How to Report Other Personnel Staff


  • Report ALL Other Personnel (Non-Certified Employees, Non-Certified and Certified employees serving Special Education students) employed for the current school year.

  • Contracted Services - A corporation contracts for services (such as bus drivers, cafeteria workers, or traffic control) instead of hiring people, these employees should be reported.

  • Staff funded by Federal programs - Other Personnel employees paid with federal funds should be reported.

  • Report actual counts as a whole (1) head count and the full-time equivalent (FTE) of all employees working in each of the  Other Personnel Categories by their Other Personnel Title. 

  • One employee works in the same corporation as a certified employee part-time and a non-certified employee (Other Personnel) part-time should be counted and reported as a whole (1) in the appropriate Other Personnel Category and Title with accurate FTE calculated, counted and reported.

  • Other Personnel that could be reasonably classified in more than one category are to be counted as a whole (1) head count in each category while the FTE value should be reported accurately to each portion the employee serves in each category.

  • Determining Full-time - It is the responsibility of each corporation to establish definitions/criteria for "full-time". This may vary between positions. For example, for secretarial staff, 40 hours a week could be full-time while for cafeteria staff, 30 hours a week could be considered full-time.

    • A full-time employee is considered to be 1.00 FTE

    • A part-time employee should be reported as a decimal less than 1.00 FTE (example: .5, .75, .25)

    • Other Personnel  working in more than one category or title should be reported as a decimal less than 1.00 FTE for each category and title the employee is working; NOT equaling more than a total of 1.00 FTE.

    • Categories or Titles without employee counts report 0 in the Other Personnel Count and Full Time Equivalency columns. 

    • Reporting Other Personnel Counts requires Full Time Equivalency Counts.

    • Reporting Full Time Equivalency Counts requires Other Personnel Counts.

    • Round all FTE values to two decimal places.