2024-2025 Program Reporting Guidance for Vendors

2024-2025 Program Reporting Guidance for Vendors

Programs are a ‘Get’

Program Associations are reported each year

Programs are ‘owned’ by IDOE and the Program Reference section report Education Organization ID will always be 1088000000 (except for Alternative Education)

Sample json for programs with exception of Alternative Education:


"educationOrganizationReference": {

"educationOrganizationId": 1053855546


"programReference": {

"educationOrganizationId": 1088000000,

"type": "Virtual Education",

"name": "Virtual Education"


"studentReference": {

"studentUniqueId": "B99920006"


"beginDate": "2022-08-01"


Sample json for Alternative Education program:


"educationOrganizationReference": {

"educationOrganizationId": 1053855546


"programReference": {

"educationOrganizationId": 1053850000,(LEA Id)

"type": "Alternative Education",

"name": "Simon Youth Academy"


"studentReference": {

"studentUniqueId": "B99920006"


"beginDate": "2022-08-01"




Programs for 2024-2025

Program Type

Program Name

Begin Date

End Date

Reason Exited


Alternative Education


(Year to Year Program)

[Program Name]

First day of student entering program within the current school year.

Blank or Null until student exits the program or one of the allowable reason exited descriptors must be provided at the end of each school year

Requires Reason Exited when End Date provided or last day of school year


Descriptor = 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 10, 11, 14

Allow multiple records with begin/end dates within the school year for a student


Captures student status at any point during school year

Curricular Material Reimbursement



(Year to Year Program)


Curricular Material Reimbursement

First day of student entering program within the current school year.

Blank or Null until student exits the school or program or EOY



Descriptor = 99 or End of Year (EOY)

One record per school year if a student is eligible at each reporting school ID under same ed org ID 


Eligibility requires F/R lunch program


Captures student status as of Oct.

Multilingual Learners


(Continuous program association)


Once students are identified they remain in the program even if exiting the school. 


All available program names 

First day of school calendar or (historical) first day of student entering program

Blank or Null until student is graduate 

NOTE: student exit date will remain null/blank if the student graduates from another school; schools do not need to provide exit data for those students

Changing Program Names=Exit date & 99



Blank or Null until graduated 


Descriptor = 99


Allow multiple records with begin/end dates within a school year if student is changing program names within Multilingual program type under same school ID 

Otherwise: One record per school year at each reporting school ID under same ed org ID


Captures student status as of Oct. 

Foreign Exchange


(Year to Year Program)


Foreign Exchange

First day of student entering program within the current school year. 

Blank or Null until student exits the school or EOY



Descriptor = 99 or End of Year (EOY)


SSA exit = 27

One record per school year


Captures student status as of 10/1


Certified in July

Foster Care


(Year to Year Program)


Foster Care

First day of student entering program within the current school year. 

Blank or Null until student exits the school or EOY

Descriptor = 99 or End of Year (EOY)

Allow multiple records with begin/end dates within the school year for a student


Captures student status at any point during school year


Student counted once at each reporting school ID under same ed org ID (if multiple records provided)

High Ability


(Year to Year Program)


All available program names

First day of student entering program within the current school year.

Blank or Null until student exits the school or  

EOY or

student is no longer eligible 



Descriptor = 99 if no longer eligible and still enrolled in the school or exits the school or

End of Year (EOY)

One record per school year at each reporting school ID under same ed org ID


Captures student status at any point during school year



(Year to Year Program)



First day of student entering program within the current school year.

Blank or Null until student exits the school or program. 


Required when student exits the program or EOY

Descriptor = 99 or End of Year (EOY)

Allow multiple records with begin/end dates within the school year for a student to allow accurate calculation of days the student receives services. 


Captures student status at any point during school year



(Year to Year Program)


All available program names

First day of student entering program within the current school year.

Blank or Null until student exits the school or program. 


Required when student exits the program or EOY

Descriptor = 99 or End of Year (EOY)

One record per school year at each reporting school ID under same ed org ID


Captures student status at any point during school year

Parent in Military


(Year to Year Program)


Parent in Military

First day of student entering program within the current school year. 

