How to Submit a New Update Request in the Ed-ID Portal

The update request is used for reporting name changes, correcting or updating data on date of birth and sex that was reported incorrectly, or changing on existing students.

  1. Click on Student Search.

  2. Enter the STN and then click the Search button to see search results.

  3. Locate STN in search results then click “Update Student Record”.

  4. Existing Student Info will populate automatically from Ed-ID.

  5. Modify fields that need to be changed.

  6. It is required to enter information in the Submission notes field for IDOE.

  • Suggestions include:

    • Short note about the change: Updating name to match birth certificate, adding a middle name, previously mis-typed wrong DOB, etc.  

    • Short note about any status change to Inactive. If Reported in Error, include a note as to why this occurred.

    • Short note about you: Your name, email address and/or phone number.


Setting Status to Inactive

Allows you to request that an Ed-ID be Inactive. If you select Inactive, you must identify the inactive reason.    

  • Deceased - Deceased students should have their Ed-ID inactivated at the time of death. The STN will still be able to be reported to Data Exchange to complete the school year reporting requirements. 

  • Merged - Do not use this for requesting merges.  IDOE use only.

  • Reported in Error - Used rarely and generally, when an ID is found that should not have been created. Please make sure to include a submission note as to why this occurred.


The following updates do not require an approval: 

  • Adding data for a field that was previously blank.

  • Adding a middle name or updating a middle name from the initial to a full middle name.

  • Language code changes from English (211) to any other non-English language.

  • Language code changes from one non-English language to another non-English language.