Template Submission Schedule & Due Dates

Template Submission Schedule & Due Dates

Additional Student Programs

Submission Schedule:

  • Submit High Ability, Homeless, Foster, Foreign Exchange, Parent in Military, School Food Services, Section 504, Refugee, Virtual Education, and Unaccompanied Youth program association records at the time the student is identified as participating in any of those programs.

  • Records may be submitted on the first day of school, date the student enrolls, or date the student qualifies and is participating in one of the programs.

  • Records are to be kept accurate and updated with begin/end dates as needed throughout the reporting school year.

Due Dates:

  • High Ability, Homeless, Foster, Foreign Exchange, Parent in Military, Section 504, and Unaccompanied Youth programs are certified in the July certification.

  • School Food Services are certified in the October certification with Pupil Enrollment.

  • Refugee is certified in the October certification with Multilingual Learners.

  • Virtual is certified in October and February with Membership.

Alternative Education

Submission Schedule

  • Submit an Alternative Education Program Association record from the first day the student is placed in an Alternative Education program.

  • Submit an exit date when the student is no longer participating/enrolled in the program.

  • Multiple program records showing a student in and out of participating/enrolled in a program is allowable for each school year.

Due Dates

  • Students participating/enrolled in an alternative education program for 10 consecutive school days at any time during the reporting school year from July 1st to June 30th will be certified in the July certification.


Submission Schedule

  • Beginning at the start of the school year, IDOE recommends schools submit attendance data as soon as possible, or an ongoing, weekly basis.

Due Dates

  • Attendance data is utilized in Membership certification and must exist prior to each Count Date (Fall/Spring).

  • Attendance data is utilized for Accountability and must be kept up to date throughout the school year.

  • Final attendance data is certified in the July certification.


Submission Schedule

  • School calendars may be submitted beginning in July of each school year.

  • School calendars should be submitted as soon as possible each school year.

Due Dates

  • Start of the school year calendar data certified in the October cycle will be utilized for all validations (business rules) throughout the school year.

  • Updates, edits, corrections to the school calendars may be made throughout the year and must be completed by June 30th for final certification.

Course Outcomes

Submission Schedule

  • Student Academic Records (Course Outcomes) are to be provided throughout the school year.

  • Records for each Indiana state identified course the student is enrolled are to be provided when a reporting Term is completed; providing an outcome.

  • Records for each Indiana state identified course the student is enrolled and attempting to complete are to be provided even if the student does not complete, exits the school, drops the course, etc. (providing an outcome)

Due Dates

  • Summer School outcomes from July 1st to September 30th of each year will be certified in October certification.

  • Summer School outcomes after the last day of the school year to June 30th of each year will be certified in July certification.

  • All outcomes for courses scheduled during the school year will be certified in July certification.

Curricular Materials Assistance

Submission Schedule

  • Submit a Curricular Materials Assistance Program Association record from the first day the student is eligible; either first day of school, first day of the student’s enrollment, or first day of eligibility.

Due Dates

  • Students with an active Curricular Materials record prior to or on the October count date will be certified in October certification.


Submission Schedule

  • Submit Discipline records throughout the school year.

  • IDOE recommends schools submit discipline data as soon as possible, or an ongoing, weekly basis.

Due Dates

  • Final Discipline data is certified in July certification.


Submission Schedule

  • Submit Student School Association (enrollment) records from the first day of each school year calendar or the first day of the student’s enrollment.

  • Submit exit data as needed throughout the school year; required once determined the student has exited the school.

  • Submit exit data with accurate exit reason for all students completing the school year.

Due Dates

  • Choice students must have exit data provided within 5 days of the last day of attendance.

  • Enrollment data of students is utilized for each certification cycle and therefore must be kept up to date throughout the school year.


Submission Schedule

  • Submit Graduate records as students complete their graduation requirements and are no longer enrolled and attending throughout the school year.

Due Dates

  • Graduate records provided from July 1st to September 30th of each year are certified in October certification.

  • Graduate records provided from October 1st to June 30th of each year are certified in July certification.

Homebound and Hospitalized

Submission Schedule

  • Submit a Homebound Program Association record from the first day the student is placed on homebound/hospitalized and receiving services.

  • Submit an exit date when the student is no longer participating in the program.

  • Multiple program records showing a student in and out of receiving services is allowable for each school year.

Due Dates

  • Students receiving an aggregate count of 20 days of services at any time during the reporting school year from July 1st to June 30th will be certified in the July certification.

Master Schedule

Submission Schedule

  • Submit Master Schedule Course Offerings and Sections at the start of each school year. This data is foundational for data reporting of what courses each school is offering and when/how they are being offered to align with student and staff schedules.

  • Provide updates as needed throughout the school year.

Due Dates

  • Data is required to allow staff section and student section data certification in July.


Submission Schedule

  • Submit Student Ed Org Responsibility Association (Membership) records from the first day of each school year calendar or the first day of the student’s enrollment for each student a school is reporting for funding or attendance purposes.

  • Submit exit data as needed throughout the school year; required once determined the student has exited the school.

Due Dates

  • Fall count date as determined by SBOE for the October certification.

