Documentation for Vendors: 2024-2025 IDOE Choice Department Monitoring Report


Due Date



Due Date


Choice Conference

July 12, 2023 (optional)

Attend the Annual Choice Conference by the Department on this date


by August 15, 2023

Enter school calendar

Enrollment Entry Dates

see right

Enter Enrollment Entry Dates for all students within 5 days of enrolling/start of calendar

Choice Applications

by September 1, 2023

Edit Choice Period 1 application errors

September Regional Meeting (optional)

between September 6-15, 2023

Attend a September Regional Meeting between those dates

School Visit

October-December 2023

Participate in random school visit from the Department between those dates


by October 13, 2023

Certify Calendar

Curricular Materials Assistance (TB)

by October 13, 2023

Submit and certify TB data

Graduate (GR)

by October 13, 2023

Submit and certify GR data


by October 13, 2023

Submit and certify Membership Period 1 data

Multilingual Learners (LM)

by October 13, 2023

Submit and certify LM data

Staff Employement (CE)

by October 13, 2023

Submit and certify CE Period 1 data

Student Academic Record (CC)

by October 13, 2023 (Summer School only)

Submit and certify CC Period 1 data

Endorsement Form (EF)

by October 17, 2023

Upload signed EF for Period 1 Choice students

Special Education

by December 13, 2023

Submit and certify Special Education Period 1 data

Special Education Endorsement Form (SF)

by January 11, 2024

Upload signed SF for Period 1 Choice students claimed on Special Education

Choice Applications

by January 15, 2024

Edit Choice Period 2 application errors

February Regional Meeting(optional)

between February 1-15, 2024

Attend a February Regional Meeting between those dates


by February 13, 2024

Submit and certify Membership Period 2 data

Endorsement Form (EF)

by March 4, 2024

Upload signed EF for Period 2 Choice students

Special Education

by April 12, 2024

Submit and certify Special Education Period 2 data

May Regional Meeting (optional)

between May 2-17, 2024

Attend a May Regional Meeting

Special Education Refunds

if applicable, by May TBD, 2024

Special Education Refunds Round 1 due to Department

Enrollment Exit Dates

see right

Enter Enrollment Exit Dates for all students within 5 days of withdrawing/end of calendar

Attendance (AT)

by July 12, 2024

Submit and certify AT data


by July 12, 2024

Certify Calendar

Graduate (GR)

by July 12, 2024

Submit and certify GR data

Staff Assignment (CP)

by July 12, 2024

Submit and certify CP data

Staff Employement (CE)

by July 12, 2024

Submit and certify CE Period 2 data

Student Academic Record (CC)

by July 12, 2024

Submit and certify CC Period 2 file

Choice Refunds

if applicable, by July TBD, 2024

Choice Refunds Round 3 due to Department

Special Education Refunds

if applicable, by July TBD, 2024

Special Education Refunds Round 2 due to Department