All Student Parent Association Templates: How to Complete Template 013


Here are the quick instructions for utilizing Template 013 Student Student Parent Associations.

Before Beginning, Note:

  • All steps will be completed in Row 7, downwards.


1. Enter the STN

  • Note: Any STNs beginning with a zero will need the field or entire column to be formatted to hold the nine digits being reported. Leading zeros will be dropped upon reopening the csv file.

2. Enter/Create the ParentId.

  • See explainer below for how to create. 

    • Note: In DEX the ParentId should be a unique identifier across the entire DEX system. Unlike STN or SPN, IDOE in the past had asked schools to use the parent id assigned from their SIS. This caused collisions on parent id in DEX because of the likelihood of the same SIS parent id used by more than 1 school.  

    • To avoid such collisions with another school's parent id, IDOE is recommending that the ParentId field in template "013” should be prefixed with the LEA Id and then the SIS parent id using this format LEAId_SISParentId. 

      • For example, if the LEA Id is 1028250000 and SIS parent id is 1234 and the , then the ParentId in template 016 should be set 1028250000_1234.

  • Note: Parent Id is interchangeable with Guardian; Guardian qualifies as reporting with Parent Id.

3. Enter the ParentFirstName and ParentLastSurname.

  • Note: Schools may provide more than one record for Parent (for multiple parents), but only one record is required for validation.

Remember: Templates must be saved as a CSV file (with cells formatted as TEXT) inside of a Compressed Zipped Folder, in order to process correctly.