Multilingual Learners: General Reporting Info


Multilingual Learner data is collected by IDOE to gather student information on Multilingual Learners and Immigrant students enrolled on Fall Count Date (aligned with Membership count date determined by SBOE/on or around October 1) of each school year and to consolidate data needs for the Office of English Learning and Migrant Education.

Multilingual Learner impacts:

  • Enrollment counts of identified English learners within the Multilingual Learners generates per-pupil funding for Title III (federal grant)

  • Enrollment counts of identified English learners within the Multilingual Learners generates per-pupil funding for Non-English speaking program (state tuition)

  • Enrollment counts of Immigrant students for Title III Significant Immigrant Influx (federal grant)

  • English language development program required by Lau v. Nichols (1974)

  • English language proficiency levels from placement or annual assessments for accountability purposes

  • Public reporting on number and percentages of English learners

Multilingual Learners applies to:

  • Public schools (both Traditional and Charter)

  • Nonpublic schools participating in the Choice Scholarship program

  • Accredited Nonpublic schools not participating in the Choice Scholarship program

  • State Schools (Department of Correction, Indiana School for the Deaf, Indiana School for the Blind)

Multilingual Learners requires following data points sent via Vendor or Template

(click to see more detail):

  • STN

  • Student Demographic Information

  • Student Address

  • English Proficiency Level & Instrument Used

  • Date of entry into US schools

  • Student Grade Level

  • Student Entry Date

  • Student School Association Exit Date and Exit reason if applicable

  • Primary Educational Entity - True/False

  • Program Ed Org Id 

  • Program Type (Multilingual Learners)

  • Program Name

  • Program Begin Date

  • Program End Date and Reason Exited=99 if applicable

Reporting Timeline:




Certification Cycle




Certification Cycle

July 1

Fall Count Date (aligned with Membership count date determined by SBOE) on or around October 1

Submission and update of Multilingual Learner program records are available year round


General Reporting Info:

  • Report an accurate Multilingual Learners program association record for ALL students when any of the three Home Language Survey (HLS) questions result in a language identified other than English.

    • This includes Foreign Exchange students with a language other than English.

  • Report an accurate Multilingual Learners program association record of Dual Language/Immersion for English speaking students.

  • Report an accurate Refugee program association record for those identified students.

  • Report accurate Language data as identified on the Home Language Survey (HLS).

  • Report accurate Birth Country and US Initial Entry Date into US Schools to identify Immigrant counts and length of US enrollment.

    • Children (students) born to U.S. citizens abroad (e.g., children born on military base overseas) are considered immigrants for the purposes of EL reporting. Section 3201(5) ESEA.

  • PK grade level students must be between 3-5 years of age as of October 1 of the reporting school year for Immigrant count certification.

  • KG-13 grade level students must be between 3-21 years of age as of October 1 of the reporting school year for Multilingual count certification.


  • Multilingual learner data must be provided for all Multilingual students in a corporation or school whether or not the student is an EL and the parents have opted their student out of services.

  • Multilingual learner data must be provided for all Multilingual students in a corporation or school regardless of whether the student is currently an English learner or has reached proficiency.

Sources of Data:

  • Birth Country and Entry Date into US Schools are derived from the Student Demographic record.

  • English language Proficiency levels are derived from the Student Demographic record.

  • Instrument Used to obtain the student’s proficiency level is derived Student Demographic record.

  • English language Proficiency level is determined from the most recent results of either:


    • Alternate ACCESS

    • WIDA Screener

Exiting from a Multilingual Learner Program only occurs when:

  • Student graduates

  • Student changes from one EL program to another (i.e. “ESL” to “Regular Education-Non-EL”)