  • Spring count date as determined by SBOE for February certification.

Multilingual Learners

Submission Schedule

  • Submit a Multilingual Learners Program Association record from the first day of the school calendar (for newly enrolling students) or the first day of the student’s enrollment in a program.

  • Student program records are to be provided and updated as needed throughout the school year.

Due Dates

  • Multilingual Learners count will be certified in the October certification cycle.

Pupil Enrollment

Submission Schedule

  • Student School Association (SSA or enrollment) records are utilized for Pupil Enrollment.

  • Enrollment records are to be provided from the first day of the school calendar or the first day of the student’s enrollment.

Due Dates

  • Students with active SSA/enrollment records will be certified in the October certification cycle.

Seclusion and Restraint

Submission Schedule

  • Seclusion and Restraint data should be submitted to IDOE on an annual, end-of-year basis.

Due Dates

  • June 30th for July certification

Special Education

Submission Schedule

  • Submit Special Education program association records at the time the student is identified as eligible or participating in one of the Special Education programs.

    • This includes ‘Undefined’ program when a student is associated for evaluation purposes.

    • This includes ‘Undefined’ program when a student is found ineligible for services.

  • Records may be submitted on the first day of school, date the student enrolls, date a parent signs consent for the student to be evaluated for services, or date the student qualifies and is participating in one of the programs.

  • Records are to be kept accurate and updated with begin/end dates as needed throughout the reporting school year.

Due Dates

Students with active special education programs (not including ‘undefined’):

  • December count for December certification

  • April count for April certification

Special Education Evaluation

Submission Schedule

  • Submit Special Education program association records at the time a parent signs consent for the student to be evaluated for services.

Due Dates

  • Students with a parental referral/consent date in the reporting school year or with a referral/consent date in the prior reporting school year that was not completed are certified in July certification.

Special Education Termination

Submission Schedule

  • Submit Special Education program association records with end dates and services termination reason for each student:

    • No longer receiving special education services (accurate reason code)

    • Changing programs (code 99)

    • Changing disabilities (code 99)

  • Records are to be kept up to date and accurate throughout the school year.

Due Dates

  • Students no longer receiving services will be certified in July certification.

Staff Assignment

Submission Schedule

  • Staff Assignment data must be provided at the start of each school year.

  • Staff Assignment data may be provided/updated as needed at any time throughout each school year.

Due Dates

  • Staff Assignments required for certification must be provided by June 30th each school year for July certification.

Staff Contact

Submission Schedule

  • Staff Contact data must be provided at the start of each school year.

  • Staff Contact data may be provided/updated as needed at any time throughout each school year.

Due Dates

  • Staff Contact data may be provided any time throughout each school year and does not have a certification cycle.

Staff Employment

Submission Schedule

  • Staff Employment data must be provided at the start of each school year.

  • Staff Employment data may be provided/updated as needed at any time throughout each school year.

Due Dates

  • Staff Employment is certified in October and July cycles

  • Staff Employment data must be provided by September 30th for October certification and then any updates or additions provided by June 30th for July certification.

Staff Other Personnel

Submission Schedule

  • Aggregate counts of staff and FTE are to be provided via template by October count date.

Due Dates

  • Counts of other personnel staff are certified in October certification.

Staff Section

Submission Schedule

  • Staff Section data must be provided at the start of each school year.

  • Staff Section data may be provided/updated as needed at any time throughout each school year.

Due Dates

  • Staff Section data is required by June 30th each school year for July certification.

Student Accommodations

Submission Schedule

  • Submit Student Accommodations not provided from Indiana IEP or ILP from the first day of each school year calendar or the first day of the student’s enrollment.

Due Dates

  • State assessments schedule will drive the need of when accommodations not provided from Indiana or ILP are required.

    • Accommodations must be provided prior to each assessment to be provided to assessment vendors.

Student Demographics

Submission Schedule

  • Submit additional Student Demographic data (Student Education Organization Association records) the first day of the school year, first day the student enrolls, or first day a newly created student ID (STN) is created.

  • Submit Student Demographic records as needed to update additional demographic data throughout the school year.

Due Dates

  • Data should be kept accurate and up to date throughout the school year.

  • Proficiency Levels, Instrument Used, Birth Country, US Entry date are utilized in October certification for Multilingual Learners.

  • Address data are utilized in October and February for Membership.

Student Section

Submission Schedule

  • Student Section data must be provided at the start of each school year or within 10 days of a student’s enrollment.

  • Student Section data must be provided/updated as needed at any time throughout each school year.

Due Dates

  • Student Section data is required to provide Student Course Outcomes.

  • Summer school course outcome data must be provided by September 30th for October certification or provided by June 30th for July certification.

  • All other course outcomes are required by June 30th for the July certification.

Title I

Submission Schedule

  • Submit Title program association records at the time the student is identified as eligible or participating in one of the Title programs.

  • Records may be submitted on the first day of school, date the student enrolls, or date the student qualifies and is participating in one of the programs.

  • Records are to be kept accurate and updated with begin/end dates as needed throughout the reporting school year.

Due Dates

  • Title program associations provided any time during the school year are certified in July certification.