How to Report Pupil Enrollment

How to Report Pupil Enrollment

Pupil Enrollment Reporting:

PUPIL ENROLLMENT is NOT a separate or additional student enrollment dataset (collection).

However, for a Pupil Enrollment record to be created, the following data sets must be present:

1. Student Record

  • A student record must exist for all students reported with a school association (enrollment) record.

  • Ethnicity and Race data from the student record will be used to publish the diversity information of a district or school.

2. Student School Associations (Enrollment) Record

  • A Student School Associations (enrollment) record must exist for ALL students receiving any amount of educational services.

  • A Student School Associations (enrollment) record where the primary school is identified as “False” will not be certified or counted for Pupil Enrollment.

3. Student Program Associations Record

  • Report accurate Student Program Associations for School Food Services when a student is eligible for:

    • School Food Services Free Lunch

    • School Food Services Reduced Priced Meals

    • Students reported with an active school food services program record on Fall Count Day will be included in the free/reduced counts on the Pupil Enrollment certification summary.

  • DO NOT report a Student Program Associations record for School Food Services if the student is not eligible for free or reduced priced meals.

    • Students without an active school food services program record on Fall Count Day will be included in the N/A count on the Pupil Enrollment certification summary.

  • Student Program Associations for School Food Services will be used to publish the percentages of Economically Disadvantaged students sub-group for a district or school.

  • Student Program Associations for Special Education, Multilingual Learners, High Ability, Homeless, etc. will be used to publish percentages of enrollment for a district or school.

    • Reporting guidance for Special Education programs can be found here.

    • Reporting guidance for Multilingual Learner programs can be found here.

    • Reporting guidance for Additional Student programs such as High Ability, Homeless, etc. can be found here.