How to Report Students Earning an Alternate Diploma, Certificate of Completion, or Course Completion

  • Students who earn an Alternate Diploma and reported on the Graduate report have the constitutional right to return to school to continue their education and/or working towards earning another diploma level.

  • Students who earn a Certificate of Course Completion or Course Completion and reported on the Graduate report have the constitutional right to return to school to continue working towards earning a diploma. In these instances, the students should be reported as usual for Enrollment, Membership, Attendance, Student Academic Record (course outcomes), and other data sets throughout each reporting school year they are enrolled and attending.

    • If those students return to school in the (immediate) fall of the following school year and complete their requirements earning a diploma (instead of a certificate) before October 1, they would be reported on the Graduate report for certification in October with the appropriate code for their diploma/designation type. IDOE will only count this student once for graduation rate as earning a diploma and not the certificate.

For more information, see DOE Guidance regarding Certificates and Diplomas.