Student Accommodations: General Reporting Info


The purpose of this data reporting is to gather CSEP (Choice Special Education Plan), Section 504 Plan, and/or Multilingual Learner students not utilizing ILP (Individual Learning Plan) accommodation information to populate student-level information in Cambium Assessments Inc. (CAI) Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) for ILEARN 3-8, IREAD-3 (first time testers and re-testers), and/or any other state assessments.

Student Accommodation Data Impact:

  • Creating student accommodations in assessment system(s) not provided directly from Indiana IEP or Indiana ILP systems

Student Accommodations applies to:

  • Public schools (Traditional and Charter)

  • Programs (e.g., Interlocals) that are the primary educators for students

  • Nonpublic schools (Choice Scholarship program, Accredited and Freeway)

Student Accommodations requires following data points sent via Vendor or Template:

(click to see more detail):

  • STN

  • Student Grade Level

  • Student Entry Date

  • Student Exit Date and Exit reason if applicable

  • Primary Educational Entity - True/False (school where the student primarily enrolled)

  • AssessmentIdentifier

  • AcademicSubjectDescriptor

  • Accommodation Descriptor

Reporting Timeline:







July 1

June 30

Student Accommodations reporting will be open throughout the school year. Accommodations can be submitted for a specific Test Code until 4:00 p.m. ET on the day prior to the last day of the specific assessment window.

CTC (Corporation Test Coordinator) Responsibilities:

  • The CTC is required to access the IDOE Online portal to identify themselves as the CTC.

  • The CTC is also required to access TIDE to verify student registration data and test administration setup.

General Reporting Info

  • Student assessment rosters are provided from IDOE to assessment vendor(s) based on Student School Association (SSA or enrollment) records where primary school is identified as ‘true’.

    • Some assessment rosters are determined by student’s enrollment as well as grade levels and/or cohort assignment.

  • Student accommodations from Indiana IEP and Indiana ILP are provided from IDOE to assessment vendor(s).

  • Schools need only to provide student assessment accommodation records for those accommodations not provided directly from the Indiana IEP or Indiana ILP systems.

  • Student enrollment and/or accommodation data provided prior to 4:00p.m. ET each day will be provided in a file from IDOE to assessment vendor(s).

    • Schools may need to wait an additional day to see updates to rosters in assessment vendor(s) portal.

  • Homeschool student’s dual enrolled where primary school is identified as ‘false’ participating in state assessments and/or need accommodations provided will require IDOE assistance via a support ticket to have the student added to the school’s assessment roster.