How to Report Student Accommodations

How to Report Student Accommodations

Determine Who To Submit Accommodations For:

  • Submit only students who have a Choice Special Education Plan (CSEP), Section 504 Plan, Service Plan (SP), and/or Individual Learning Plan (ILP for Multilingual Learners) not submitted in Indiana ILP, and associated accommodation codes.

  • Submit only student accommodations that are not being provided from Indiana IEP or Indiana ILP.

  • Do not submit accommodations captured in Indiana IEP or Indiana ILP.

For CAI Assessments (ILEARN and IREAD):

Assessment Identifier


Subject Assessed

Academic Subject Descriptor


Assessment Identifier


Subject Assessed

Academic Subject Descriptor



3 - 8







4 & 6





Social Studies



7 - 12




9 - 12

US Government




2 - 5





3 - 8 & 10

Non-Subject Specific




KG - 12

Non-Subject Specfic



  • IDOE will submit registration data for all students in grades 3-12 to CAI via the nightly data feed. Student enrollment in TIDE will reflect current, active enrollment records.

  • Schools will submit accommodations documented in a student’s formal plan for each assessment (i.e., Test Code) in which the student is participating. If the student has a formal plan, but no testing accommodations, no accommodation record is needed.

  • Corrections and updates must be provided in Data Exchange before 4 pm Eastern Time in order to appear the following day in TIDE.

    • Corrections related to student enrollment must be made by updating the student school association (enrollment) records.

    • Corrections to accommodations and other information related to Indiana IEP or Indiana ILP must be provided and finalized in either of those applications.

    • Corrections to accommodations from 504 plans, CSEP (or other formally documented Service Plan at an accredited non-public school) , or ILPs (where the school does not use the Indiana ILP system) must be made by (re)submitting a Student Accommodations record.


  • ILEARN Biology students are those currently enrolled in Biology and have not been previously assessed in a high school science assessment.

  • ILEARN Biology students will only participate in the assessment one time.

  • ILEARN U.S. Government is for students the school is opting to assess in U.S. Government.

For IREAD-3:

  • IREAD-3 is for students in grade 3 who are participating for the first time and any students in grades 3-5 who are participating in a retest opportunity.

    • Retest students are those who have not yet passed and are not eligible or have not been reported for a Good Cause Exemption.

    • IREAD-3 Summer Retest is for students in grades 3-5 who have not yet taken or passed IREAD-3 and are not eligible or have not been reported for a Good Cause Exemption.

    • Grade 3 students who passed IREAD-3, but were retained in grade 3, do not participate.

  • IREAD-3 may be provided to students in grade 2 for those schools opting to assess their 2nd grade level students. INassessments@doe.in.gov will need to be contacted for those schools wishing to assess their 2nd grade students.

For I AM:

Note: No Accommodation Data is Reported From Schools for I AM.

  • I AM is for students in grades 3-8 and 10 who are participating in the alternate assessment, as determined by the case conference committee.

  • I AM (Indiana’s Alternate Measure) student records are submitted entirely by IDOE to the assessment vendor.

  • Nightly submissions of rosters and accommodations will occur beginning on the first school calendar date through May of each school year.

  • Participating students will be identified based upon eligibility criteria indicated in current, finalized Indiana IEPs and flagged as Alternate Testers in TIDE.

  • Prior to the I AM test administration, Corporation Testing Coordinator (CTC), Non-Public School Testing Coordinator (NPSTC), School Testing Coordinator (STC), and Testing Administrator (TA) must verify all records in TIDE.

  • Corrections to student records must be made by updating enrollment records via Data Exchange and/or updating Indiana IEP. This includes alternate tester eligibility criteria in Indiana IEP.

  • NO ADDITIONAL data is required from the schools for this submission window. No EL and/or 504 Plan accommodations are allowed to be submitted by the schools. ALL accommodations are to be part of and reported from the student’s IEP.


  • IDOE provides roster of 11th grade cohort students (not necessarily 11th grade students)

  • IDOE does not provide accommodations for SAT