | Y | |
AttendanceEventCategoryDescriptorId | Y | |
SessionName | Y | |
Student Academic Records | StudentUniqueId | Y |
EducationOrganizationId | Y | |
SchoolYear | Y | |
TermDescriptorId | Y | |
DiplomaLevelDescriptorId | Y | |
DiplomaTypeDescriptorId | Y | |
DiplomaAwardDate | Y | |
RecognitionTypeDescriptorId | Y | |
Course Transcripts | StudentUniqueId | Y |
EducationOrganizationId | Y | |
CourseEducationOrganizationId | Y | |
SchoolYear | Y | |
TermDescriptorId | Y | |
CourseCode | Y | |
CourseAttemptResultDescriptorId | Y | |
Student Program Associations | StudentUniqueId | Y |
EducationOrganizationId | Y | |
ProgramTypeDescriptorId | Y | |
ProgramName | Y | |
ProgramEducationOrganizationId | Y | |
BeginDate | Y | |
Student Curricular Material Program Associations | StudentUniqueId | Y |
EducationOrganizationId | Y | |
ProgramTypeDescriptorId | Y | |
ProgramName | Y | |
ProgramEducationOrganizationId | Y | |
BeginDate | Y | |
Student Special Education Program Associations | StudentUniqueId | Y |
EducationOrganizationId | Y | |
ProgramTypeDescriptorId | Y | |
ProgramName | Y | |
ProgramEducationOrganizationId | Y | |
BeginDate | Y | |
DisabilityDescriptorId | Y | |
Student Title I Part A Program Associations | StudentUniqueId | Y |
EducationOrganizationId | Y | |
ProgramTypeDescriptorId | Y | |
ProgramName | Y | |
ProgramEducationOrganizationId | Y | |
BeginDate | Y | |
ServiceDescriptorId | Y | |
Student Alternative Education Program Associations | StudentUniqueId | Y |
EducationOrganizationId | Y | |
ProgramTypeDescriptorId | Y | |
ProgramName | Y | |
ProgramEducationOrganizationId | Y | |
BeginDate | Y | |
ProgramMeetingTimeDescriptorId | Y | |
Education Organization Other Personnels | LocalEducationAgencyId | Y |
OtherPersonnelCategoryDescriptorId | Y | |
OtherPersonnelTitleDescriptorId | Y | |
Assessment Accommodations | AssessmentIdentifier | Y |
AcademicSubjectDescriptorId | Y | |
AccommodationDescriptorId | Y | |
Student Education Organization Assessment Accommodations | StudentUniqueId | Y |
EducationOrganizationId | Y | |
AssessmentIdentifier | Y | |
AcademicSubjectDescriptorId | Y | |
AccommodationDescriptorId | Y | |
Student Cohort Association | CohortIdentifier | Y |
EducationOrganizationId | Y | |
StudentUniqueId | Y | |
Discipline Incidents | IncidentIdentifier | Y |
SchoolId | Y | |
Student Discipline Incident Behavior Associations | IncidentIdentifier | Y |
SchoolId | Y | |
StudentUniqueId | Y | |
Discipline Actions | DisciplineActionIdentifier | Y |
StudentUniqueId | Y | |
ResponsibilitySchoolId | Y | |
IncidentIdentifier | Y | |
SchoolId | Y | |
Surveys | Namespace | Y |
SurveyIdentifier | Y | |
EducationOrganizationId | Y | |
SurveyCategoryDescriptorId | Y | |
Survey Questions | Namespace | Y |
QuestionCode | Y | |
SurveyIdentifier | Y | |
QuestionFormDescriptorId | Y | |
Survey Response | Namespace | Y |
SurveyIdentifier | Y | |
SurveyResponseIdentifier | Y | |
Survey Response Education Organization Target Associations | EducationOrganizationId | Y |
Namespace | Y | |
SurveyIdentifier | Y | |
SurveyResponseIdentifier | Y | |
Survey Question Responses | Namespace | Y |
QuestionCode | Y | |
SurveyIdentifier | Y | |
SurveyQuestionResponseValueIdentifier | Y | |
SurveyResponseIdentifier | Y |