How to Determine Multilingual Learner Eligibility for Students

How to Determine Multilingual Learner Eligibility for Students

Who Counts?

Students reported with an active school association (enrollment) record where the school is identified as primary ‘true’ on October’s Certification Cycle Census Date AND any of the Multilingual Learner program names are associated to the student are included in one of the English Learner, FEP, FNA, or No Assessment counts (based on the student’s proficiency level) on the Multilingual Learner and Immigrant certification summary.

A potential student must meet each of the following criteria:

  • Student’s primary language obtained from the Home Language Survey (HLS) is anything other than English.

    • Note: On the HLS, if any of the three questions is answered other than “English”, than that language is to be assigned in Ed-ID and the student is reported.

  • NOTED EXCEPTION: Students with language of English that participate in the Dual Language/Immersion program and English-speaking immigrant students.

  • Students with an active enrollment record on or before October’s Certification Cycle Census Date.

  • Students whose enrollment record identifies the primary school as “True”.

  • Students ages 3-21 as of October’s Certification Cycle Census Date.

    • PK immigrant between ages 3 and 5 as of October’s Certification Cycle Census Date of the reporting school year.

  • Students without error or conflict in Data Exchange.

  • Students associated to one of the Multilingual Learners Program Names (see link here).

Who Does Not Count?

  • Students with a hearing impairment and who rely on American Sign Language and the native language is English.

  • Students with their original Home Language Survey (HLS) indicating only English for all three questions, are not an immigrant, and/or are not participating in the Dual Language/Immersion program.

  • Students reaching age 22.

  • Students not enrolled and attending; only reported with a student school association (enrollment) record for purposes of providing special education services or title services.

  • Home School students dual enrolled at a public or non-public school.