How to Report Calendar

How to Report Calendar

Calendar Reporting:

A School Calendar must exist to identify the general expected schedule of instructional days and instructional time for each Public school within a district or each non-Public school. The school calendar data is utilized to identify when a school is expected to be in session allowing student attendance reporting, student program associations, etc. The school calendar data is utilized to provide information showing a school is compliant with minimum instructional days, time, etc.

  • Only one calendar may be provided per Educational Organization ID (school ID).

  • Schools educating students across multiple grade levels with different begin/end dates to their calendar are to report the earliest begin date and the latest end date.

  • Schools educating students across multiple grade levels with different amounts of instructional minutes are to report the largest amount of instructional minutes per each instructional day.

  • Schools educating students across multiple grade levels are to report an accurate Calendar Type listed below according to the highest grade level the school building is configured to educate.

    • Student Specific Non-Compulsory - the school building is configured to educate students in grade level PK-PK, PK-KG, or KG-KG.

    • Student Specific Elementary - the school building is configured to educate students in grade levels spanning or encompassing PK-6th.

    • Student Specific Secondary - the school building is configured to educate students in grade levels spanning or encompassing 7th - 12th.

Instructional Days:

  • Schools are to provide each instructional calendar date for each calendar.

    • Example of instructional day; Student Calendar, Delay/Early Dismissal, etc.

  • Schools may elect to provide non-instructional calendar dates; however those dates will not be counted towards the minimum instructional day requirement.

    • Example of non-instructional day; Christmas, Fall Break, etc.

  • For any instructional day that is less than 360 minutes (secondary) or less than 300 minutes (elementary),

    • that calendar date must be given a calendar event of Delay/Early Dismissal- Other or Delay/Early Dismissal- Weather. To verify accuracy of calendar dates, calendar event descriptors and event minutes: Once in Data Exchange, navigate to the Review page and select “Calendar Date” from the list of resources and review/export those dates to ensure each date with Event Minutes less than the minutes requirement for each school type has a Calendar Event Descriptor of Delay/Early Dismissal – Other or Delay/Early Dismissal – Weather. If an instructional day is listed with a Calendar Event Descriptor of “Student Calendar" but does not meet the minimum minute requirements, that date will not count as an instructional day until the calendar event descriptor is updated to one of the delay/early dismissal calendar event descriptors. Days when two-hour delays or two hour early dismissals occur for reasons unrelated to staff and student safety, such as staff trainings and in-services, are not considered to meet the minimum instructional time requirements and therefore do not contribute to the 180 instructional day total

Calendar Event Descriptors:



Instructional/Non-Instructional Day

Student Calendar

typical instructional day when all or the majority of students are attending physically (in person) in a school building


Virtual Planned - Asynchronous

planned instructional day when all or the majority of students are receiving instruction virtually where student(s) are not bound by time or must be ‘sitting’ with the teacher while engaged in their class work; learning is self-paced


Virtual Planned - Synchronous

planned instructional day when all or the majority of students are receiving instruction virtually where student(s) are bound by time and must be ‘sitting’ with the teacher while engaged in their class work; learning occurs live and in real time


Virtual Unplanned - Asynchronous

unplanned instructional day when all or the majority of students are receiving instruction virtually where student(s) are not bound by time or must be ‘sitting’ with the teacher while engaged in their class work; learning is self-paced


Virtual Unplanned - Synchronous

unplanned instructional day when all or the majority of students are receiving instruction virtually where student(s) are bound by time or must be ‘sitting’ with the teacher while engaged in their class work; learning occurs live and in real time


Delay/Early Dismissal - Other

instructional day shortened due to a delay or early dismissal for any reason not related to weather - Days when two-hour delays or two hour early dismissals occur for reasons unrelated to staff and student safety, such as staff trainings and in-services, are not considered to meet the minimum instructional time requirements and therefore do not contribute to the 180 instructional day total. See Instructional Time Guidance Document

Instructional (shortened-day minutes)

Delay/Early Dismissal - Weather

instructional day shorted due to a delay or early dismissal for any reason related to weather

Instructional (shortened-day minutes)

Sat/Sun School

instructional day to make up a cancellation day


Instructional Half Day

scheduled half day not counted as an instructional day; schools should utilize delay/early dismissal or utilize student calendar and adjust the instructional minutes when students are receiving instruction for a partial day


Waiver Day

originally scheduled instructional day canceled and not being made up; approval from IDOE School Accountability and Accreditation (refer to Policy for 180 Instructional Day Waiver Requests under the Reference Section on main page of Calendar reporting guide)

Not Counted in Certification; Verified with School Accountability

Canceled - Other

originally scheduled instructional day canceled for any reason not related to weather


Canceled - Weather

originally scheduled instructional day canceled for any weather related reason





Fall Break



Good Friday



Labor Day



Martin Luther King Day



Memorial Day



Presidents Day



Semester Break



Spring Break






Tornado Drill

Safety Event occurs during a school day and if reported as a calendar date event this will not count in the minimum instructional day requirement


Vacation - Other

staff PD day and students are not receiving instruction ‘in person’ or ‘virtually’


Veterans Day



Instructional Minutes:

  • Schools are to provide number of minutes students are participating in an approved course, a curriculum, or an educationally related activity under the direction of a teacher.

  • Instructional minutes does include a reasonable amount of passing time between classes.

  • Instructional minutes does not include lunch or recess.

  • Each instructional day should have the accurate number of instructional minutes provided.

    • Reduce the number of instructional minutes reported when a delay or early dismissal occurs.

    • Virtual instruction will have the same number of instructional minutes provided as student calendar ('in person') instruction.

End of Year:

  • Edits needed for any calendar changes occurring over the school year must be completed by June 30th.

    • Report accurate event descriptors for each calendar date.

    • Report accurate instructional time for each calendar date.