Calendar: Types

Calendar: Types


Below are the allowable descriptors and definitions for reporting a calendar type:

Calendar Type Descriptors

Calendar Type Descriptors


Student Specific Elementary

  • School building encompasses students in grades PK - 6

    • if the school building is configured to educate students in any grade level between PK to 6th, report this calendar type; if the school building educates only students younger than 1st grade see Student Specific Non-Compulsory type below

Student Specific Secondary

  • School building encompasses students in grades 6 - 12

    • if the school building is configured to educate students in any grade level between 6th to12th, report this calendar type

Student Specific Non-Compulsory

  • School building encompasses students in grade level PK or KG, or encompasses grade level PK and KG

    • if the school building is configured to educate students in any grade level between PK and KG, report this calendar type