Blank or Null until student exits the school or EOY

Descriptor = 99 or End of Year (EOY)

One record per school year


Captures student status at any point during school year



(Year to Year Program)


First day of student entering program within the current school year.

Blank or Null or EOY

Descriptor = 99 or End of Year (EOY)

One record per school year


Captures student status as of Oct.


School Food Services


(Year to Year Program)


All available program names

First day of student entering program within the current school year.

Required when student exits the program or EOY

Descriptor = 99 or End of Year (EOY)

Allow multiple records with begin/end dates within the school year for a student

NOTE: schools may have multiple records showing changes to student F/R status but IDOE will be using the record that is active on census date and once a student qualifies they are qualified for the year


Captures student status as of Oct. 

Section 504 Placement


(Year to Year Program)


Section 504 Placement

First day of school calendar or (historical) first day of student entering program

Required when student exits the program or EOY

Descriptor = 99 or End of Year (EOY)

Allow multiple records with begin/end dates within the school year for a student


Captures student status at any point during school year

Special Education (public)


(Continuous program association; year to year at same school Id)


All available program names 

Set to service start date (historical) for the program, or the case conference date or a different start date if captured in the SIS. If no case conference yet (no eval yet), use parental consent date.

Blank or Null until student exits the school or student is actually exited from receiving services

Termination Descriptor = 01, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, or 17 


Descriptor = 99 when a program is changing; when an ed org ID is changing within the same LEA; when a change is made on the disabilities (services are not ending)

Allow multiple records with begin/end dates within the school year for a student and to allow for changes to placement program names


Changes of program names is unique to the record and will insert a new record


Captures student status as of each census date


Special Education



(Year to Year Program)


Choice Voucher

Set to service start date (historical), or the case conference date or a different start date if captured in the SIS.








Blank or Null until student exits the school or date student is actually exited from receiving services at the nonpublic school

Descriptor = 99

One record per school year


Captures student status as of each census date

Special Education (public)


Evaluation started not completed


Evaluation completed and student found INELIGIBLE


Set to parental consent date

Blank or Null if not complete


Date of case conference if completed and student is ineligible

Descriptor = 99 if not eligible 


Descriptor = Blank/Null or End of Year (EOY) if eval not complete

Utilize when student is determined ineligible for services or evaluation will not be completed until the following school year


Captures student status as of each census date

Special Education (public)


Student found eligible and is enrolled in nonpublic or homeschool and is not receiving any special education services


Identified Unserved NonPublic/Homeschool Only


NOTE: Does Not Generate APC Funding


Set to date (historical) the student is or was identified as eligible for service, or the case conference date or a different start date if captured in the SIS.

Blank or Null until student exits the school or student actually begins receiving services

Descriptor = 99

Allow multiple records with begin/end dates within the school year for a student and to allow for changes to placement program names


Captures student status as of each census date


Title Program Types


(Year to Year Program)


All available program names 

First day of student entering program within the current school year.

Required when student exits the program or EOY

Descriptor = 99 or End of Year (EOY)

One record per school year at each reporting school ID under same ed org ID


Captures student status at any point during school year

Unaccompanied Youth


(Year to Year Program)


Unaccompanied Youth

First day of student entering program within the current school year.

Required when student exits the program or EOY

Descriptor = 99 or End of Year (EOY)

One record per school year at each reporting school ID under same ed org ID


Captures student status at any point during school year

Virtual Education


(Year to Year Program)


Virtual Education

First day of student entering program within the current school year.

Required when student exits the program or EOY

Descriptor = 99 or End of Year (EOY)

Allow multiple records with begin/end dates within the school year for a student


Captures student status as of Membership census dates

Programs Not Currently Used By IDOE:

Program Type

Program Name

Career and Technical Education

Career and Technical Education

Immigrant Education

Immigrant Education

Migrant Education

Migrant Education

Vocational Education

Vocational Education