Special Education Termination: General Reporting Info

Special Education Termination: General Reporting Info


Special Education Termination data is reported under 511 IAC 7-46-4 to comply with requirements under Section 618 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The data contained therein is used to determine child outcome statistics in the Annual Performance Report as required by 34 CFR § 300.601 and is used for monitoring purposes by the Indiana Department of Education to track the status of students with and without disabilities in the state and for public reporting of reasons for exiting special education services.

Special Education Termination applies to:

  • Public schools (Traditional and Charter)

Special Education Termination requires following data points sent via Vendor or Template:






Reporting Timeline:




Certification Cycle




Certification Cycle

July 1

June 30

Submission and update of special education termination records are available year round


General Reporting Information:

  • Students reported as receiving special education services who have those services ended for any reason such as exiting the school, no longer eligible for services, dropping out, graduating, etc. are to be reported for Special Education Termination.

  • Students reported as receiving special education services and completing the current school year but do not return and continue receiving services in the next school year are to be reported for Special Education Termination.

    • A Special Education Termination record with an exit date and reason exited is to be provided with a date July 1 to any date prior to the first day of the current school year.

    • Note: Some reasons exited require the enrollment date and the termination date to align.

  • Students that will be reported on the graduate report that received Special Education services after 6/30 while completing graduation requirements will be reported on the Special Education Termination report for the subsequent year.