How to Submit a New Merge Request

A New Merge Request allows you to request that two STNs be merged. When you identify that an individual is associated with two unique IDs, you may submit a merge request through the Ed-ID portal. The request will be electronically routed to the appropriate Identities Approver at IDOE. IDOE will make the final determination for most merge requests.


A preview of the Student Merge Request in the Ed-ID portal.
What the “New Merge” Request form appears as in the Ed-ID portal.
  • From dashboard, select either Student/Staff Search or Student/Staff Management.

  • If searching via Student/Staff Search button, search on STN/SPN that should be retained then click Merge as Target.

  • If searching via Student/Staff Management, click New Merge Request.


  1. Complete both the left and right side of the form.

  • Source Student Test Number - This is the Ed-ID that you are requesting to be removed.

  • Target Student Test Number - This is the Ed-ID that you believe should be kept.


3. It is required to enter information in the Submission notes field for IDOE.

  • Suggestions include:

    • Short note about why you are recommending the target STN be kept: Has previous assessment data, has IEP, etc.

    • Short note about you: Your name, email address and/or phone number.

Note: Check Student/Staff Management to review processing notes from IDOE staff. More information may be required.