How to Report Students Graduate (Academic) Record

How to Report Students Graduate (Academic) Record

Report a record for each graduating student providing:

A Diploma Type from one of the allowable descriptors in below chart:

A Diploma Level from one of the allowable descriptors in below chart:

Graduation Pathway Data (as needed) (Required for students identified with 2023 Cohort and beyond) includes:

One of the Employability Skills from one of the allowable descriptors in below chart:

One of the Post Secondary Competency descriptors from one of the allowable in the below chart:

One of the Locally Created Pathway (when utilized) from the chart below:

The Diploma Award Date:

  • Provide the accurate award date if student completes their graduation requirements prior to the end of the school year OR the date of the graduation ceremony after the last day of the school calendar.

Student GPA Information including:

Reporting GPA data requires:

  • Overall Cumulative GPA (GradePointAverageValue)

    • The student's overall cumulative GPA for the entirety of their high school career.

      • A student’s high school career may begin prior to entering 9th grade. The GPA begins when students take their first high school course which may be prior to 9th grade.

    • Students may have an overall cumulative GPA value higher than 4.0 provided.

  • Grade Point Average Type Descriptor identifying if the GPA is considered weighted or unweighted

    • Reporting may be at the school level or student level based on current reporting values schools have in place.

  • GPA ‘Is Cumulative’

    • This is always ‘True’ as the state expects the GPA provided to be cumulative.

      • This is not the GPA of each course, each term, or each school year; this is to be and overall cumulative GPA.

  • Maximum GPA value (maxGradePointAverageValue)

    • This is set at 4.0 for state reporting while students may have a higher (or lower) cumulative value provided.