Special Education Termination: Descriptors

Special Education Termination: Descriptors

Special Education Reason Exited Descriptors

Code Values




Transferred to Regular Education

Report students who were served in special education at the start of the reporting period, but at some point returned to general education. The student no longer has an IEP and receives all educational services in the general education program. This would include students for whom the case conference committee determined were no longer eligible for services, as well as students for whom the parent has revoked consent for services.


Earned High School Diploma



Received Certificate



Received maximum age of 22









Moved, known to be continuing in a General Education Program ONLY or moved out of state

May also be used when student has attended a nonpublic school or homeschool that does not submit data. For example: student graduated from nonpublic HS that does not submit data - submit code 16 rather than 11.

Appropriate for ending SE program record for student serving expulsion and not being educated. Do not use code 99 in this instance.


Moved, but continuing Special Education services under IDEA in Indiana



Received an Alternate Diploma



No longer qualifies

NOTE: no longer qualifies for the SE program/placement, the exceptionalities/disabilities, or the education organization (enrollment) changes. No longer qualifies for service(s) the student was receiving or where they were receiving the service(s).

Used if a program (placement) changes, OR, for students who were found ineligible and have never received Special Education services. Also appropriate when a student withdraws from the corporation prior to the completion of the Special Education Evaluation or transfers within district.

Used when program “Identified Unserved NonPublic/Homeschool Only” is no longer associated to the student at the reporting school.

Note: May be used when students are no longer receiving services from a non-public school identified with “Choice Voucher” program. While non-public schools do not report termination information to the state reason exited 99 may be utilized to keep program records accurate internally.

Note: Changes may mean a change in the Special Education program, a change in schools under the same district, and/or a change in the Special Education Exceptionalities/Disabilities.

Note: For students whose placement is changing, create a new program record with updated information.